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1、9. in the first/second/next/last photo 在第一张/第二张/下一张/最后一张照片里10. at the pool 在这个(那个)水池11. at home 在家12. be with sb. 和某人在一起13. in this photo 在这张相片里1. hows = how is 怎样2. the weather in Shanghai 上海的天气3. in Shanghai/Beijing 在上海/北京4. play computer games 玩电子(电脑)游戏5. Uncle Joe 乔叔叔6. in picture d 在图片d中7. Arou

2、nd The World 环绕世界;世界各地8. join CCTVs Around The World show 参加中央电视台世界各地栏目9. on vacation 在度假;在假期10. take photos / a photo 照相;拍照11. lie on the beach 躺在海滩上12. look at 看着13. this group of people 这群人14. people playing beach volleyball 正在打沙滩排球的人15. look cool 看起来很酷16. in this heat 在这种热度下17. have a good time

3、玩得开心;玩得愉快18. in restaurant(s) 在餐馆里*19. as usual 像往常一样,照例*20. my whole family 我全家1. look like 看上去像;长得如何2. have short/curly/long/straight hair 留着短发/卷发/长发/直发3. be of medium height 是属于中等身高4. be of medium build 是属于中等身材5. in Class Five 在五班6. have big eyes 有一双大眼睛7. wear a red dress 穿着一条红裙子8. wear white sho

4、es 穿着白鞋子9. the captain of the basketball team篮球队的队长10. have short straight hair 留着短短的直发11. be very popular 非常受欢迎12. be thin and be of medium height长得瘦瘦的,中等身高13. have short curly blonde hai留着短短的金色卷发14. be (very) good-looking 非常漂亮15. a little bit 有点儿16. be a little bit quiet 有点儿文静17. tell jokes 讲笑话18.

5、 be a little bit heavy 有点儿重;有点儿笨拙19. have beautiful long black hair 有着美丽的黑色长发20. never do sth. 决不做某事;从不做某事21. stop talking 停止说话22. stop doing sth. 停止做某事23. have curly brown hair 留着棕色卷发34. play chess 下象棋35. this person 这个人36. wear glasses 戴着眼镜37. have a beard 留着大胡子38. remember sb. 记得某人39. the pop sin

6、ger with funny glasses and long curly hair 戴着滑稽的眼镜还留着常常的卷发的流行歌手40. have a new look 有个新形象41. not any more 不再43. go shopping 购物*44. last month 上个月1、多久一次 how often2、去踩滑板 go skateboarding3、几乎不 hardly ever4、在周末 on weekends 5、一周一次 once a week 6、一周两次 twice a week 7、一个月四次 four times a month8、上网,在网上冲浪 surf t

7、he Internet9、最爱的节目 favourite program10、这儿是 here is/are11、的结果 the result(s) of12、至于 ;关于 as for13、在格林高中 at Green High School14、一个星期一两次 once or twice a week15、一年三四次 three or four times a yearSection B1、垃圾食品 junk food2、想要某人做某事 want sb to do sth 3、对有益/好处 be good for4、和一样 the same as5、照看、照顾 look after = t

8、ake care of6、饮食习惯 eating habits 7、健康的生活方式 healthy lifestyle8、取得高分/好成绩 get good grades9、努力做某事;尽力做某事 try to do sth10、有点不健康 kind of unhealthy11、保持健康 keep in good health = keep healthy12、相当健康 pretty healthy13、与不同 be different from1、 提(一些)建议 give ( some) advice2、 感冒 have a cold3、 发烧 have a fever4、 (患)头痛

9、have a headache5、 胃痛 have a stomachache6、 牙痛 have a toothache7、 咳嗽 have a cough8、 喉咙痛 have a sore throat9、 背部酸痛 have a sore back10、 (好好)休息 have a (good) rest11、 躺下并休息 lie down and rest12、 带有蜂蜜的热茶 hot tea with honey13、 看牙医 see a dentist14、 喝大量的水 drink a lot of water15、 感觉更好 feel better1. get to schoo

10、l = arrive at school = reach school 到校2. a bus stop 公共汽车站 a train/ subway station 火车(地铁站)站3. take the subway 乘地铁4. ride a bike 骑自行车5. take the / a bus 乘公共汽车6. want to do sth. 想做某事7. take a taxi 乘坐出租车8. walk to school = go to school on foot 步行上学9. go in ones car 坐(某人的)车去10. in North America 在北美11. go by bike / bus

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