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1、5. one of the first Europeans to discover America 发现美洲的首批欧洲人之一6. a composer of classical music 古典音乐作曲家7. a great writer of English literature 一位英国文学的巨匠Reading8. become interested in flying 对飞行感兴趣9. take ones first flight = take ones flight for the first time 进行某人第一次的飞行10. receive his student pilots

2、licence 收到飞行学员证11. join the navy 加入海军12. serve as a pilot 服役当飞行员13. a test pilot 一位试飞员14. test all types of aircraft测试各种类型的飞机15. be chosen to become an astronaut 被选为一名宇航员16. go into space进入太空17. manage to join two spacecraft togetherfor the first time in space 成功将两个航天器在太空首次交会对接manage to do sth. 设法做某

3、事18. However, on their way back to the Earth, the spacecraft began spinning out of control. 但是, 在他们返回地球的途中,宇宙飞船开始旋转,失去控制。(be) out of control 失去控制,不受操纵 (be) under control 在控制之下The car went out of control and hit a tree by the road. 车失去控制,撞上了路边的一棵树。19. Armstrong received the order to cut the flight sh

4、ort. He successfully brought the spacecraft down into the Western Pacific Ocean. 阿姆斯特朗接到缩短航程的指令。 他成功地使宇宙飞船落入西太平洋。20. On 20 July 1969, Armstrong became the first man to walk on the Moon. 1969年7月20日,阿姆斯特朗成为第一个登上月球的人。21. land the spacecraft on the Moon使宇宙飞船在月球着陆22. One small step for (a) man, one giant

5、 leap for mankind. 对于一个人来说是一小步,对于人类来说是一次巨大的飞跃。23. step out onto the Moons surface跨出去到月球表面24. They collected Moon rocks to take back to the Earth for further research. 他们采集了月球岩石带回地球作进一步研究。for further research 为了进一步的研究25. Because of his excellent service, Neil Armstrong was presented the Medal of Free

6、dom, the highest award that a US citizen can receive.因为他的出色表现,尼尔阿姆斯特朗被授予自由勋章一个美国公民可得的最高奖励。26. the pride of the whole world全世界的骄傲be the pride of 是.的骄傲take pride in = be proud of 以为自豪be proud to do sth. 做某事很自豪Grammar27. have a day out with my classmates 与我的同学出去一天 28. shop online 网上购物29. search for inf

7、ormation on the Internet 在网上搜索信息30. practise playing the piano the whole night 整个晚上练习弹钢琴31. find a website about traveling in space 找到一个有关太空旅行的网站32. read passages on the website 在网站上看文章 33. talk to sb. on the phone 和某人在电话里谈 34. Many modern inventions have made a great difference in our life. 很多现代的发明

8、已经使我们的生活产生了巨大变化。make a difference (to ) (对)有影响,起作用35. change the way we live/our lifestyle改变我们的生活方式36. in ancient times 在古代 in the old days 在旧时代37. use salt to help them keep fish or meat for a longer time 用盐帮助他们使鱼或肉保存更长的时间38. go bad变坏/质39. wash their clothes by hand手工洗衣服40. with the invention/devel

9、opment of 随着的发明/随着的发展Integrated skills41. win the Nobel Prize twice during her lifetime 在她一生中两次获得诺贝尔奖42. She was the youngest of five children. 她是五个孩子中最小的。43. a science professor 一位科学教授44. died at the age of 67 67岁时去世died on 4 July 1934, aged 67. 死于1934年七月4日,享年67岁。45. the discovery of radium 镭元素的发现

10、46. win the Nobel Prize for Physics/ Chemistry 因为物理学/化学荣获诺贝尔奖47. die in a traffic accident 在一场交通事故中去世48. the end of the story 故事的结局49. It was brave of him to go to a place that was unknown to humans at that time. 她很勇敢,到一个当时人类未知的地方去。be unknown to humans 不为人类所知 50. She also pushed for the use of X-ray

11、 machines, which are now widely used in hospitals. 她(居里夫人)还推动了X光设备的使用,这种设备现已在医院广泛应用。push for the use of 推动的使用be widely used 被广泛使用 Task51. a rice scientist 一位水稻科学家52. one of the greatest people that have ever lived 在史以来最伟大的人之一53. work as a teacher in an agriculture school after graduating/he graduate

12、d from college 大学毕业后在一所农业学校当老师54. see people die of hunger 看到人们死于饥饿 55. begin research into hybrid rice 开始研究杂交水稻56. happen to do sth. 碰巧做某事57. have many advantages over others 比其它(水稻)有优势58. After nearly ten years of hard work, he and his team finally developed a new type of hybrid rice plant, which

13、produced 20 % more rice per unit than other common kinds. 几乎十年的刻苦工作之后,他和他的团队最终开发出一种新的杂交水稻,它比其它普通种类的水稻每单位增产20%的大米。59. be introduced into the USA 被引进到美国60. at present 目前61. make a contribution to (doing sth.) / make contributions to (doing sth.) 为作贡献62. His achievements have increased rice production

14、by 20-30, and in some places even more. 他的成就使水稻产量以20至30增长,在一些地方甚至更多。Because of his achievements, rice production has been increased by 20%-30%, and in some places even more. 由于他的成就,水稻产量已经以20至30增长,在一些地方甚至更多。63. spend all his life on the research and development of better rice plants 把他的一生奉献在更好的水稻植物的研究和发展上64. solve the problem of hunger for many people 为许多了解决饥饿问题65. That is why I admire him so much. 这就是我如此钦佩他的原因。4

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