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1、震惊的是攻击事件本身,意外的是我们对事件的反应。至于说这两者哪个更为重要,人们也许永远会争论下去。对于当天一下子涌现出来的可歌可泣的事迹,我们已经谈得不少了。在一片谈论声中,我们居然忘了,面对这些令人敬佩的行为我们当时是多么感到意外。因为我们本来就没有对这代美国人抱有多大期望。他们的中年是在自叹不如的心境中度过的,他们和上一代美国人比来比去,总感到自己望尘莫及。他们虚浮有余,坚实不足,根本谈不是世界的灯塔,倒却是横行的恶霸,沉醉于福荫之中,总觉得受之无愧。 It was tempting to say that Sept. 11 changed all that, just as it is

2、tempting to say that every hero needs a villain, and goodness needs evil as its grinding stone. 我们也许会脱口而出地说,是“911”事件改变了这一切,正如我们会脱口而出地说,英雄需要有恶棍来陪衬,善良需要有邪恶来砥砺。But try looking a window in the eye and talking about all the good that has come of this. It may not be a coincidence, but neither is it a part

3、nership: good does not need evil, we owe no debt to demons and the attack did not make us better. 当你望着“911”死难者遗墉的双眼时,你难道还能侃侃而谈“911”事件所引发的好处吗?不错,善恶并存也许确非巧合,但它们也绝非相互依存的伙伴:善用不着恶陪伴左右,我们并不亏欠魔鬼,“911”事件也没有把我们变成更好的人。For leading that lesson, for having more faith in us than we had in ourselves, for being bra

4、ve when required and rude where appropriate and tender without being trite, for not sleeping and not quitting and not shrinking from the pain all around him, Rudy Giuliani, Mayor of the World, is TIMEs 2001 Person of the Year. 由于朱利安尼在这次考验中堪称表率,由于他对我们的信心远胜于我们对自己的信心,由于他该勇敢时就勇敢,该鲁莽时就鲁莽,他温情流露,但那绝非应景之俗套,

5、由于他不分昼夜,不停工作,虽被痛苦包围,却能勇敢面对,因此这位天下第一市长当选为2001年时代周刊的年度风云人物。Chapter 14传真机在我国的使用已十分普及,并已成为重要的现代通讯终端设备。据估计,2002年中国市场对传真机的需求量为200万台,国内产量仅能满足约30%的需求,进口机将占据市场的主导地位。Fax machines have been widely used in China as a popular and important modern telecommunications terminal equipment. It is estimated that China

6、needs 2 million fax machines in the year 2002,but the country can only satisfy about 30% of the demand with the market being dominated by the imported ones. 目前国内市场上的传真机90以上是进口货,其中80来自日本。面对这种情况,国内已有20多家生产企业组装生产传真机,并开始投放市场。上海理光传真机公司生产的产品已经开始返销日本,并已开发出一种具有无纸接收功能的新颖传真机。At present,more than 90% of the fa

7、x machines in Chinas market are imported from overseas,80% of which are from Japan. To deal with such a situation,more than 20 home plants have begun to assemble and produce fax machines,and homemade machines are being put in the market. The Shanghai Ricoh Fax Machine Company has begun exporting its

8、 products to Japan and has developed a new model that can receive information without paper.Chapter 15教育思想的转变需要我们拓宽专业面,增强适应性,按照知识、能力、智慧、素质协调发展的要求,构造新的人才培养模式,培养高素质高层次、多样化、创造性的人才,在教育质量关上,要改变过去那种教师单向传授知识,学生被动学习,以考试分数作为衡量教育成果的惟一标准的观念,要用新的眼光判断什么是好的学校、什么是好的课程、什么是好的教育效果、什么是好的老师、什么是好的学生等问题。The change of edu

9、cational ideology requires us to widen the sphere of specialties, enhance the adaptability, and frame a new education mode to develop comprehensive abilities of the students in such aspects as knowledge, aptitude, intelligence, and personal quality, etc., so as to construct a new mode of fostering q

10、ualified and creative personnel of diversified specialties at high levels. As regards the quality of education, we should change the traditional mode of classroom teaching - with teachers elaborating all the time and students passively imputing. And so is the concept of considering scores as the sol

11、e criterion for the evaluation of the result of education. We should view some education issues with new standards, such as the criteria for good school, good curricula, good effect of education, good teachers and good students, etc. 简而言之,要创建世界一流大学,不改革不行;要搞教育改革,不转变教育观念不行。 In brief, a world-class uni

12、versity cannot come true without reform, nor will education reform succeed without changing traditional educational concept Chapter 16 By 1874 there were so many rumors about gold in the hills that the Army sent General Guster with one thousand men to reconnoiter the area. Geologists soon proved wha

13、t everyone had so long suspected - the hills were in deed filled with gold. 到了1874年,人们盛传山中有金矿,陆军部派卡斯特将军率领一千名士兵踏勘这一区域。地质学家们很快证实了大家猜测已久的事-山中确实遍布黄金。 So much for treaties. Within two years the whole of the Black Hills were being cut to build crude cabins. Sluices boxes, ditches, dams and hundreds of sta

14、mp mills cluttered the small creeks in Deadwood Gulch. 条约成了一纸空文。不到两年,人们在黑山到处开凿,盖起了粗糙简陋的小屋。泄水槽、沟渠和水闸,还有数以百计的捣岩机杂乱无章地布满在戴德伍德干凅的条条小溪上。When the Sioux exacted their fruitless revenge by massacring Guster and all his men at the battle of the little Bighorn in June 1876, the narrow main street of Deadwood was already lined with saloons, stores and hotels. These South Dakota hills had become the richest gold producing area of North America, and the stage for some

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