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1、I love human behaviors - how we act differently in different situations and environments - and these cute five-year-olds with their adorable cheeks and the perfect height to give warm, morning hugs to and almost a competitive love for high fives, were so interesting.我喜欢研究人类的行为我们在不同的情况和环境下的不同行为这些可爱的五

2、岁孩子有着可爱的脸庞和完美的身高,能够在早晨给人温暖的拥抱,而且几乎对高五有着竞争性的热爱,真是太有趣了。My first class was called a Mars class. I had 10 students, and each were so full of character. But there was this one kid Ill never forget. Lets call him Sam. Sam behaved like he forgot he was only five. He was so independent. Not only did he know

3、 how to tie his own shoelaces, but he knew how to tie other kids shoelaces too. He also never took home a dirty thermos, because he would clean it after his lunch.我接手的第一个班叫火星班。我有10个学生,每个人都很有个性。但有一个孩子我永远不会忘记。我们叫他山姆吧。山姆表现得好像忘了他才五岁。他很独立。他不仅知道如何系自己的鞋带,而且也知道如何系其他孩子的鞋带。他也从不把脏水瓶带回家,因为午饭后他会把它清理干净。And if som

4、ething happened and he needed a change of clothes, he would do so very quietly and discreetly by himself. He didnt ask for help much himself, but he was the one that his classmates went to for help - help on things like, can he help them finish their kimchi? Because its too spicy. He didnt like show

5、ing any type of affection to teachers and came across as the cool kid.如果发生什么事,他需要换衣服,他会非常安静和谨慎地自己做。他自己也不怎么寻求帮助,但他是同学们求助的对象比如,他能帮他们吃完泡菜吗?因为太辣了。他不喜欢对老师表现出任何的爱慕之情,给人的印象是“酷小子”。If you gave him a good-morning hug, he would roll his eyes and make a funny face as to show discontent, but also stand there and

6、 wait if he didnt get his morning hug. He was so smart and reliable that even I would forget that he was only five.如果你给他一个早上好的拥抱,他会翻白眼,做一个滑稽的表情来表示不满,但如果早上没有拥抱他,他也会站在那里等着。他非常聪明可靠,连我都忘了他只有五岁。As a novice teacher, I spent a lot of time observing how more experienced teachers interacted with their studen

7、ts. And I noticed something very peculiar. Oftentimes when kids fall, they dont start crying immediately. They would stand up, puzzled, as if trying to make up their mind - you know, What just happened? Is this a big enough deal for me to cry? Does this hurt? Whats going on?作为一名新手教师,我花了很多时间观察更有经验的教师

8、如何与学生互动。我注意到一些很奇怪的事情。通常,当孩子摔倒时,他们不会马上哭。他们会站起来,困惑不解,好像要下决心比如,“刚才发生了什么事?”“这件事够我哭的吗?这疼吗?这是怎么回事?”Usually kids will be OK until they lock eyes with an adult: one that they trust and know can do something for them. Eyes lock, and then, they burst out in tears. When I noticed this, I so wanted it to happen

9、 to me, because to me, that meant that you had earned a kids trust and had proven that youre capable to help them with anything. You were a hero to them.通常孩子们都会没事的,直到他们和一个成年人对视:一个他们信任并知道可以为他们做点什么的人。眼睛一眨,就哭了起来。当我注意到这一点时,我非常希望它发生在我身上,因为对我来说,这意味着你赢得了一个孩子的信任,证明了你有能力帮助他们做任何事情。你是他们心目中的英雄。Weeks went by of

10、me just watching other teachers have kids run to them in tears, and Id watch in jealousy. Oh, was I jealous. I mean, of course I didnt want the kids to fall, but I really wanted that moment of validation that yes, I had earned a kids trust enough to be the one to help them.几周过去了,我只能看着其他老师让孩子们哭着向他们跑去

11、,而我会嫉妒地看着。哦,我嫉妒。我的意思是,当然,我不希望孩子摔倒,但我确实希望得到验证的那一刻,是的,我赢得了孩子的信任,足以成为帮助他们的人。Then, it finally happened. It was a beautiful day. It was during recess at the indoor playground. The kids were playing and I was getting some things laminated - because teachers are forever laminating stuff - in the teachers r

12、oom next door. Then I heard a kid yell, Teacher, teacher, Sam fell down. So I went out to peak, looked around for Sam, and there he was, looking very puzzled, as if he was trying to add double digits.后来,事情终于发生了。那是一个美丽的日子。那是在室内操场休息的时候。孩子们在玩,我在隔壁的老师房间里买了些东西,因为老师们总会屯点东西。然后我听到一个孩子喊道:“老师,老师,萨姆摔倒了。”于是我走到山

13、顶,四处寻找萨姆,他就在那儿,看上去很困惑,好像他在试图做两位数的加减法。Then he looked at me, our eyes locked, and then it happened. His lower lip started to tremble and his tiny eyes started to fill with tears. Then he burst out in tears running towards me, and it was glorious. Ill never forget that moment. He let me give him a big

14、hug to help him calm down, and it turns out that yes, he did trip over his own two feet so there was no one other than the floor to reprimand. We checked to make sure that he wasnt hurt and he overcame that with not even a bruise.然后他看着我,我们的眼睛紧锁,然后事情发生了。他的下唇开始颤抖,他的小眼睛开始充满泪水。然后他突然大哭起来,朝我跑来,真是太光荣了。我永远不会忘记那一刻。他让我给了他一个大大的拥抱,让他冷静下来,结果证明,是的,他确实绊倒了自己的两只脚,所以除了地板,没有其他人可以训斥。我们检查了一下,确保他没有受伤,他克服了这一点,甚至没有一点瘀伤。It was in that moment, oddly - it didnt feel like I was there to help Sam, but rather he was giving me th

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