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1、14. be good/bad for 对有好处/有害15. a bit/little 稍微;有点儿16. go shopping 去购物17. betweenand在和之间18. too much/many太多1. 我来自武汉。 Im from Wuhan.2. 真是一个大家庭啊! What a big family!3. 你们英格兰的教室是什么样子的? Whats your classroom in England like?4. 在北京,你们班上有多少名学生? How many students are there in your class in Beijing?5. 在学校的中间是个

2、大操场。 In the middle of the school is a big playground.6. 我们一点儿肉都没有。 We havent got any meat.Modules 510 七年级上册 1. go to school上学2. get up起床3. have breakfast/lunch/dinner 吃早/午/晚餐4. go home回家5. go to bed 上床睡觉6. go to sleep 开始睡觉;入睡7. such as 比如8. look at 看9. a little 少量10. as well as并且,还11. be good at 擅长1

3、2. many kinds of许多种类13. turn on打开14. search for搜寻;查找15. at weekends在周末16. hear from 收到的来信17. take photos 拍照18. wait for 等待19. on sale 正在出售20. go back回去21. get off 下(公交车、飞机、火车等)22. get ready for为做好准备23. at the moment此刻,目前24. at work 在工作25. put away 收起;收拾好26. hurry up 赶快1. 几点了?Whats the time?2. 有一只叫托尼

4、的熊猫吗? Is there a panda called Tony?3. 熊猫一天大约吃30公斤竹子和其他植物。 The panda eats about 30 kilos of bamboo a day as well as other plants.4. 我想学习如何打印文件。 I want to learn how to print a document.5. 你愿意来参加我的生日聚会吗? Would you like to come to my birthday party?6. 大明的妈妈在衣服上花费了许多钱。 Damings mother spends a lot of mone

5、y on clothes.7. 迈克,收到你的来信真好。 Its great to hear from you, Mike.8. 你们正在为春节做准备吗? Are you getting ready for Spring Festival?Modules 16 七年级下册 1. first of all 首先;第一2. be careful with 小心(对待)3. from now on 从现在开始4. in a hurry 匆匆忙忙5. hundreds of 几百;成百上千6. and so on 等等7. worry about 担心8. get on/along well with

6、 sb.与某人相处融洽9. be ready to do sth. 乐于做某事10. choose from 从中选择11. look forward to 盼望12. thats all 仅此而已13. make friends 交朋友14. go sightseeing 观光15. notany more 不再16. come true 实现17. not onlybut also 不仅而且18. try on 试穿19. as well 和;又;也20. just like 正如;正像21. talk to与谈话22. get on/off 上/下车(船)23. look for寻找24

7、. play the piano 弹钢琴25. play table tennis打乒乓球26. go over 复习;练习27. have a picnic去野餐28. enjoy oneself 过得愉快29. in the future将来30. one day 总有一天31. traffic jam交通堵塞32. what size多大尺码33. pay for付款34. at any time在任何时候35. online shopping网上购物36. turn left向左转37. take the underground乘地铁38. summer holiday 暑假39. t

8、ake a walk散步40. be able to能够做41. wait a minute别急;稍等一会42. go out外出;游玩1. “这是谁的包?”“噢,不好意思,它是我的。Whose bag is this? Oh sorry!s mine.2. 请大家从现在起保管好自己的物品。 Everyone, please be careful with your things from now on.3. 那就是机场和车站有失物招领处的原因。 Thats why there are lost and found offices at airports and stations.4. 还有谁

9、打算去那儿? Who else is going to be there?5. 未来的生活将会是什么样子的? What will life be like in the future?6. 我们将不再乘公交车和自行车出行了。 We wont travel by bus or bike any more.7. 她穿多大尺码的? What size does she take?8. 你想要多少? How many/much would you like?Modules 712 七年级下册 1. once upon a time 从前2. go for a walk 散步3. all alone 独

10、自一人的4. pick up 举起;拿起5. in pieces 破碎6. at first 起初;首先7. point at 指着8. find out 发现;查明;弄清9. at the age of 在岁时10. around the world 世界各地11. shake hands 握手12. each other 互相;彼此13. arm in arm 臂挽臂地14. not at all 一点也不15. in fact 事实上16. wait in line 排队17. knock on/at 敲18. be well worth doing 值得做19. on the east

11、 coast of在的东海岸20. change into 变成21. look into向里看22. look around向四周看23. be lost迷路24. finish school完成学业25. in ones life在某人的一生中26. on holiday度假27. drive sb. to ones home 开车送某人回家28. do some shopping 购物29. buy sth. for sb.为某人买某物30. the capital of 的首都31. become famous for 因变得有名32. a piece of music一首乐曲1. 她

12、决定提着篮子去公园散步。 She decided to go for a walk in the park with her basket.2. 到达那里花了多长时间? How long did it take to get there?3. 我们一直等到所有的灯都亮了。 We waited till all the lights were on.4. 不要站得离北美人太近! Dont stand too close to North Americans!5. (交谈时)看别的地方是不礼貌的。 It isnt polite to look somewhere else.6. 这是西方音乐,不是

13、吗? This is Western music, isnt it?7. 多么美丽的一座城市啊! What a beautiful city!8. 你喜欢传统的西方音乐还是流行音乐? Do you like traditional Western music or pop music?Modules 12 八年级上册 1. write down 写下;记下2. look up 查;3. make a mistake 犯错误4. agree with sb. 同意某人5. practise doing sth. 练习做某事6. be famous/known for 因而闻名7. part of 的一部分8. asas possible尽可能的9. say hello to 向问好10. forget to do sth. 忘记要做某事11. in addition to除了之外还12. some day某一天13. each time 每一次1

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