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1、 a C. a; theD. 不填;the 【答案】A【2013四川雅安】1. There is egg in the bowl.A. a B. (不填) C. an D. the【答案】C【2013浙江杭州】17.I think its really _ hard work for me to finish the job in twenty minutes.A. aB. anC. theD. 不填【答案】D【2013浙江绍兴】16. Whos that young man on the poster?Justin Bieber, _excellent singer.A. a B. an C

2、. the D. /16.B【2013重庆】24How do you like _color of my dress? Wonderful! I like it very much A. a B. an C. the D/24. 【答案】C 【2013湖南邵阳】21.Look! Whos boy over there? Oh, he is my cousin Bob. He is honest boy.A. a, the B. the, an. C.the, a【答案】B【2013 浙江湖州】16. John, may I use your car? I want to go to the l

3、ibrary. Sure. Here is _ key. A. a B. an C. theD. /【答案】C 【2013 浙江衢州】16. Have you watched the movie Iron Man 3? Of course, fantastic movie! A. a B. an C. the D. 不填16.【答案】A【2013四川内江】21. How is _film you saw last night? You mean_ one, Lost in Thailand(泰囧)? Thats wonderful! A. a; the B. the; the C. the;

4、不填 D.不填; the21. 【答案】B【2013福建福州】31. Whats in the box? There is _ apple and some oranges in it.A. a B. an C. the【2013广东湛江】21. Where is cat?Its under desk.A. your; a B. yours; an C. your; the D. you;【2013山东滨州】21. man in a black hat is my PE teacher. He often plays football with us.A. A; the B. The; a C

5、. The; / D. A; /【2013山东菏泽】1.Does Heze have _airport? No. but we can take _bus to Jinan or Zhengzhou.A . an; the B. an; a C the; a D. a; a【2013浙江丽水】16. It is a good habit to go to _ bed early and get up early.A. a B. an C. the D. 不填16.【答案】D【2013山东泰安】22. Do you play _ piano in your free time? No, I li

6、ke sports. I often play_ soccer with my friends. the B. the; 不填 C. the; the D. a; a 冠词【2013浙江舟山、嘉兴】 16. Lots of people think that Life of Pi is_ amazing film. A. a B. an C. the D.不填16.【答案】B【2013浙江温州】1. A good beginning makes good ending.A. aB. anC. theD. /【2013浙江台州】16. Who is that woman on TV? _ pop

7、 singer, I often listen to her songs.A. AB. AnC. TheD. /【2013四川遂宁】21. He has bought MP5. MP5 cost him 200 yuan.A. a, The B. an, An C. an, The【2013四川南充】21. Would you mind cleaning your room? OK. Ill do it in _ minute.A. The B. an C. a21.【答案】C【2013四川凉山】21. The third Sunday of June is Fathers day. Its

8、special day for children to show their love to their father. A. a; the B. the; a C. /;a【答案】C。【2013四川广安】21Whats this?Its_ apple. _apple is red.A. an;An B. a; The C. an; The21. C 【2013湖北黄石】26. I like _ color of your coat. Ill buy _ blouse like this color. A. the; the B. a; a C. the; a D. a;【2013 上海】31

9、. Perhaps the famous football star wont play _ football any longer.【答案】D 【2013山东聊城】26. There is _ American boy in our class and _ boy can speak good Chinese . A. an, the . B. an, an. C. a, an . D. a, the.【答案】 A【2013山东济宁】16. Its just a short distance from here to _restaurant.A. a B. an C. the D.不填 【2

10、013贵州安顺】24. Vera and Mike come from _ European country. They are in _ same school now. the B. an; the D. an; an24.【答案】A【2013山东潍坊】16.I missed the beginning of _cartoon The Lion King.What a pity! You should have left school half _hour earlier.A. a ;an B. the ;a C. the ;an D. an ;the【2013内蒙古呼和浩特】1. Is _ dictionary on the desk yours? No, I dont have _ English-Chinese dictionary. A. the; an B. an; the C. an; an D. the; the 【2013江苏扬州】1. Excuse me, is there _ book by Mo Yan? Yes. Its on _ bookshelf over there.1.【答案】B【2013江苏盐城】1. The house is very nice. Has it got garden?A. / B. aC. anD.

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