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1、选择攻读MBA项目的原因?What are the reasons to study MBA program? 第一:知识能产生更多的盈利,并使企业更加规范;One. Knowledge generates more profits and makes the enterprise more standardized:在上海交通大学海外教育学院工作期间,曾经有很多老师的课程对我产生了实际的影响,并对创业过程中的工作问题提供了解决路径。如著名税法专家高金平教授的企业涉税风险防范与纳税成本控制使我们的创业项目合理避税70%;台湾观光工厂教父黄信彰的文化资源商用化给我们活化传统文化项目提供了商业模型

2、参考;国际ICMCI认定CMC顾问李启华的购物中心的品类规划与运营管理为我们的业态组合提供了数据支持等;我相信学习更高级的课程,会获得更大的收益。When I was working at the Overseas Institute of Education of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, the courses by many teachers fostered substantial effects on me and provided me with solutions to the practical issues in the entrepren

3、eurship process. For instances, “An Enterprises Tax-related Risk Prevention and Tax-pay Cost Control” by the famous tax law expert, Prof. Gao Jinping, helped our entrepreneurial project reasonably evade the tax by 70%; “Commercialization of Cultural Resources” by Huang Xinzhang, dubbed as the “Godfa

4、ther of Taiwan Sightseeing Factories,” provided good references of business models to revitalize our traditional cultural projects; “Shopping Malls Products Planning and Operation Management” by the Internationally ICMCI-certified CMC consultant, Li Qihua, provided the data support for our format po

5、rtfolio. I believe the study of higher programs will yield bigger benefits to me. 第二:MBA的专业领域是中国非遗文化产业的短板,新的思维模型和专业能力可以让企业更有发展前景;Two. As the professional field of MBA is still the weakness of the Chinese cultural industry of intangible cultural heritage, new ideological models and professional capab

6、ilities will offer an enterprise more promising prospects: 在中国双创的带动下,文化产业不断衍生新业态、新模式。但文化类“老字号、非物质文化遗产”的产业化发展,在商业创新、品牌意识、营销理念、管理机制、资本化等方面远远落后于其他影视、动漫等板块。MBA的学习可以很好的弥补这些行业短板,获得未来行业更好的核心竞争力。Driven by the policy of “mass entrepreneurship and innovation,” Chinese cultural industry has kept generating new

7、 derivative business patterns and new models. However, the industrialization development of the “old business brands and intangible cultural heritages” in the category of culture has fallen far behind those industries of films, comic & animation, and other plates in terms of business innovation, bra

8、nd awareness, marketing concepts, management mechanism and capitalization. The study of MBA can make up for these shortcomings and help us secure better key competitive forces in the future.第三:收获了一更强的朋友和更优质的平台资源;Three. To gain more powerful friendships and better platform resources:首先我觉得“你的合作伙伴越强大,你

9、的公司就会越成功,伙伴强、你才强”。MBA是管理精英的集合,我相信会在这里遇见更多有热情和梦想的人,这些优秀的人会让我时时保持饥饿,让我更加快速的成长,并获得不同领域的专业意见与资源。It is my conviction that “the stronger you working partners are, the bigger success your company will get; the stronger your partners are, the stronger you will be.” The MBA program is always an aggregate of

10、management elites. I believe I will meet more individuals here with great enthusiasm and dreams. These outstanding people will make me always feel in want of learning, stimulate me in my growth, and provide me with professional viewpoints and resources in various fields. 第四:更强的综合能力可以获得更多的合伙话语权;Four.

11、 A stronger comprehensive capability can help get more right to speak in partnership:如今单打独斗的年代已经过去了,现在是合伙人的年代。企业除了按照各合伙人的资本分摊不同的权利和义务外,有“功劳”的合伙人在分配中才更有话语权。丰富的项目运作经验和行业履历,对用户、产品、市场的熟悉和了解,获得资源或客户的能力,拥有促进项目长远发展必须具备的能力等等,都是成为一个不可或缺的合伙人必备的。It is a time of partners now and no longer a time for single hero

12、es. Apart from sharing different rights and obligations in proportion to each partners devotion of capitals, the partners making more contributions deserve more right to speak in the distribution. It is indispensable for a partner to own not only the knowledge and insight of users, products and mark

13、ets, but also the capability to acquire resources or attract customers as well as other essential abilities for a projects long-term development. 第五:女人越独立,活得越高级;Five. The more independent a woman is, the better quality of life she is capable of: 我相信:“女孩不能做一个绣花枕头稻草包。读书和不读书的女人,过得是不一样的人生!一个女人最高级的美和底气是精

14、神丰盈、内心充实,不会因时间的推移而渐渐在生活中失控;是敢于活出自我,不需要用男人的价值来证明自己,是不惧怕时间和衰老,永远美丽和坚强”。这些都是我继续深造读书的理由,MBA不是我的终点,但会是其中重要的一站。It is my belief that “a woman shouldnt be the so-called embroidered pillow with nothing in the brain. A well-educated woman will lead a different life than an uneducated one. The highest beauty a

15、nd quality of a woman is expressed in her riches in spirit and mind. Such a woman will never lose control of life as time goes by; she will be brave to be herself rather than justified by the male value systems; she will never be afraid of time and senility but be beautiful and strong-minded forever

16、.” These are the reasons for me to continue studying. MBA is not the final destination but an important stop in the roadmap of my life plan. 第六:阶段合适,合伙人支持,有钱有闲。Six. Time and money allowed by appropriate phrase and partnership support: 目前项目阶段稳定,基本属于稳定收益,且在区域范围内已经进入瓶颈期,同时有被国有文化企业收购的潜在性。计划未来两年除参与一些部队后勤保障供应外,在现有的基础上不会扩大化经营。如未来需要深化业务线或异地扩张,都需要更大的平台、资源与管理能力。合伙人认识与我个人一致,极力赞成我加深学习,扩大个人平台。At present, the project is steady in its

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