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1、简单说,这个就是给一个细节,然后找出细节所在段落。用定位,就得一行行找,费事费力,更何况有时候还找不到,只能自己归纳。比如剑四52页30题“a description of the mental activities which are exercised and developed during play”在*的段落中很难判断出这句信息。还有T/F/NG题中,题目顺序和出题顺序还算一致,但顺序打乱也常有。比如剑五19页8-13题。要做出这些题,那就非读*不可。2 结构阅读法于是有同学问,雅思*题材五花八门,看都看不懂怎么在几分钟内搞定?这时候可以考虑下,相对固定的*结构。根据作者观察,所有雅

2、思*都可以分为两大类:介绍性的学术说明文和论辩性的学术论文。说明文只是对一个既定的事实进行客观介绍和陈述,不包含argument,教科书就属于这一类;而学术论文通常针对一个悬而未决的问题,进行论证,继而提出解决方案,其过程就是提出问题、分析问题、解决问题。在雅思考试中,这类*分为两种:实验论证和逻辑论证。(1)、介绍类学术说明文要判断*类别,一般看标题就可以了。介绍类*是对某事物或现象进行描述或介绍,所以标题一般为名词短语或者以How开头的疑问句。具体结构如下:-Introduce a phenomenon or a fact.-Detailed Description:Timeline/Di

3、fferent Aspects/Logic Development-Look into the future/Summary无论什么*,起始段总是引出主题,所以多用叙述描写性语言,或介绍现象,或陈述事实,或交代问题。在介绍类说明文中,中间断落是对事物细节的展开描述,各种话题可以通过三种不同方式展开。第一类时间顺序,通常用于陈述一个历史事件,例如剑五中的“Johnsons Dictionary”就是这一类。第二类并列或递进,从各个侧面来介绍,例如剑四中的“What Do Whales feel?”,一看标题就知道是介绍鲸鱼各个感官的,属于并列结构。第三类是逻辑顺序,据笔者统计,环境自然类*多依照

4、这种顺序,下文对此会作详细评述,这里不再赘言。(2)、论证类*的结构实验类*-Introduce experiment-Pre-experiment (Subjects, Tools, Methods)-Experiment Process-Result (Collecting Data)-Analyses and Syntheses阅读中,实验类*结构最为固定。分析了“剑五”中所有实验类*,其结构都是以上套路,这是因为实验报告的形式本来就单调。首段总是说明实验的缘起以及实验没目的,然后介绍实验前的准备工作包括器具,实验主体等,接着进入实验进程的描述,而后公布实验结果,最后综合数据得出结论。无

5、论实验做什么,这个基本顺序是不会改变的。逻辑论证类*-Introduce the topic/problem-Literature Review (Optional)-Present Causes/Reasons (optional)-Writers Approach-Supporting Evidences-Conclusions这结构更近于论文。起始段导出议题,第二部分对议题进行文献综述,介绍已有的观点或探讨引发问题的原因,第三部分引入作者的判断以及相关分论点或论据,最后是结论。在雅思考试是中这类*通常是比较难的。总之,做题前分析结构有必要,是有效备考的良方。雅思阅读机经小范围预测*题目

6、Undergraduate students study dramas重复年份 20XX0331 20XX1018题材 人文社科*大意 文学专业学生的课程指南,提到了让学生观看英国不同时期剧院中的戏剧,并列举了不同时期四种剧院的特点。参考阅读:Medieval periodMain article: Medieval theatreBy the medieval period, the mummers plays had developed, a form of early street theatre associated with the Morris dance, concentrati

7、ng on themes such as Saint George and the Dragon and Robin Hood. These were folk tales re-telling old stories, and the actors travelled from town to town performing these for their audiences in return for money and hospitalityRenaissance: Elizabethan and Jacobean periodsThe period known as the Engli

8、sh Renaissance, approximately 15001660, saw a flowering of the drama and all the arts. The two candidates for the earliest comedy in English Nicholas Udalls Ralph Roister Doister (c. 1552) and the anonymous Gammer Gurtons Needle (c. 1566), belong to the 16th century.*题目 Fluoridation in the water重复年份

9、 20XX0312 20XX0719 20XX0119题材 医疗健康题型 选择题 3+判断 6+句子填空 5*大意 *讲述了氟化物添加对健康影响。对要不要对饮用水进行氟化处理,学者有两派不同的意见部分参考答案:选择题:1. How hot is the area A2. People should not be forced to take compulsory medication3. To demonstrate that scientists finding will be influenced by social factors判断题:4. 待补充5. Science should n

10、ot decide policy6. Scientific and social factors should be separated No7. Many sociologist ignore Ss study8. S work was not emphasized by sicnetists outside the northern America NG9. Both supporters and opponents have made valid argument. YES填空题:10. Science is objective and unbiased11. Can be affect

11、ed by social factors12. Scientific discovery cannot be understood at first13. Cautious action is not necessary14. People should have the right to choose*题目 Fish communications重复年份 20XX1203 20XX0713题材 动物题型 判断 6+填空 7*大意 讲了鱼类的交流,德国科学家在红海发现红色的鱼,发现是激发荧光。鱼用这个荧光来识别种群、标识位置、吓退敌人、掩盖自己和捕捉猎物。Fish CommunicationC

12、an fish talk? And if they do, can other fish hear what they are saying?The answer to both questions is yes, but fish talk and hear somewhat differently than humans. Although not extremely common, there are several species of fish that are able to produce sound to communicate with members of their ow

13、n and other species. Most of the fish that produce sound do it at such low frequencies that divers cannot hear the noises. But several species do produce sound in the range that humans can hear. For example, grunts are able to produce sound by grinding their flat teeth together (hence the name grant

14、!) The large Jewfish, Nassau and Black groupers are known to make very loud booms when startled or cornered. Jewfish have also been observed to make these loud sounds during courtship.Of all reef fish, damselfish are thought to use sound the most complexly. These fish use sound when males and defend

15、ing territories: two males are often seen facing off and emitting a series of combative pops. In addition to playing a part in defending its territory, damselfish also use sound during courtship, as the jewfish does. However instead of the loud booms of the jewfish, the male damselfish produce chirps to attract fe

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