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江苏专用202x高考英语一轮复习 Unit 2 The universal language学案Word文件下载.docx

1、12*opportunity n. 机遇,时机13personnel n. 人事部门;职员,全体人员14department n. 部,司,局,处,系第三屏听写 15personnel department n. 人事部门16chorus n 合唱曲;合唱团vt. 合唱;齐声说17*sore adj. 疼痛的,酸痛的18throat n. 咽喉,喉咙19*poser n. 作曲者,作曲家20motherland n. 祖国21Austria n. 奥地利第四屏听写 22tutor n 指导教师;家庭教师23symphony n. 交响乐,交响曲24bachelor n. 单身汉,未婚男子;学士

2、25*flute n. 长笛26kindergarten n. 幼儿园27folk adj. 民间的,民俗的n. 人们;亲属(尤指父母)28folk song n. 民歌,民谣 第五屏听写 29ballet n 芭蕾舞剧;芭蕾舞;芭蕾舞团30*swan n. 天鹅31album n. 音乐专辑;相册,影集32the charts n. 每周流行唱片排行榜33*blues n. 布鲁斯音乐,蓝调34slavery n. 奴隶身份;奴隶制35*trumpet n. 小号;喇叭 第六屏听写 36liberty n 自由37*rhythm n. 节奏,韵律;节律,有规则的变化38*rhythm and

3、 blues n(abbr. R&B) 节奏布鲁斯,节奏蓝调39*rattle vi.&vt. (使)发出咔嗒咔嗒的声音;使紧张或恐惧 40*et n 彗星41prejudice n. 偏见,成见vt. 使怀有(或形成)偏见42discrimination n. 歧视,区别对待;辨别力,鉴赏力 .高频词汇(汉译英)第七屏听写 1universal adj. 共同的,普遍的,全世界的2cast vt.&vi. 选派角色;投射(光、影);向投以(视线、笑容)3condemn vt. 判刑,宣判;指责,谴责4dare vt.&vi.&aux. 敢于,胆敢5disturbing adj. 令人不安的;

4、引起恐慌的6unwilling adj. 不情愿,不愿意;勉强的,无奈的7seize vt. 逮捕,捉拿;抓住,捉住;夺取,攻占8demand vt. 强烈要求;需要n. 要求;需求 第八屏听写 9evident adj. 清楚的,显然的10scold vt. 训斥,责骂11merciful adj. 仁慈的,慈悲的,宽大为怀的12deadline n. 最后期限,截止日期13unite vi.&vt. 联合,团结;统一14broken adj. 破损的,受伤的;中止了的;不连续的15unemployment n. 失业16collection n. 作品集;收藏品;一批(人或物品);取走 第

5、九屏听写 17chart n 图表;海图vt. 记录;制订;绘制(地图)18root n. 起源,起因;根,根茎19tendency n. 倾向,偏好;趋势,趋向20format n. 形式;格式;版式21gradual adj. 逐渐的,逐步的;平缓的,不陡的22decline n. 衰落,衰败;减少;下降vt. 衰落;下降;婉言谢绝23trend n. 趋势,动向24band n. 乐队;一伙人;带子;条纹 第十屏听写 25seek vt.&vi. 试图,设法;寻找,寻求26scream vi. 尖叫,高声喊;呼啸n. 尖叫,尖锐刺耳的声音27be_condemned_to_somethi

6、ng 被处以某种刑罚28ask_for_somebodys_hand_in_marriage(向女方)求婚29fall_in_love 相爱,坠入爱河30at_first_sight 初次见面;乍一看31spring_up 突然兴起,迅速出现32break_up 破裂,解散;破碎 二、单元核心考点初热身提供语境,单元考点自测回顾 (一)分类识记单词用时少功效高识记单词写对.知其意(英译汉)1.stubborn adj.固执的,顽固的2.dawn n. 黎明,拂晓;3.opportunity n. 机遇,时机4.prejudice n. 偏见,成见vt. 使怀有偏见5.discriminatio

7、n n. 歧视,区别对待;辨别力,鉴赏力6.liberty n自由7.awesome adj. 极好的;8.personnel n. 人事部门;9.department n. 部,司,局,处,系10.poser n. 作曲者,作曲家.写其形(汉译英)1.scold vt.训斥,责骂2.deadline n. 最后期限,截止日期3.broken adj. 破损的;中止的;4.trend n. 趋势,动向5.scream vi. 尖叫,高声喊;n.尖叫,尖锐刺耳的声音核心单词练通1.There are not enough sports facilities to meet peoples gro

8、wing demands (要求)2.I think we must not condemn (谴责) her on pure supposition.3.They are still seeking (试图) to find a peaceful solution to the conflict.4.Since he was stuck in a lift a year ago he hasnt dared (敢) to get back into one. 5.This decline (减弱) in vigour with the passing of time is called ag

9、eing.6.Recent research has cast (投射) new light on the causes of the disease.7.Tyrion seized (抓住) her by the wrist and pulled her out of the pit.8.They added nitrogen (氮) to the soil through their _roots (根)拓展单词用活记全记牢1.universal adj.共同的,普遍的,全体的,全世界的universe n宇宙用准用活1._Gradually (gradual) the farmland

10、turned into a desert.2.It was evident that all the evidence we collected proved him to be guilty.(evident)2.disturbing adj.令人不安的;引起恐慌的disturbed adj.心理不正常的;精神失常的disturb vt.打扰;使中断;使焦虑3.unwilling adj.不情愿,不愿意;勉强的,无奈的willing adj.自愿的willingness n乐意4.evident adj.清楚的,显然的evidence n证据;证词5.merciful adj.仁慈的,慈悲的

11、,宽大为怀的mercy n宽容,仁慈,怜悯6.unemployment n失业unemployed adj.失业的employment n雇佣,工作,职业employ v雇佣employer n雇主employee n雇员7.collection n作品集;取走collect vt.收集collector n收集者;收藏家8.tendency n倾向,偏好;趋势,趋向tend v倾向;趋向9.gradual adj.逐渐的,逐步的;平缓的,不陡的gradually adv.逐渐地,逐步地3.The disturbing news made people present at the meeti

12、ng disturbed.(disturb)4.An increase in crime is one of the results of unemployment,_so the government and the employers should pay more attention to the employment.(employ)5.The old collector likes to collect some old paintings and his house is said to build up a fine art collection.(collect)6.There is a growing tendency for people to return to the hometown to start their business. The middleaged tend to do that.(tend) 7.There are a huge number of unknown planets in the universe,_so these puzzles are very universal. But we beli

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