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1、牛孩儿2015年小升初必备英语奥数智力题(更新至11.25日)英语奥数题在前几年的外综推荐考试中出现过,很多孩子因为读不懂题目而与外总失之交臂。现在英语考试的知识面越来越宽,除了在学习语法知识外,孩子们也要注意增加知识面哦。而用英语学奥数,不仅让孩子学习了英语,又让孩子学习了数学(当然,前提是孩子要看得懂题目),挑战一下智力。说不定这里面的题就会出现在你们以后的试卷里面哦!题目的难度会一点一点往上升请小盆友们回帖写出自己的答案吧老师会次日公布答案,敬请期待!7.18日:What number can replace (代替) the question mark?7.18日答案:88解析:73=

2、12+6*6+5*5. 30=17+3*3+2*2. ?=23+4*4+7*7=88今日更新:Which number is 10 more than 95?A. 85 B. 100 C. 105 D. 1107.19日答案:C解析:句意为:比95大10的数是多少?故答案为C. 105今日更新:Whose figure(图形) are congruent(一样的)?A.Andys and LousB. Andys, Beths and LousC. Beths, Ceils and LousD. Beths and Ceils7.21日答案:D今日更新:Which one should be

3、next in the pattern below?7.22日答案:D今日更新:Which is the next number in the pattern?11, 14, 17, 20, 23, 26, 29,_?_A. 30B. 31C. 32D. 337.23日答案:C今日更新:On which day did the greatest number of people come to the talent show ?A. TuesdayB. WednesdayC. ThursdayD. Friday7.24日答案:C解析:题目问的是参加比赛最多的一天是哪一天今日更新:It is t

4、he size of a garden.How much fencing would be needed to go around the garden?A. 14 feetB. 24 feetC. 28 feetD. 48 feet7.25日答案:C今日更新:John will be 12 years old after 5 years from now. How old is John this year? 本帖最后由 博格兔兔 于 2014-7-29 12:33 编辑7.26日答案:7岁解析:约翰5年之后是12岁,今年几岁? 12-5=7今日更新:If a and b are integ

5、ers, 103=1,1577=3,and then 3796 is equal to _7.28日答案:1解析:10除以3的余数是1,157除以7的余数是3,所以379除以6的余数是1今日更新:What number comes next?246,468,689,892( )7.29日答案:924今日更新:DIDIIDID is to 49499494 as DIIDIIDD is to:A) 94494499B) 49949944C) 49499494D) 94944949E)499449497.30日答案:B今日更新:What would be the next number in th

6、is series?0 5 1 4 2 _?_7.31日答案:3解析:前面每两个数相加是5,0+5=5,1+4=5,所以下一个数字是3.今日更新:Whats the next number?10、 8 、11、 9 、12、?8.1日答案:10今日更新:Shufen has 372 beads. 1/6 are blue ,how many are blue beads?(填数字)8.2日答案:62解析:372*1/6=62今日更新Which number can instead the question mark?8.3日答案:four今日更新:( )Amy is 12 years old(

7、十二岁),John is 2 years younger than Amy. Sarah is 1 years older than John. How old is Sarah? A.15 B.11 C.13 D.98.4日答案:B解析:Amy12岁,John比Amy小2岁,是10岁,Sarah比John大一岁,所以是11岁。今日更新:What would be the next picture in this series? Choose one of the following five:8.5日答案:E解析:黑色的小方块先是在大方框的四角上做顺时针旋转,而后在四边中间上做顺时针旋转,下

8、一幅图,就应该是黑块在下边框中点上的那一幅,所以,是E今日更新:Which one of the following five is least like the other four?8.6日答案:D解析:这组图中,基本上都是两个同样的图形相交,只有图D中是两个三角形相接,而不相交,所以选择D今日更新:Which number should replace the question mark?8.7答案:63解析:34=4*7+6,69=7*9+6,20=2*7+6.所以7*8+7=63今日更新:is toasis to( )8.8日答案:86今日更新:Look at the picture

9、, I have to put 6, 5, 4 into the different circles, so that all rows add up to 12. Do you know how to do that?8.9日答案:今日更新:Which one can choose the question mark?8.11日答案:E今日更新:Which one of the designs is least like the other four?8.12日答案:E今日更新:What would be the next picture in this series? Choose one

10、 of the following five:8.13日答案:A今日更新:What is the next number in the following sequence? ( )1 - 2 - 3 - 5 - 8 - 13 -?8.14日答案:21今日更新:If n is an odd integer(奇数), which one of the following is an even integer(偶数)?( )A.n*nB.n/4C. 2n + 3D. n(n + 3)8.15日答案:D解析:n本身是一个奇数,2n就是偶数,2n+3肯定也还是奇数。n+3肯定是一个偶数,那n(n+3)

11、肯定是偶数。今日更新:Xiaoming is 156cm tall, Xiaofang is 1.52 meters, Xiaoming is _higher than Xiaofang?8.16日更新:54cm解析:小明是156cm,小红152cm,小明比小红高4cm今日更新:Match the sentences with the pictures 8.17日答案:1-E, 2-F, 3-A, 4-C, 5-B, 6-D今日更新:If x is an integer(整数), which of the following CANNOT be an even integer(偶数)?_2x

12、+ 2 ,x - 5 ,2x + 3 ,5x + 28.18日答案:2x+3今日更新:What would be the next picture?8.23日答案: D解析:找这个图的规律,要有合适的方法,我们先盯住图中的一个方块来看:比如说就看其中的绿色方块,它好象是在一个格子一个格子的往下移动,在看看红色的方块,是在一个格子一个格子地往上走,所以整个图其实是在做逆时针的转动,每次转动一个格子。因此,下一幅图应该是D今日更新:If n is an odd integer(奇数), which one of the following is an even integer(偶数)?A. n*n

13、B. n/4C. 2n + 3D.n(n + 3)8.24日答案:n(n + 3)解析:n是一个奇数,(n + 3)就是一个偶数,它们的乘积一定是一个偶数。8.25日更新:What is the 100th term in the sequence(序列)( )0, 2, 6, 12, 20, 30, 42, . ?8.25日答案:9900解析:公式是n*(n-1)今日更新:What is the next number?()65536, 256, 16,?8.27日答案:4今日更新:The 23 students in Mr. Greens class will ride in cars t

14、o the picnic. Every car will hold 5 students. How many cars will they need?A. 4 carsB. 5 carsC. 18 carsD. 28 cars8.31日答案:B解析:每辆车可以容纳5个人,那么23个人需要5辆车才能载完今日更新:An ant covers a distance of 90 metres in 3 hours. The average speed of the ant indecimetres(分米)per minute is_9.1日答案:5解析:每小时30米,所以每分钟是5分米今日更新:Xiaoli this year is the age of her mothers a

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