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1、5.琳达没能进入那所著名的大学,但他打算重新开始,而不是逃避挑战.Linda was not able to go to that famous college, but she planned to start all over again ,rather that give up the challenge.6.这个公司有着很好的公众形象.人们总是将他的产品与高质量和优质服务联系在一起.This company has a good public image. People always associate is product with high quality and good ser

2、vice. Unit 21.孩子们很苦恼,因为他们的家长不允许他们在铁道旁玩耍.The children are pretty annoyed that their parent dont allow them to play around the railway track.2.我打赌我只要速度快一点,肯定会比他们先到目的地.I bet if I pick up a little speed I will reach the destination sooner than they do. 3.这种糟糕的天气让人不想出去,你还不如在家舒展一下筋骨,做做运动.You dont want to

3、go out in such a rotten weather .Its better for you to stay home and stretch your legs and do physical exercises. 4.已经十点半了,你不应该还在睡觉!快赶到飞机场去接你表弟!Its half past ten ,and youre not supposed to be sleeping ! Its time to head for the airport to pick up your consin.5.是谁想到让麦克来接管这项工程的?Who came up with the id

4、ea to ask Mike to take over the project?6.学校对不同种族背景的学生没有区别对待.The school makes no distinction in treating students from different racial backgrounds. Unit 31.他是一个合格的机械师,但他后来却搞起了国际贸易.He is a qualified mechanic, but he winds up with a job in internation trade. 2.他在业余时间报名参加计算机基础知识的培训,但没能坚持到底.He enrolled

5、 in an elementary computer trainingprogram, but failed to get through.3.校长经过面试,选择了几个优秀的大学毕业生从事教育工作.After the interview, the principal choise several outstanding university graduate to work as teachers.4.这份合同对我们公司非常重要,所以写的越具体越好,我要和我的同事们好好谈谈.This contract is very important to our company, The more con

6、crete it is the better. I need to talk it over with my colleagues.5.那个小男孩患上了严重的白血病,必须转到大医院接受进一步治疗.The boy suffers form secere leukemia and had to be transferred to a big hospital for further treatment.6.当他得知父亲所在的学校已经倒闭后,泪水从她的脸颊上滚落下来.When he heard that the school where his father worked had closed do

7、wn ,tears rolled down his cheeks. Unit 41.布鲁斯先生对他不尊重当地传统的行为表示了歉意.Mr bruce made an apology for his disrespect for the local traditions.2.在会议上,双方就两国关系方面交换了各自的观点.At the meeting ,the two side on the relations between the two countries erchanged their views.3.他目前心情很糟糕,不适合在公共场合露面.He is in such a bad mood,

8、is not that it is not appropriate for him to appear in public. 4.你提水的时候至少应该做到不要把水泼出来呀!You should at least try not to spill the water when carrying it.Or:When you carry water at lest should do dont spilled water come out.5.这位科学家的论点得到了学术界的极大支持.The scientist argument for the received academic circles g

9、reat support.6.无论你遇到什么困难,大家都会帮你读过难关的.No matter what you encounter difficulties, we well help you through. Unit 5 1.移动通信会取代固定电话成为人们最常用的通讯方法吗.Will mobile communication edge out fixed lines as the most frequently used means of communication.2.我指指墙上的钟.女儿心领神会,加快了穿衣服的速度.I pointed at the clock on the wall

10、.My daughter took the hint and speed up dressing herself. 3.在会议期间,请各位关闭手机或将其调整至静音状态.Please switch off your cell phone or set it in silent mode during the meeting.4.气象学家密切关注台风的发展,以便及时向公众发布警报.Meteorologist are on the lookout for the progress of the typhoon so as to alert the public in time. 5.小张说中国经济稳

11、定增长,前景看好,所以他决定回国就业.Xiao zhang cited the steady economic growth in China and its bright future to explain he decision to return to work here. Unit 61.杰米冲到人行道上.捡起钱包.据的高高的.大声喊道:妈妈你的钱包掉了!Jim raced to the sidewalk ,picked up the purse, which he had high up, and shouted ,Mom ,you are dropped your purse.2.

12、父亲最近情况不是太好,我这部小说写完后就回北京照顾他.Father has been in a rather bad shape recently, I will return to Beiging to care for him as soon as are finished with writting this novel.3.我突然想起他让我帮他收拾行李,因为他明天要出差.It suddenly came to me that he had asked me to pack up for him because he was leaving on a business trip tomo

13、rrow.4.她收拾好他的东西然后悄悄地离开了家.She gathered up her belongings and left home quietly5.他谁的话都不听.我不知该那他怎么办.He wont listen to anyone .I dontknow what to do with him. Unit 71.在喝了三罐啤酒之后,玛丽连站都站不起来了。After drinking three jars of beer, Mary could hardly get to her feet.2.由于担心房产价格可能会下跌,一些房产商(real estate developers)开始

14、急于出售房屋。Some real estate developers are now eager to sell their houses for fear that the prices might drip.3.当琳达打开房门时,眼前的景象使他惊呆了。橱柜的门都敞开着,地上到处是衣服和书。When Linda opened the door, she was shocked by what she saw. All the cupboard doors were wide open, and there were clothes and books lying here and there on the floor.4.迈克早已对老板每周一次的长篇报告感到厌倦,每次听着听着他总会打起盹来。Mike has already got tired of the long speech given by his boss every we

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