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1、恢复过来 The rich woman was so upset at the loss of her beloved puppy that it was hard for her to get over the shock.Get.down:使消沉 Miss Lim told me that his poor academic performance got her down. Get down to:认真做 It is sometimes difficult to get down to serious work after a long holiday .Get round/around

2、:回避 What will happen will happen. I see no way of getting round the imponderables.Get on for:(常以进行时态出现)将近 No one knows about that film stars actual age, but it must be getting on for 50 years old.Get away/off with:逃避处罚 The police have not let anyone get away with his or her illegal act.Get.across:把(

3、讯息等)传达给 The minister tried to get his ideas across to the masses of people. Get back at:向报仇 I notice that people often get back at whoever is unkind to them.Get back to:再与联络 Sorry , I am busy at the moment. Let me get back to you laterGet in with:与保持良好关系 James joined a high-class club to get in with

4、 influential people寄出 The manager asked his secretary to get all the letters off before 5p.m.Get.out:推出产品、出版 As a rule, manufacturers will get their new products out before Christmas. / Jason will get another book out soon .Get on with:继续进行 It is time to turn off the TV and get on wit

5、h your unfinished home work.Get at:(常以进行式出现)批评、暗示 Henrys wife is getting at him for not helping with the household chores . / I dont know what Peter was getting at when he said that his secretary could be more successful as a fashion model.Get by:应付 In Singapore, some people cannot get by on only on

6、e source of income.Get in:被选 Which party will get in this time, the Republican Party or the Democratic Party?Get along:继续过话、相处 I think all can get along quite well without being rich. / Do you get along well with your new colleagues?Get out of:摆脱、获利 You should get out of your smoking habit, the soon

7、er the better. / Michael organised the holiday trip, but I dont know what will he get out of it. get even with.:向报复 “Mike accused Peggy of costing him the job and said that he would get even with her one day.” get a grip on oneself:控制自己的情绪 “Stop being hysterical and get a grip on yourself.” get.nowh

8、ere:使不会有进展 “What is the use of such nonsense? It gets us nowhere.” the ground:使开始进行 “Janet has a great idea of publishing something for her students, but I wonder if she will ever get the plan off the ground.” get on someones nerves:使人厌烦 “She is used to complaining some other people in my pr

9、esence; this really gets on my nerves.” get.straight:把弄清楚 “Let us get this straight: David needs a car and I lend it to him, not you.” get the better of.:胜过 “David is a bilingual. No wonder he got the better of Kate in handling some tricky problems.” get a feel of.:尝试 “In this country, it is good fo

10、r you to get a feel of living among various races.” get the hang of.:懂得的窍门 “You have to have some practical experience before you get the hang of managing this kind of office work.” get the picture clear:准确地了解情况 “To get the picture clear, you must read the annual report in detail.” get the message:了

11、解人家所说的 “As no one asked any question, I assume all got the message.” get to grips with.:努力对付 “One has to get to grips with new technology, the sooner the better.” get to the bottom of.:弄清的真相 “Something seems to have gone wrong with Nancy; lets get to the bottom of it.” get wind of:得到密报 “Please keep

12、the plan secret; no one is supposed to get wind of it prematurely.” get.wrong:误解 “I dont object to your idea, but I doubt it is practicable. This is my position, so dont get me wrong./ The newspaper apologised that it had got the fact wrong.” get down to business:认真办事 “Time is running short;s get do

13、wn to business now. ” get a move on:赶快 “We ought to get a move on or we will be late for the musical concert.” get ones head down:静静地工作 “His naughty son promised to get his head down before the final exam.” s hands on.:要得到 “They all want to get their hands on the old mans money.” get someones back up:使讨厌 “You will just get your friends back up if you keep on being nasty.”

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