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本文(北京市房山区周口店中学七年级英语上册Unit3HomeLesson9Nearmyhome教案(新版)北师大版(新)Word格式文档下载.doc)为本站会员(b****2)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、按义务教育英语课程标准(2011年版)的要求分类:二级词汇:place, lake, playground, river, shop, supermarket, house, go fishing, study, swim五级词汇:forest, hill, countryside, everything, go fishing, usually,按照话题分类: near your home restaurant, post office, school, hospital, library, shopping mall, park, 策略:围绕话题整理词汇;略读和细读的阅读策略。语法:The

2、re be的用法第一课时教学目标在本课学习结束时,学生能够:1. 说出居所周围各类地点的名称。2. 通过阅读,获取居所周边环境的信息,并通过对比发现其不同。3. 初步体验和感知there be 句型的意义及用法。4. 运用获取的居所周围环境的信息设计并描述自己理想的居所周边的环境。5. 熟悉自己住所周边的环境,爱护身边的环境。教学重点 1. 通过阅读,获取居所周边环境的信息。2. 初步体验和感知there be的表意功能和用法。教学难点运用获取的居所周围环境的信息设计并描述自己理想的居所周边的环境。教学资源教材、多媒体课件、学案、电脑、黑板和粉笔。教学过程教学活动设计意图互动模式&时间Warm

3、 upStep 1Students give presentations to introduce the white house in the world.1. Some students search for information about the White House and give presentations in the class.2. Other students watch the presentations and do a quiz.学生通过小组分工合作,搜索有关美国白宫的相关信息,提高学生自主学习能力,激发学生学习兴趣,丰富文化背景知识,增长自信心。CW5Pre-

4、readingStep 2Lead to the topic of this lessonSs talk about the topic with the help of the pictures.利用家的图片,引入本课主题并激发学生的学习兴趣。IW1Step 3Ss learn and practice the new words.1. Ss brainstorm the names of some places.2. Ss learn the new words with the help of pictures. 3. Ss read the words aloud. 1) Read t

5、he new words after the teacher. 2) Read the new words together. 3) Check some students to read the words 4. Ss divided the new words into 2 groups: city &country.1. 激活学生有关居所周边环境的词汇。2. 通过图片带领学生熟悉新词汇,通过领读,引导学生反复认读和识记话题词汇;3.通过分类帮助学生构建词汇间的联系,检测学生对于字音,字义,字形的掌握,并为下面的阅读做好铺垫。While-readingStep 41st reading S

6、s get the general information by answering the question.Q: Where do they live? 1. Ss skim a text and underline the answers on their books.2. Ss share in class.2st reading Ss get the detail information by circling the places that mentioned in the text.1. Ss read the texts individually.2. Ss circle th

7、e places mentioned in the text.3. Ss share the answers in class.3st reading Ss get and understand the information by filling in the blanks .1.T shows the Ss one example and evidence2.Ss read the texts, fill in the blanks with is/isnt or are/arent and underline the evidence individually. 3. Ss share

8、their answers in pairs.4. Ss share their answers in class, the students will understand what “there” refer to with teachers help.5. Ss understand the reasons why there arent many fish in the river and realize the importance of protecting the environment.快速阅读,捕捉关键词句,获取文章大意-两位主人公的不同住所,渗透阅读技巧。学生再次快速浏览课

9、文,获取细节信息,划出文中提到的有关住所周边环境的细节信息。通过细读课文,填写文中所缺的信息,理解细节信息,发现城市和乡村周边环境的不同。在语境中理解there be句型表达存在或不存在的意义。引导学生深入理解语篇,爱护身边的环境。PW25Step 5Ss understand the meaning and using of the language “there be”1. Ss listen to the tape and read the text aloud.2. Ss choose the correct pictures.3. Ss understand the language

10、 “there be.”.4. Ss summarize the function of “there be.”sentences.4. Ss read the sentences aloud.5. Ss practice “there be.” by describing pictures.听录音,模仿语音语调,培养语感。用选择图片的形式检测学生对于全文信息的理解。学生观察句子,初步感知there be句型的意义和用法。Step 64st reading 1. Ss get and understand the information by answering the questions.Q

11、1: Does Liu Yin enjoy living in the city? How do you know?Q2: Where do you prefer to live, in the city or in the countryside? Why? 2. Ss express their different opinions. (Their answers could be various.)挖掘文本较深层的信息,进一步内化信息,训练学生思考以及独立表达自己观点的能力。初步运用所学语言。Post-readingSs talk about their dream neighborho

12、odsActivity: Activity:二十一世纪报正在就“my dream places near my home”这一话题进行演讲比赛,要求描述你理想中的家周围的环境并简述你的理由。请你参赛。要求:1)贴出/画出你的设计图;2)就你的设计图进行描述并简述理由。操作步骤: 1)选择合适的图片,贴出或画出你理想中的家周围的环境; 2)结合你的图片,在4人小组内描述自己理想中的居住环境; 3)选出代表进行班级展示。1. Ss understand the task.2. T gives an example and a table to support their presentation.

13、3. Ss stick pictures to design their dream neighborhoods individually and talk about it in groups.4. Ss give presentations in the class.Example:My ideal home is in the country. Near my home,there is a lake. I often go running near the lake.There is a forest.The air is very fresh .There are sheep.There is also a coffee shop. Its my favorite place!通过设计

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