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1、三、一般原则(642条)四、汇票和到期日的计算(4356条)五、发票(5767条)六、涵盖至少两种不同运输方式的运输单据(6890条)七、提单(91114条)八、租船合同提单(115133条)九、空运单据(134156条)十、公路、铁路或内河运输单据(157169条)十一、保险单据和范围(170180条)十二、原产地证明(181185条)一、引言(introduction)Since the approval of International Standard Banking Practice (ISBP) by the ICC Banking Commission in 2002, ICC

2、Publication 645 has become an invaluable aid to banks, corporates, logistics specialists and insurance companies alike, on a global basis. Participants in ICC seminars and workshops have indicated that rejection rates have dropped due to the application of the 200 practices that are detailed in ISBP

3、.自从ICC银行委员会于2002年批准国际标准银行实务(ISBP)以来,ICC第645号出版物就成为全球银行、企业、物流运营商及保险公司的得力助手。ICC研讨会和研习班的参与者表示,由于ISBP中列明的200条惯例的应用,拒付率有所下降。However, there have also been comments that although the ISBP Publication 645 was approved by the Banking Commission its application had no relationship with UCP 500. With the appro

4、val of UCP 600 in October 2006, it has become necessary to provide an updated version of the ISBP. It is emphasized that this is an updated version as opposed to a revision of ICC Publication 645. Where it was felt appropriate, paragraphs that appeared in Publication 645 and that have now been cover

5、ed in effectively the same text in UCP 600 have been removed from this updated version of ISBP.然而,也有评论认为,虽然ISBP645经银行委员会批准,但是它的应用于UCP500并无清晰地联系。随着UCP600于2006年10月的通过,更新ISBP就变得有必要了。需要强调的是,这是一个对ICC645号出版物的更新版本而非修订本。在645号出版物中被认为是恰当的段落被以基本相同的措辞纳入到UCP600的正文中,从而不再包含在新版ISBP中。As a means of creating a relatio

6、nship between the UCP and ISBP, the introduction to UCP 600, states: “During the revision process, notice was taken of the considerable work that had been completed in creating the International Standard Banking Practice for the Examination of Documents under Documentary Credits (ISBP), ICC Publicat

7、ion 645. This publication has evolved into a necessary companion to the UCP for determining compliance of documents with the terms of letters of credit. It is the expectation of the Drafting Group and the Banking Commission that the application of the principles contained in the ISBP, including subs

8、equent revisions thereof, will continue during the time UCP 600 is in force. At the time UCP 600 is implemented, there will be an updated version of the ISBP to bring its contents in line with the substance and style of the new rules.”作为在UCP和ISBP间建立联系的一种方式,UCP600在引言中写道:“在修订过程中,我们注意到在制定ISBP(ICC645号出版

9、物)过程中所完成的大量工作。ISBP已经发展成为判定单据与信用证是否相符时UCP的必备配套规则。起草小组和银行委员会期望ISBP及其后续修订版本中包含的原则能够在UCP600有效期间继续得到应用。当UCP600正式执行时,将有一个与其主旨和风格保持一致的更新版的ISBP。The international standard banking practices documented in this publication are consistent with UCP 600 and the Opinions and Decisions of the ICC Banking Commission

10、. This document does not amend UCP 600. It explains how the practices articulated in UCP 600 are applied by documentary practitioners. This publication and the UCP should be read in their entirety and not in isolation. It is, of course, recognized that the law in some countries may compel a differen

11、t practice than those stated here.本出版物中体现的国际标准银行实务与UCP600及ICC银行委员会发布的意见和决定是一致的。本文件并没有修改UCP600,而是解释UCP600中表述的实务惯例如何为从业者所应用。本出版物与UCP600作为整体使用,不应孤立地解读。当然还须认识到某些国家可能会做出不同于本惯例的强制性规定。No single publication can anticipate all the terms or the documents that may be used in connection with documentary credits

12、 or their interpretation under UCP 600 and the standard practice it reflects. However, the Task Force that prepared Publication 645 endeavoured to cover terms commonly seen on a day-to-day basis and the documents most often presented under documentary credits. The Drafting Group have reviewed and up

13、dated this publication to conform with UCP 600.没有哪个出版物能够预见跟单信用证项下可能使用的所有条款或单据,或者根据UCP600及其中反映的标准实务对这些条款或单据的解释。然而,指定645号出版物的特别小组努力将跟单信用证日常业务中的常见条款及常见单据涵盖其中。起草小组审核并更新了出版物以使其与UCP600保持一致。It should be noted that any term in a documentary credit which modifies or excludes the applicability of a provision

14、of UCP 600 may also have an impact on international standard banking practice. Therefore, in considering the practices described in this publication, parties must take into account any term in a documentary credit that expressly modifies or excludes a rule contained in UCP 600. This principle is imp

15、licit throughout this publication. Where examples are given, these are solely for the purpose of illustration and are not exhaustive.应当指出,跟单信用证中任何修改或排除UCP某一规定的适用性可条款可能也会对国际标准银行实务的适用产生影响。因此,在考虑本出版物所描述的惯例时,当事人必须考虑到跟单信用证中任何明确修改或排除UCP600规则的条款。这一原则暗含并贯穿于整部ISBP中。本实务中的举例仅为就事论事的说明,而不是全面详尽的阐述。This publicatio

16、n reflects international standard banking practice for all parties to a documentary credit. Since applicants obligations, rights and remedies depend upon their undertaking with the issuing bank, the performance of the underlying transaction and the timeliness of any objection under applicable law and practice, applicants should not assume that they may rely on these provisions

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