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2、coalisplants,chemicallycomplicated,itsownchemicalmake-upcomplex.16.Duringhisstaycountryside,hetook(习惯于)smoking.17.Thefatherwasignorantof(不知道)boyssecrets.18.Theearthquakeplacelastbroughtaboutthousanddeathsdestructiono fhalfbuildingsarea.(造成)19.lawyersaidoldman:“Ifyoudiebeforemadewill,lawwilldecidedis

3、tributionyourproperty,maynotbeaccordance(与.一致)yourwishes.”20.Thechangestakenoverpastseveralyearsbothtermsmarketplacechangingexpectationsourpatientsincreasinglyrequirephysicianskindtheirpatients.(在.方面)【第七单元】1.There is no time to mention by name ,but I would like to thank them all for what they taught

4、 me about life.2.when everyone else is off work and goes home around 7p.m,the manager is still in high gear.(全力以赴)3.people knew or pretended to know a lot about him, but he turned out to be a little different from what they thought.4. Attimes it seems that researchers are merely picking the patterns

5、 that fit their theories, and this is no good.5.There may be several interpretations asto (根据)what the committees discussion means.6.Many of the problems they are facing stemfrom(源于)poor management.7.A survey has revealed that women directorsputmore hours than their male colleagues, but still earn 2

6、0% less.8.Part of the program included talks prepared by the professorssubjectof(关于) modernism in literature9.If the alarm gets no response, the timer goes ahead and switches off in the interest of(为了.起见) safety and conomy.10.The sooner a virus is reported, the sooner we can word on procedures to is

7、olate it and prevent its spread. 11.If one idea accords with another, they are in agreement and there is no conflict between them12.The article, headlined“The Picture That Fooled the World”, was written by a French journalist who was a witness to the war crimes.13.It will be unwise to make profits a

8、t the expense of the environment.14.The Secretary of the United Nations has appealed for help from the international community.15.All people, whether they are rich or poor, strong or weak, are interdependent and share in(参与)the common task of seeking to achieve mankinds full potential.16.But instead

9、 of ending in agreement, the talks broke up at the end of the week. 17.We have set aside a special period each day for our preparations for the entrance examination.18.The survey brought them to the conclusion that financial stress is well established as(确立.为) a major cause for divorce.19.To check w

10、hether you are entitled to vote on(投票表决) the resolutions, please see the notes to the notice on Page5.20.And she went on to tell of(描述) her satisfaction when the murderer was sentenced to death by the local Supreme Court.【第八单元】1.The success he dreamed of is now within reach.2.The studies show that m

11、any illnessfallinto the category of stress-related illnesses.3.The job is greatof salary, but it has its disadvantages.4.You can getaroundyour parking problem by using my permit.5.We have to follow his decisions regardlessof whether he is right or wrong.6.Dr.Radia Perlman is a software designer and

12、network engineer, sometimes referred to as the “Mother of the Internet”.7.“What if he doesnt come to the meeting?” We shall go ahead without him.”8.What brought Mary Engel to New Yorkfirstplace.9.Five years ago, increasingly concernedthe environment, he decided to work directly for an environmental group.10.The policemen found envelopes ide

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