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1、第一节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,共15分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题纸上将该项涂黑。My. friendship with the students in a primary school in Uganda started on a shaky ground. 我的。与乌干达一所小学学生的友谊开始时并不稳固。The 1 of not being understood was hidden within, for they spoke a language different from that of mine and mine

2、too fell on deaf ears.他们心中隐藏着一种不被理解的恐惧,因为他们说的语言与我的语言不同,我的语言也被置若罔闻。I greeted them with a wide smile, and when I spoke further, they replied with ice cold 2 A reminder echoed in my mind: you must live through it to get to them. So I gave it another .try. I spoke 3 English with hand gestures and a bit

3、of dancing. If all failed, the smile would 4 Soon we picked up and then the 5 of the learners came into play. At the mention of a name, trembles and face covering were the response I got. I decided to 6 a desk with a team each day during group work to get closer. After school, I accompanied them hom

4、e.原文解析:我微笑着向他们打招呼,当我继续说话时,他们以冰冷的沉默回答我,一个提醒在我脑海中回响:你必须经历这一切才能接近他们。所以我又试了一次。我说着简单的英语,做着手势,还跳了一会儿舞。如果一切都失败了,微笑会接管一切。我们很快就学会了,然后学习者的害羞开始起作用了。听到一个名字,我的反应是颤抖和掩面。在小组工作中,我决定每天与一组人共用一张桌子,以拉近彼此的距离。放学后,我陪他们回家。7 , we became friends. They were even aware of my favorite fruit, avocado (牛油果): If I didnt get one on

5、 my desk, it would 8 me wherever I was. My slippers were worn out. One night I left them out as no one could steal a pair of slippers in that state. The next morning, I was ready to drag my slippers on as usual and I was surprised they had been 9 Wow!渐渐地,我们成了朋友。他们甚至知道我最喜欢的水果鳄梨:如果我桌上没有一个,不管我在哪里,它都会找到

6、我。我的拖鞋穿坏了。一天晚上,我把它们放在了外面,因为在那种情况下没人能偷到一双拖鞋。第二天早上,我准备像往常一样拖着我的拖鞋,我惊讶地发现它们被修好了,哇!The little things we do for each other bring us great joy and warmth. 我们为彼此做的小事给我们带来了巨大的快乐和温暖。We dont have a proper spoken language, but we are fluent in the language of 10 .我们没有合适的口语,但我们的友谊语言很流利。1. A. anger B. fear C. co

7、nfusion D. disappointment2. A. agreement B. blame C. comment D. silence3. A. simple B. official C. academic D. unusual4. A. turn up B break off C. take over D. fade away5. A. shyness B. laziness C. loneliness D. calmness6. A. clear B. share C. search D. exchange7. A. Suddenly B. Obviously C. Acciden

8、tally D. Gradually8. A. hit B. find C. catch D. hunt9. A. packed B: cleaned C. repaired D. abandoned10. A. sympathy B. admiration C. friendship D. confidence第二节 语法填空(共10小题:每小题15分,共15分)阅读下列短文,根据短文内容填空。在未给提示词的空白处仅填写1个适当的单词,在给出提示词的空白处用括号内所给词的正确形式填空。ABrian Skerry is an underwater photo journalist As par

9、t of his job, he encounters mysterious sea 11 (creature) such as whales and sharks. To get the best photo Skerry gets close to the wildlifeeven if its dangerous. One time in Mexico, a squid gabbed Skerry as he 12 . (take) a photo.Why does Skerry take these risks? He hopes his photographs will make p

10、eople think about life in the oceans. As Skerry says, “The oceans are in real trouble. As a journalist, the most important thing I can do is to raise public 13 (aware).”原文解析:Brian Skerry is an underwater photo journalist As part of his job, he encounters mysterious sea creatures such as whales and s

11、harks. To get the best photo Skerry gets close to the wildlifeeven if its dangerous. One time in Mexico, a squid gabbed Skerry as he was taking a photo. He hopes his photographs will make people think about life in the oceans. As Skerry says, “The oceans are in real trouble. As a journalist, the mos

12、t important thing I can do is to raise public awareness.”Brian Skerry是一名水下摄影记者在他的工作中,他遇到了神秘的海洋生物,如鲸鱼和鲨鱼。为了拍出最好的照片,斯科利接近了野生动物即使这很危险。有一次在墨西哥,斯科利正在拍照,一只鱿鱼跟他说话。斯科利为什么要冒这个险?他希望他的照片能让人们思考海洋中的生命。正如斯克里所说:“海洋正面临真正的麻烦。作为一名记者,我能做的最重要的事情就是提高公众的意识。”BIn the past few years, researchers at Land University 14 (publi

13、sh) several papers on dogs ability to detect the warmth of a body without touching it. Their results show that, from 5 feet away, dogs can reliably tell the difference 15 a 4-inch object at body temperature and one at room temperature. The scientists identified a set of nerves in a dogs nose 16 appe

14、ar to be responsible. The skin on a dogs nose can absorb the tiny amount of infrared light (红外线) leaking from a warm object, and the nerves inside the skin quickly sense that extra energy, 17 (signal) to the brain that something warm is nearby.In the past few years, researchers at Land University ha

15、ve published several papers on dogs ability to detect the warmth of a body without touching it. Their results show that, from 5 feet away, dogs can reliably tell the difference between a 4-inch object at body temperature and one at room temperature. The scientists identified a set of nerves in a dogs nose that appear to be responsible. The skin on a dogs nose can absorb the tiny amount of infrared light leaking from a warm object, and the nerves inside the skin quickly sense that extra energy,signaling to the brain that something warm is nearby.在过去的几年里,兰德大学(Land University)的研究人员发

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