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1、footballmatch.B.HecanttakepartinC.getticketto第二节(共15个小题;每小题1.5分,共225分)听第6段材料9回答第67小题。( ) 6Whataretheygoingdotomorrow?AGoswimming.BGohiking.CGoshopping.( ) 7Whenandwherewillmeet?AAt8,atschoolgate.BAt5,playground.CAt6,classroom.听第7段材料,回答第89小题。( ) 8Whatcolordoesmansdaughterlikebest?AYellow.BBlue.CRed.(

2、 ) 9Whichcoatmanchooseshop?ATheyellowone.blueCNeither.听第8段材料,回答第1012小题。( ) 10WhatisBob?AAstudent.teacher.CAdoctor,( ) 11WhatMaryworriedabout?AHerparents.BHerlessons.CHerhealth.( ) 12Whenwill-Ms.SmithgoseeMary?ATonight.BTomorrowmorning.CTomorrowevening.听第9段材料9回答第l315小题。( ) 13Whatrelationshipbetweenth

3、em?ATeacherBWaitercustomer.CShopperclerk.( ) 14Whattablewomanwant? ) 15Howsoonherfood?AInminute.20minutes.10minutes.听第l0段材料,回答第1620小题。( ) 16Whichseasonwasit?ASpring.BAutumn.CWinter.( ) 17WhatdidMengZhonghelphismother?AHegrewcrops.BHehousework.CHemademoney.( ) 18Whyveryw

4、orried?AHismothertired.hadnomoneyformedicine.couldnfindbambooshoots.( ) 19Whatwhenhedidnknowwhatlast?criedsadlywholeday.askedneighborshelp.sentanotherdoctor.( ) 20Howfinallyshootsstory?helpedhim.boughtthemfromstore.CHislovemovedGod.考点一:非谓语动词-固定搭配考法v+to doask, decide, hope, want, agree, choose, wish,

5、 would like+ to do sthlearn, hate, like, love, prefer, begin, start(+ doing sth)try, forget, remember, stop, go onask, choose, decide, forget, know, learn, see, show, teach, tell, understand, find out疑问词+to do sth不带to 的动词不定式做宾补感 官 动 词hearhear sb do sthseesee sb do sthwatchwatch sb do sthfindfind sb

6、do sthfeelfeel sb do sth使役动词makemake sb do sthletlet sb do sth其他helphelp sb do sthV+doing:enjoy, finish, imagine, keep, mind, practice, can t help, give up,busy等【真题链接】1. Stop a noise in the library. The students are reading books.A. make make C.makes D.making2. Would you mind the TV? Your fathe

7、r is working now.A. turning up B.turning down turn up turn down3. Peter is busy at school, but he never forgets exercises every day.A. working; doing B. working; to do C. at work; doing4. China will spend about 52 billion yuan new airports.A. repairing B. to build C. building D. to repair5

8、. He turned off the computer after he finished the email.A. write write C.writing D. wrotestop to dostop doingforget to doforget doingremember to do remember doingtry to dotry doinggo on to dogo on doingbe afraid to dobe afraid doingregret to doregret doingstop to do sth/ stop doing sth Stop to

9、 do sth: 停止,去做另一件事 Stop doing sth: 停止做某事他们停下来抽了支烟。SmokeThey stopped a cigarette.我必须戒烟了。I must Forget to do:忘记要去做某事。 Forget doing sth:忘记做过某事。He forgot to turn the light off. He forgot turning the light off. Go on to do sth:放下手中的活,继续去做别的事 Go on doing sth:继续做原来的事。We had supper and went on to watch TV.

10、We didnt have a rest and went on working. Have a try:1. Please dont forget the room while I am away in Beijing.A. clean B. to clean C. cleaned D. cleaning2. After reading the words, she went on them.A. writing B. to write C. write D. and write3. Mr Brown asked us to stop ,and we stopped to him at once.A. talking; listen to B. to talk; listen toC. talking;listening D. to talk; listen中考预测【2013四川宜宾】33.Would you mind _ in the dining hall?

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