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新译林8A Unit 14 重点词组句型知识点总结精华版Word格式文档下载.docx

1、11.对某人又帮助be helpful to sb.12.一个诚实的男孩an honest boy 13.使我高兴make me happy14.使某人做某事make sb. do 15.使我们大笑make us laugh16.和某人分享某物share sth. with sb. 17分享我的欢乐share my joy18.撒谎(2) tell lies/tell a lie 19.与某人交谈talk to/with sb.20.告诉他有关你自己的一切tell him everything about yourself 21.准备/乐意做某事be ready to do 22.某方面有问题

2、have problems with sth.23.相信他说的话believe what he says 24.信任他们trust them25.讲滑稽的笑话tell funny jokes 26.同意某人agree with sb.27.我最好的朋友之一one of my best friends 28.最长的河流之一one of the longest rivers29.乐意、愿意做某事be willing to do sth. 30.在作业方面帮助我help me with my homework31.把座位给需要的人give ones seat to someone in need32

3、.具有好嗓音have a good voice 33.我们班最高的男孩the tallest boy in our class34.戴小而圆的眼镜wear small round glasses 35.使他看起来神气make him look smart36.具有很好的幽默感have a good sense of humour 同义:be very humorous37.感到无聊feel bored 38.走过我们的课桌walk past our desks39.把我们的书和钢笔撞到地板上knock our books and pens onto the floor40.敲门knock on

4、/at the door 41.明亮的大眼睛big bright eyes42.长长的直发long straight hair 43.说某人的坏话say a bad word about sb.44.一个真正的朋友a true friend 45.担心某人worry about sb.46.令某人担心worry sb. 47.告诉她任何事tell her anything48当画家be an artist 49以而闻名be famous for50与不同be different from 51与某人交朋友make friends with sb.52认真听人讲listen to people

5、carefully 53帮助人们解决问题help people with their problems54环游世界travel around the world 55 对某人友善be kind to sb.56与一样. as +adj./adv.+as 57左/右边的那个男孩the boy on the left/right58.Peter旁边的那个女孩the girl next to Peter59.扎着马尾辫的一个小女孩a small girl with a ponytail60快速记单词 remember new words quickly 61写下write down62参加写作竞赛t

6、ake part in the writing competition 63 深褐色dark brown64两者都 bothand 65 明亮、含笑的眼睛bright smiling eyes66面带微笑have a smile on her face 67看起来高兴look happy68高兴地看着她look at her happily1. 你想要来一些吗?(2)Do you want some?/Would you like some?2. 我能来点喝的吗?Can I have something to drink?3. 也许我们可以分享它。Maybe we can share it.同

7、义句 We may share it.4. 冰箱里什么也没有。Theres nothing in the fridge.5. 什么使你的朋友如此特殊?What makes your friend so special?6. 什么样的人适合做好朋友?What makes good friends?7. Jack长什么样?(3)What does Jack look like?/How does Jack look?/Whats Jack like?8. 你伤心的时候她关心你吗?Does she care about you when you are sad?9. 好朋友应该诚实。 Good fr

8、iends should be honest.10.长大后她想成为一名歌手 She wants to be a singer when she grows up.11Max的腿在他的课桌下伸不开。Maxs legs do not fit under his desk.12她比我矮。She is shorter than I am.13当有事使我当心时,我总能找到她.When something worries me, I can always go to her.14我长大想单一名社会工作者。I would like to be a social worker when I grow up.1

9、5如果我可以使他人高兴,我会开心的。 I will be happy if I can make other people happy.16在所有的中国画家,我最喜欢徐悲鸿。 Among all the Chinese artists, I like Xu Beihong best.17我想和他一样有名。I want to be as famous as he is.18我和我哥哥一样瘦。Im as thin as my brother is.19我做作业和我哥哥一样认真。I do my homework as carefully as my brother.20她是个什么样的人?她害羞并且文

10、静。Whats she like? Shes shy and quiet.21我5年前第一次见到她。I first met her five years ago.22她长着一张圆脸,小鼻子。She has a round face and a small nose.23凯特既是我的邻居也是我最好的朋友。 Kate is both my neighbor and my best friend.24当我感到无聊或不高兴时,我经常去她那儿。 When I feel bored or unhappy, I often go to her.25我认为她会成为一名优秀的教师。I think she wil

11、l make an excellent teacher.26她想从事儿童工作。She wants to work with children.27上学时什么样的?Whats school like?8A Unit 2词组1.have to 不得不 2. work harder 工作更努力2.have some plans for the weekend 周末有些安排 4.have an important match 有个重要的比赛3.this autumn 今年秋天 in a British school 英国学校的生活 Year 8 在8年级8.a mixed sch

12、ool 一所混合学校 9.have lessons together 一起上课10 a Reading Week 读书周 11. during the week 在这周内12. borrow . from. 从.借. 13 bring in books and magazines from home 从家里带来书和杂志14.near the end of the week 在这周接近尾声时15discuss the books with our classmates 和我们的同学一起讨论这些书 class 在课堂上 17.seem to do sth 似乎做某事 in

13、an American school 美国学校的生活 the 8th grade 在8年级20.go to the Buddy Club 去“伙伴俱乐部” 21.older students 学长22.learn more about the school 更多地了解学校23.listen carefully to my problems 认真地倾听我的问题24.offer me help 给我提供帮助 25.have different classes 上不同的课26.on Friday afternoon 在周五下午 sports together 一起运动28.t

14、wice a week 每周两次 baseball 打棒球30.practice hard 认真练习 31.every time 每次 two games 赢了两场比赛33.last month 上个月 34.the best in a competition 比赛中最好的35.have more free time 有更多地空闲时间 e third in the race 在比赛中获得第一 fast 跑得快 37.draw well 画得好 38.jump high 跳得高39.swim fast 游得快 40.write quickly 写得快 41.any other student 别的任何一个学生42.all my other classmates 我的别的同学 43.the other students 其余所

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