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1、工程管理0801班学 号:080501010学 生 姓 名:陈肖虎指 导 教 师:王竹芳 (副教授) 2012 年 6 月 II 摘 要近几年,中国的建筑行业迎来了一个春天,作为国民经济快速发展的重要支柱产业之一,建筑业从业人员数量逐渐增大,这个增长不仅仅表现在绝对数量上,更表现在建筑业占总从业人数的比例和其他行业的比较上,同时建筑业中的工程管理人才的需求量也逐渐增大。对于工程管理专业的课程设置提出了更高的要求。因此,工程管理专业课程是否合理,是否符合建筑行业的发展,符合应届生工作的需要,是亟需验证的问题。如今,大学生就业问题是全社会关注的焦点,虽然工程管理专业就业前景比其他专业有一定的优势,


3、程中存在的问题,教材中存在的问题,以及学生学习过程中产生的问题来写。第四章提出了具体的解决方法。第五章对整个课题做一个概况性的总结。本文基于工程管理课程设置的现状进行阐述。通过分析国内项目管理课程,找出问题和需要改进的部分。针对发现的问题和不足,提出改进意见,并结合实例,给出了具体的实施方法。根据研究结果,对未来工程管理课程提出自己的设想。关键字:工程管理;课程设置;专业现状;解决方法 I AbstractIn recent years, China s construction industry ushered in a spring, as the rapid development of

4、 the national economy one of the pillar industries, the construction industry practitioners to amount to increase gradually, this growth is reflected not only in absolute numbers, but also in the construction industry accounted for the total number of employees and the ratio of other industry compar

5、ison, at the same time in the construction industry the project management talent demand is gradually increasing. For the engineering management professional curriculum has put forward higher requirements. Therefore, project management professional courses is reasonable, whether to accord with the d

6、evelopment of construction industry, with graduate work, earnestly needs to verify the problem. Nowadays, the employment of college students is the focus of the whole society, although the engineering management professional employment prospects than other professionals have certain advantages, but

7、the engineering management curriculum can not be ignored. How to carry on the reasonable curriculum, make project management not only practical, but also has a professional, it is very necessary.This article in view of the current engineering management specialty curriculum setting, course covers, t

8、he overall coherence of curriculum system, the selection of teaching materials the rationality, the selection of curriculum content of rationality, practicability, reasonable teaching method and course time, flexible teaching methods, main courses and experimental courses total hours, time setting a

9、nd so on. On the course design of the engineering management specialty this paper puts forward some feasible suggestions and proposals. The first chapter from the purpose and significance of writing, referring to the research condition at home and abroad, the main work of reference, and the use of m

10、ethods and means. The second chapter about engineering management curriculum theory, including the curriculum setting the meaning system and the principle and project management professional curriculum. The third chapter elaborated project management curriculum problems, from curriculum problems, th

11、e problems in the teaching material, as well as the students problems in writing. The fourth chapter puts forward specific solutions. The fifth chapter of the whole project to make a summary.Based on project management curriculum of. Through the analysis of domestic project management course, find o

12、ut the problems and the need to improve some. In order to solve the problems and inadequacy, put forward to improve an opinion, and combined with the examples, gives the concrete implementation method. According to the research results, to the future engineering management curriculum puts forward hi

13、s own ideas.Keywords: engineering management;course setting;professional status;Solution method目 录摘 要IAbstractII第1章 绪论11.1研究目的和研究意义11.1.1研究目的11.1.2研究意义21.2 国内外现状及发展有优势21.2.1国外研究概况21.2.2国内研究状况31.3课题主要工作与拟采用的方法及手段41.3.1 课题主要工作41.3.2 课题研究拟采用的方法与手段4第2章 我国高校工程管理课程设置理论62.1课程设置含义体系及原则62.1.1 课程设置的含义62.1.2 课

14、程设置的体系62.1.3 课程设置的原则72.2我国高校工程管理专业的课程设置92.2.1 新时期工程管理人才要求92.2.2 我国高校工程管理主干课程102.2.3 我国高校工程管理基本专业课程102.2.4 我国高校工程管理课程设置的思考11第3章 我国高校工程管理课程设置存在的问题143.1我国高校工程管理课程存在的问题143.1.1我国高校工程管理课程分配比例143.1.2实践课开出率不足153.1.3导致课程问题的原因153.2我国高校工程管理课程教材存在的问题163.2.1我国高校工程管理课程教材存在问题的表现163.2.2形成教材问题的原因173.3学生学习中存在的问题183.3

15、.1存在问题的表现183.3.2造成问题的原因19第4章 我国高校工程管理课程设置问题的对策214.1我国高校工程管理课程设置需要形成体系214.2改进实践性环节教学214.2.1总体改进原则214.2.2具体措施224.3完善课程考评体系234.4教材问题的对策234.5加强学生教育的对策244.5.1 打造高质量学生244.5.2引导学生对于专业的兴趣244.6优化工程管理师资队伍结构25第5章 结论27参 考 文 献28致 谢31附 录32 V沈阳工业大学本科生毕业论文第1章 绪论1.1研究目的和研究意义1.1.1研究目的改革开放以来,中国的经济保持着高速的发展,尤其是近几年,在高房价的引导下,无数高楼拔地而起,房地产行业蓬勃发展,中国建筑,中国交通步入世界500强的行列,各大房地产老总身价数十亿。作为国民经济快速发展的重要支柱产业之一,建筑业从业人员数量逐渐增大,这个增

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