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1、和你的同伴摇摇手。7Turn around.转圈。8Dance with me.跟我跳舞。熟读词汇特殊疑问词xs LJwhen什么时EwHal卄么whul lime什么时fnicolourwtiaL ibtu.L.値么件whai day星期儿huw杳么样htjw old多大hciw manyhOW LllUcll多少how lbcLll怎么样whijscwhctcwhich在哪噱个work 工作;运转 like喜欢collect 收集read读mobile phone 手机call一次通话2.熟读词汇ask 问pa int颜料 Easter复活节Easter复活节兔Bunny子CD-ROM 只

2、读光盘programm e节目 someth in 某物;某事squirrel松鼠storybook 故事书get收到 ill有病的wrong有问题的Arctic 北极动物first首先 use使用an imals二、背诵短语make pho ne calls打电话play games玩游戏across the world全世界send and get messages收发信息lear n en glish学英语pho ne box电话亭watch the weather report看天气预报take no tes作笔记wait a mome nt等一下liste n to music听音乐

3、take photos拍照over there那儿visit websites浏览网站do shopp ing购物have to必须watch TV programmes看电视节目see films看电影ofcourse当然write emails写邮件hurry up快点三、背诵句子1. See you tomorrow.明天见。2. Ive got a new CD-ROM.我有一个新光盘。3. Can you come to my place?你们能来我家吗?1背写词汇4. Phone your mum and your gran dma.给你们的妈妈和奶奶打电话我能做什么?6.Unit

4、 1 A phone call5. What can I do?Mobile pho nes are very popular across the world.手机在全世界非常受欢迎。7.I have to ask mum first.8.My father collects stamps.9.His pare nts love music and art.10.Tom has to get up before 7:00.11.我必须先问问我的妈妈。 我的爸爸收集邮票。他的父母热爱音乐和美术。Tom必须在7: 00之前起床。 他们的叔叔有许多光盘。Their un cle has got m

5、a ny CD-ROMs.我的表姐闫梅努力学习英语 她非常喜欢英语。她收集了许多英语故事书。她经常读故事书。稍等.12.My cous in Yanmei works hard at En glish.13.She likes En glish very much.14.She collects many En glish storybooks.15.She ofte n reads her storybooks.16. Wait a mome nt.四、背诵对话1.Mike:Hello!你好!Granny:Hi, is that Mike?你好,是Mike吗?Mike:Yes, it s M

6、ike. Who s speaki ng?是的,我是Mike。你是谁?It s your granny. Can you come to my place now?我是奶奶。你现在能来我家My computer doesn t work.吗?我的电脑出问题了。Oh sorry, Granny. 1 have to do my homework.哦,对不起奶奶。我必须先写What about this eve ning?作业。今天晚上怎么样?OK. See you this eve ning.好的,今晚见。Bye-bye.再见!2.A: What can you do with a mobile

7、 phone?你能用手机干什么?B: I can send and get messages.我能收发信息。3. What do you do with a mobile phone? I watch the weather report, listen to music and take我能看天气预报,听音乐和拍photos.照。4. Can you visit websites?你会浏览网站吗? Of course I can, but I don visit websites ofte n.我当然会了,但是我不经常浏 览网站。五、背写作文:写一篇小短文,不少五句话。Mobile phon

8、es are popular across the world. I can use a mobile phone to write 手机在全世界都很流行。 我会用手机写邮件。emails. I can send and get messages. I can liste n to music. I can play games. 我会收发信息。 我能听音乐。 我会玩游戏。Ican do shopp ing.我能购物。六、语法1.There be句型及否定用法There is + 单数 There isnt a=There is no仅供学习与交流,如有侵权请联系网站删除谢谢4There ar

9、e +复数 There arent any=There are no2.will 和 be going to 的用法will+动词原形 (将来时间则较远一些,而非最近期间的事) He will write a book one goi ng to + 动词原形 (近期眼下,即将要发生的事) He is goi ng to write a letter this eve ning.3.have got has got单数第三人称 ) haven -hasn (表否定)Un it 2 Life in the Arctic一、重点词汇1背写词汇The seal海豹North pole北

10、极gran dma奶奶celver聪明的The arctic fox北极狐狸South pole南极cold冷bori ng无聊的The arctic hare北极野兔earth地球hot热thirsty渴的The polar bear北极熊ice冰cool凉爽hungry饿的The snowy owl雪猫头鹰gran dad爷爷warm暖和will将要sea 大海sky天空everywhere 至U处pull拉early 早早地 farmhouse 农舍 hard 困难的come to a top来到山顶go swimmi ng游泳catch a hare抓野兔come to a stop停

11、下来go singing唱歌jump in the water跳入水中look around四处张望thousa nds of许多swim across the lake游过湖泊shopp ing mall购物商场a white world一个白色的世walk through the snow走过雪地wake up叫醒界run up the hill爬山小山go fish ing钓鱼1.关于北极你知道什么?What do you know about the arctic?WeekendsSaturday monihigjifterruxNnSaturday evening3.It is at the North Pole of our earth.4.The arctic is very very cold.5.There is ice everywhere in the Arctic.6.The sky is very, very blue.7.The Arctic is very beautiful.8.Can we go fish ing aga in tomorrow?Lets go fish ing aga in tomorrow.9.Ill show you m

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