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1、Blessed art thou among women, Our Fathers Son youll bear. Then the angel visited the carpenter who Mary intended to wed. He came to Joseph in a dream as he lay upon his bed. Fear not thou son of David, to take Mary for your wife. The child of God will need you to tend him in this life. The big day c

2、ame, Jesus was born In a manger on a pad of hay. The angels sang to herald the King on the very first Christmas day. Then off to spread the happy news to shepherds attending their lambs. The angel chimed, Glad tidings I bring and goodwill to all the land. The frightened shepherds found comfort in th

3、e angelic heavenly chorus. They sang of peace and joy and a babe who would someday come before us. Herod sent his wisest men to find the infant King. So off from the east they followed the star, and precious gifts did bring. As they departed, an angel told of Herods wicked plan. He didnt want to wor

4、ship the child, but destroy the Son of Man. Joseph heeded the angels words, and to Egypt they did flee. Then listened again when Herod died, and returned to Galilee. Many years before Christs birth another prophet was told. An angel talked to Samuel, a Lamanite of old. Who were these herald angels c

5、hosen by God above? What valiant servants they must have been to bring us his message of love. MOTHER MARY Who am I, what am I? That He should think of me, To bring His Son into the World and teach Him at my knee?As there they sat with hay all strewn about them on the ground, She pondered all that l

6、ie ahead when theyd leave fair Davids town. By candle light she held her son, and nursed him at her breast. Then lay him on the golden hay so they could get some rest. With stalwart Joseph at her side and cattle softly lowing, She welcomed all, shepherd to king who came by starlight glowing. In harm

7、ony the angels sang reverent hymns of glory. Mary listened as they told her little ones sacred story. The bleating of the fleecy lambs was His first lullaby. A straw filled manger for a crib with animals standing by. But Mary filled that nursery as only a mother could, With love and hope and promise

8、, as Father knew she would. THE MAN JOSEPH With sturdy frame and callused hands, how overlooked, this gentle man. With hammer and peg and saw and plane, he cut the wood and smoothed the grain. Trusted by the Father of all to raise His Son, an awesome call. He never doubted Marys word, though others

9、claimed it was absurd. We know he loved the Lord his God, as on to Bethlehem they trod. With stars so dim his only guide, he walked along by Marys side. A crowded town forced them to stay in a tiny stable filled with hay. He held her close as she winced with pain and squeezed her hand with every str

10、ain. Im sure he wept a fathers tear as the glorious birth grew ever near. He wiped the drops from off her face, brought straw to soften the birthing place. And when the infant came at length, he stayed right there to lend her strength. He welcomed those who traveled far to see the babe beneath the s

11、tar. From lowly shepherds to mighty kings all knew theyd witnessed sacred things. He stood aside, no want for fame, with callused hands and sturdy frame. SHEPHERD While shepherds careful vigil kept oer lambs in fields of green. The sky took on a brilliant glow and lit the grassy scene. In dread they

12、 looked upon the star that rose anew that night. Then angels came to calm their fears and tell of the heavenly light. In word and song they shared the news of the babe who was their king. They sang of peace and love and joy, and the good will he would bring. The keepers of the flocks arose and follo

13、wed the heavenly beam, But not to gleaming palace walls as it would surely seem. It led them to an earthen stall where cattle and goats were kept. And in the manger soft and warm, the little Jesus slept. Tears filled up their tired eyes and ran down wind burned cheeks. They had found the promised on

14、e, for whom the world still seeks. Though they were watchers of the flocks, tenders of lamb and ewe, He was the keeper of Gods flock, HE was the shepherd true. ROOM IN THE INN How much different would things have been, If maybe there had been room at the inn?No hay, no manger, no beasts, no stall. Rather, plenty of beds and blankets for all. Not a proprietor in his

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