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1、the leasthesitation and saved the boy. His behavior and his way of thinking have a great influence on me. Thats why my father is the person I admire most.2.Could you please describe your favorite teacher in your university?My favorite teacher is Mrs. Xin, who taught me practical writingShe is so kno

2、wledgeable and takes time out to explain everything until everyone understands. Specially, when she supervised my thesis, she was quite patient and told me which kind of journals and articles I should read when doing research and preparing the literature review. she taught me how to polish it to mak

3、e it better and more appropriate. Besides,she likes to travle around the world ,she used to share her Journey knowledge to us.Her behavior and her way of thinking make me want to be someone like her. Thats why Mrs. Xin is my favorite teacher in my university.3、 What kind of friend do you think is a

4、good friend?In my opinion, Life is good enough with a good friend.I dont have any requirement for a good friend .As long as the one is true to me ,ill cherish him. I still could remember that I had a bad experience on my job hunting. I was so sad during the period and my friend DUODUO just sat besid

5、e me, listened to me, and inspired me.She asked me to watch movies and Invite me to dinner. In the company ofher, I felt much better and drag myself up.So this is a good friend,rich or poor,he is always here for you. 4、 What kinds of personalities do you think a good leader should have?In my opinion

6、, a good leader should possess the following personalities. Firstly, a good leader should be wise and strategic. He or she needs make critical calls at assorted points in their organization. Having the knowledge to make the correct call is crucial in making sure the organization is successful. Secon

7、dly, a good leader is usually a great orator and persuader. Theyre very comfortable with public speaking and are very inspiring people. Thirdly, a good leader should be persistent and disciplined. They are determined in attaining their goals and they are very controlled in the pursuit of their goals

8、. Those are the three main personalities that a good leader should have.5. The importance of having a visionEffective leaders and their organizations usually have an agenda, A Vision as a direction and an attractive and attainable picture of the future. Good leaders should know where you are going;

9、otherwise you would be irrelevant to your followers. With a vision, you can inspire and motivate other individuals and groups to new heights, which is an essential function of a good leader.6. The significance of communicationAs living beings, we need to express and understand the expressions of oth

10、ers. Like it or not, the human society thrives on communication. Civilizations have risen and fallen based upon how good they were at maintaining sound relations with the rest of the world. Communication is, indeed, the very lubricant that makes the machinery of human relations function smoothly. Th

11、erefore, the significance of communication cannot and should not be underestimated. Sometimes, difficult situations in life can be resolved by just sitting down and talking it out! Similarly, most personal, professional and social disasters can be averted by maintaining clear, appropriate and unambi

12、guous communication. All we need is some effort on our part to identify and avoid barriers to effective communication to make our lives and the lives of those around us better.7. A book that is valuable to youIn my school time ,i read a book named ZICHUAN,which tells the story of a young man,growing

13、 up from a cipher to a king.this story told me that The road to success is always full of twists and turns,you will succeed as long as you work harder and harder by perseverance . just remember”never give up”8. Your favorite musicFurious 7 downshifts to become atributeto Walker masked as a goodbye t

14、o his character, Brian OConner. The film ends with a montage of Walkers contributions to the series set to an original song called See You Again.the lyric of the song is very moving.when the singer song the word”Now I see you in a better place”,Reminds me of the death of Paul Walker,which made me sad.9. Outdoor sportsI am a fa

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