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外研版三起三下《Unit 2 Its warm today》word教案Word格式文档下载.docx

1、本课的重点就是让学生熟练运用所学过的单词及句型描述季节和天气,以及在不同的天气下可以做的事情。三、教学目标:1. 语言知识目标:(1)全体学生能初步运用“Its warm today, but its raining.” 等语句描述天气以及在不同的季节里人们从事的活动。(2)全体学生能理解 :warm, hot, cool, cold, rain, sunny, windy, snow, very2. 语言技能目标:(1)全体学生能听懂,会说“We fly kites in spring. Its warm today.”等语句。(2)全体学生能整体感知:we , nice, warm, su

2、nny3.情感目标:谈论自己喜欢的季节,积极参与各种课堂活动,运用所学英语进行表达和交流。四、教学重点:会用一般现在时描述天气。正确运用“Its warm today, but its raining.” 等语句来描述天气。五、教学难点 让学生正确描述天气以及在不同天气下的活动。六、教学过程Step 1 Warm up1. Greeting.2. Chant(课前问候,拉近师生的距离。通过chant回顾已学知识,激活学生已有的知识和能力。)Step 2 Lead inT: Do you like going swimming? Do you go swimming in winter?Ss:

3、Now, lets see what the children do in different places in winter. (播放SB Unit2活动1的动画,请学生看图。然后告诉学生:不同地方的孩子在冬天开展的活动也不同,原来冬天不仅可以堆雪人,还可以下海游泳呢。) Play the video, ask the students to watch and listen. Then play the video again, ask the students to repeat, imitate the pronunciation and intonation.Step 3 Pres

4、entation1. Listen to the video and ask the students to watch and listen. (播放动画,引导学生注意可能展示的是不同地方的天气。2. Play the tape and ask the student to listen carefully and underline the new words. Then teach the new words by words cards and actions.(使用单词卡片,并假装看看天,并急忙撑起雨伞,同时对学生说: “Its raining.”请学生跟读。用类似的方法讲解其余的新

5、单词。3. Play the video again and ask the student to repeat sentence by sentence. Try to imitate the pronunciation and intonation. Step 4 Practice1. Think and draw.(先带领学生看图,读出例句。然后请学生想出自己想要介绍的地方,画出那里的天气情况,并进行描述。2. SayAsk the students to describe the place they want to introduce.Step 5 Sing a song1. Pla

6、y the tape and ask the students to repeat the words sentence by sentence. Then play the tape again and ask the students to sing after the tape.(在学生唱到 “Rain, rain” 时,请他们抬起手来在眼前晃动手指表示下雨,在唱到 “go away” 时挥手,表示让雨离去。 2. Competition (把全班分成四个组,要求他们轮流跟着伴奏演唱歌曲。唱得整齐响亮的小组获胜。Step 6 Play a game Make funny sentence

7、s.(引导学生观察图片,理解游戏规则:三个学生站在讲台前,分别从不同的盒子里抽出代表天气情况、季节和活动的单词卡片,并连词成句。Step 6 Letters learning Show students the cards and ask them to read the letters. ( 播放录音,请学生跟读,注意纠正学生的发音。板书这些字母的大小写,请学生用手指在空中描摹这些字母。Step 7 SummaryStep 8 HomeworkMake a poster about your favorite season.七、板书warm hot Its sunny + today. windy snowing cold

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