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1、精选GRE速成指南必考词汇GRE速成指南必考词汇1 Manifest a明显的,明了的 visible evident2 Conventional a常规的 惯例的 平凡的 common customary Unexceptional3 partisan n 坚决支持者 one who support a particular person, cause,4 contentious a 好争论的 引起争论的 argumentative quarrelsome5 lament v 悲痛 哀痛 to mourn6 allusion n 暗指 提及 an indirect reference to

2、something else,especially to something in literature;a hint 7 arbiter n 主宰者 仲裁人 one who decides or arbitrates;a judge8 inherent a 内在的 固有的 part of the essential nature of something;intrinsic(内在的,固有的,本质的)9 Paradox n 似非而可能是的论点 自相矛盾的话 a true statement or phenomenon that nonetheless seems to contradict i

3、tself ;an untrue statement or phenomenon that nonetheless seems logical10 cynic n 玩世不恭的人,愤世嫉俗者 one who deeply distrust human nature;one who believes people are only motivated by selfishness11 exposition n 说明,讲解 explication12 consensus n 一致,趋合 unanimity(一致同意) or near unanimity13 comprehensive a 综合的 c

4、overing or including everything14 sagacious a 明智的,有洞察力的 wise;possessing wisdom derived from experience or learning15 precipitate v 使突然发生 to cause to happen abruptly16 pervade v 遍及,弥漫 to spread throughout17 discourse v 谈话,论述 to converse;to speak formally on a topic 18 conjure v 用魔术做成 to summon or bri

5、ng into being as if by magic19 sanction v 批准,认可,支持,同意 to authorize or approve;to ratify or confirm20 genial a 亲切的,友好的,宜人的 cheerful and pleasant;friendly;helpful21 Indulgent n 纵容的,宽容的,溺爱的 lenient(宽大的仁慈的) yielding to desire22 inert a 呆滞的 不活泼的 惰性的 inactive sluggish(缓慢的懒惰的萧条的迟钝的无精打采的),not reacting chemi

6、cally23 levee n 大堤 an embankment(提防) designed to prevent the overflowing of a river 24 erratic a 反复无常的 无规律的 漂泊的 inconsistent unpredictable aimless 35 luminous a 发光的 发亮的 giving off light glowing bright 36 abstinent a 禁欲的 有节制的 abstaining voluntarily not doing something37 placid a 安静的 平静的 pleasantly ca

7、lm peaceful38 exuberant a 精力旺盛的 繁茂的 extremely joyful or vigorous profuse(很多的,丰富的) in growth 39 impede 妨碍阻碍 阻止 to hinder;to obstruct;to slow (something)down40 permeate v 弥漫 渗入 to spread or seep(n v 渗出渗漏) through;to penetrate(渗透看穿)41 audacity n 大胆 冒险 鲁莽 boldness;reckless daring;impertinence(无理鲁莽不恰当)42

8、 indignant a 愤慨 义愤的 angry,especially as a result 43 implicit a 内含的 含蓄的 implied44 renascence n 复活 复兴 a rebirth or revival45 superfluous a 多余的 不必要的 extra unnecessary46 litigate v 提出诉讼 就诉讼 to try in court;to engage in legal proceedings47 vex v 使烦恼 使伤脑筋 to annoy;to pester(纠缠 使苦恼)48 anomaly n 不按常规 破格 异常

9、an aberration(越轨 误差 偏差)49 bereave v 丧失(亲人)to deprive or leave desolate,especially through death 50 connoisseur n 行家 鉴赏家 an expert,particularly in matters of art or taste51 corroborate v 确实证实 to confirm;to back up with confidence52 frenetic a 极度激动的 狂乱的 to refrain(抑制避免克制 副歌叠句重复) from;53 polemic n 攻击驳斥

10、 a powerful argument made in refutation or something54 synthesis n 综合 the combining of parts to form a whole55 feasible a 可行的 possible56 forbear v 克制避免 to refrain from; to abstain57 genre n 类型 流派 a distinctive category or class especially an artistic or literary one58 vindicate v 为辩护 证明正确59 concilia

11、tory a 调和的 调解的 making peace ;attempting to resolve a dispute through good will60 squalid a 肮脏的 邋遢的 可怜的 filthy (不洁的 污秽的)61 inept a 笨拙的 不称职的 clumsy incompetent62 mandatory a 强制性的义务的 required obligatory63 disseminate v 散播 传播 to spread or scatter widely;to distribute64 eclectic 自不同材料选择的 挑选的 choosing the

12、 best from many sources draw from many sources65 idyllic a 田园的 质朴宜人的 charming in a rustic(乡村的质朴的土气的) way 66 pristine a 纯洁的 未受腐蚀的 原来的 pure ;uncorrupted;in original condition67 prodigy n 神童 奇迹 奇才 an extremely talented child;an extraordinary accomplishment or occurrence68 frugal a 节约的 花钱少的 economical p

13、enny-pinching(小气的)69 qualify v 改变 限制 to modify to restrict70 decorous a 有教养的 正派的 in good taste proper71 infer v 作出结论 推论 to conclude to deduce72 ostentatious a 夸示的 炫耀的 excessively conspicuous;showing off 73 pathology n 病理学 病理 the scientific study of disease;any deviation(偏差) from a healthy,normal con

14、dition74 plumb v 测量深度 to measure the depth of75 spurious a 伪造的 假的 bogus(伪造的) false76 subjugate v 使屈服 使服从 to subdue(使服从,压制,减弱) and dominate;to enslave77 visionary n 空想家 幻想者 a dreamer a person with impractical goals or ideas about the future78 reciprocal a 互惠的 相互的 交互的 mutual shared interchangeable(可互换

15、的)79 antipathy n 反感 厌恶 firm dislike hatred(仇恨憎恨敌意)80 dissonant a 不和谐的 不一致的 disharmonious in disagreement81 palliate v 辩解 减轻 to excuse to cause to seem less serious82 substantive a 实体的 牢固的 真实的 having substance solid substantial83 surreptitious a 鬼鬼祟祟的 偷偷摸摸的 秘密的 sneaky(鬼祟的) secret84 equivocal a 歧义的 模棱

16、两可的 多义的 ambiguous intentionally confusing;capable of being interpreted in more than one way85 flippant a 轻率的 无礼的 frivolously(轻浮的愚昧的) shallow and disrespectful86 impervious a 不可渗透的 透不过的 not allowing anything to pass through;impenetrable(不能穿过的不可理喻的)87 judicious a 明智的 明断的 exercising sound judgment88 laconic a 简洁的 using few words especi

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