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1、The captain was unwilling to hand over the command of the ship.hand in3. I have to make some copy to _.4. Many old legends _ from generation by mouth.5. When you finish reading, please _ the book.6. Before _ to Jim, Id like to thank you all for your support.hand outwere handed downhanding overhand b

2、ack2. urnish vt.布置、配备家具,陈设The managers office was furnished with antiques.经理办公室里摆放着古董。供应,提供The shop near our university furnishes everything that is needed for mountaineering.我们学校附近的一家商店售登山用品,商品一应俱全。furnished adj. 配有家具的furnishings n. 家具陈设furniture n. 家具(不可数)1. 那家公寓家具齐全。_2. 我们结婚时几乎没有什么家具。3. 组织者给他提供了一

3、份日程表复印件。【答案】1. The apartment is well furnished.2. We had little furniture when we got married.3. The organizer furnished him with a copy of schedule.3. classify vt. 分类;归类Are the books classified by subject?这些书是按照科目进行分类的吗?Id rather classify his novels as science fiction.我宁可把他的小说归类为科幻小说。We usually cla

4、ssify types of character as good and bad.我们通常把 (人的) 性格类型分为善与恶。classified adj. 分成类的;保密的classification n. 分类;用classify的适当形式填空1. It took them months to have all the books _.2. I believe the _ of books calls for more patience than wisdom.3. To find a phone number, we may turn to a _ directory.4. The inf

5、ormation is _; only the president can see it.1. classified2. classification3. classified4. classified4. put forward提出 In the past few years the workers have put forward a lot of suggestions / opinions. 这几年来,工人们提出了大量建议/意见。推荐(某人或自己)任某职位;提名 You have been put forward as a possible chairman of the commit

6、tee. 你已经被提名为委员会主席。将(某事)提前 The mens final has been put forward to 1:30. 男子决赛提前到1:30举行。将(钟、表等)拨快 Ill put forward the clock ten minutes. 我要把钟拨快10分钟。5. appoint vt. 任命;约定;确定或决定(日期等) She has appointed to meet John at the entrance of the hall. 她已经和约翰约好了在大厅门口见面。 Its said that the new headmaster has been app

7、ointed. 据说新校长已经任命。 appointment n. 任命,任用; (被任用的)工作;约会 make an appointment with sb.和某人有个预约,约会 appointed adj. 任命的;约定的1. 我们得确定一个会议日期。 _ 用appoint的适当形式填空2. Do remember the time _ for the meeting is 9:10.We have to appoint a date for the meeting.appointed3. Sorry, Ive made an _ with my girlfriend.4. You sh

8、ould arrive at the _ time.5. The newly _ headmaster is expected to take office this week.appointment6. possession n. 占有;拥有;领地;属地; C&U财产 The possession of a degree does not guarantee you a job. 有学位不能保证你能找到工作。The police went through all the dead girls possessions.警方检查了死去女孩的所有私人物品。The police arrested h

9、im and took possession of certain things found in his house.警察逮捕了他并没收了在他家里发现的一些东西。While our team is in possession of / has possession of the ball, the other team cant score.我们队控制球时,对方就无法得分。All the deeds are in the possession of my lawyer.所有的契约都在我的律师手中。possess vt. 占有;拥有The country possesses rich mine

10、ral deposits.这个国家拥有丰富的矿藏。1. 他是个没有什么财产的穷人。2. 他们用完了所有的钱。He was a poor man with little possession. They used up all the money they possessed.用possession及其构成的短语的适当形式填空3. She was found _ stolen goods.4. At the end of last April, Mr. Green _ that possession oftook possession of5. He has been _ the

11、 house for many years, but the ownership of the house is _ his father.6. He lost all his _ in the fire. in the possession ofpossessions 7. weep vt. & vi.哭泣;流泪 She wept when she heard the terrible news. 听到这个可怕的消息,她哭了。 What ever is the child weeping about now?那个孩子究竟为什么哭呢?The child wept for a new toy. 那个孩子哭着想要一个新玩具。weep oneself to sleep 哭着哭着睡着了The little girl wept herself to sleep. 小女孩哭着哭着睡着了。1. 那个女孩失望地哭了。_2. 他因为失去了妈妈而哭泣。1. The girl wept with

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