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1、9chemical adj. 化学的;关于化学的 第二屏听写10organic adj. 有机的;器官的;组织的11fertile adj. 肥沃的;富饶的12fertilizer n. 肥料;化肥13bacteria n (bacterium的复数形式) 细菌14nutrition n. 营养;滋养;食物15pest n. 害虫;害兽;害鸟16mineral n. 矿物;矿石17skim vt. 浏览;略读18underline vt. 画底线标出;强调19industrial adj. 工业的;产业的 .高频词汇(汉译英)第三屏听写1struggle vi.& n 斗争;拼搏;努力2dec

2、ade n. 十年;十年期3crop n. 庄稼;农作物;产量4hunger n. 饥饿;欲望vt.& vi. (使)饥饿5disturbing adj. 引起烦恼的;令人不安的6expand vt.& vi. 使变大;伸展7battle n. 战役;战斗;较量;斗争 vi. 搏斗;奋斗 第四屏听写8rid vt. 摆脱;除去9freedom n. 自由;自主10therefore adv. 因此;所以;因而11equip vt.& vi. 配备;装备12export vt.& vi. 输出;出口13confuse vt. 使迷惑;使为难14regret vt. 遗憾;惋惜n. 遗憾;懊悔15

3、production n. 生产;制造 第五屏听写16discovery n 发现;发觉17focus n. 焦点;中心点vt. 集中;聚焦18soil n. 土壤19reduce vt. 减少;减缩20root n. 根;根源21summary n. 总结;摘要;概要22comment n. 评论;议论vi.& vt. 表达意见;作出评论 第六屏听写23nationality n 国籍24thanks_to 幸亏;由于;因为25rid_.of 使摆脱或除去26be_satisfied_with 对感到满意27would_rather 宁愿;宁可28build_up 逐渐增强;建立;开发29l

4、ead_to 导致;造成(后果)30focus_on 集中(注意力、精力等)于31keep_.free_from/of 使免受(影响、伤害等); 使不含(有害物) 二、单元核心考点初热身提供语境,单元考点自测回顾(一)分类识记单词用时少功效高识记单词写对.知其意(英译汉)1.statistic n. 数据; 统计资料2.sunburnt adj. 晒黑的3.output n. 产量;4.circulate vt.& vi. 循环;5.personality n. 性格;6.chemical adj. 化学的;关于化学的7.fertilizer n. 肥料;8.bacteria n. 细菌9.n

5、utrition n. 营养;10.skim vt. 浏览;.写其形(汉译英)1.crop n庄稼;2.battle n. 战役; vi. 搏斗;奋斗3.rid vt. 摆脱;4.soil n. 土壤5.root n. 根;6.summary n. 总结;核心练通1.Our foreign trade has expanded (扩大) during recent years.2.The number of people suffering from heart disease will be greatly reduced (减少) if they are persuaded to eat

6、more fruit and vegetables.3.Health and environmental problems have increasingly become the focus (焦点) of attention.4.I dont regret (后悔) telling her what I thought.5.The reporter commented (评论) that the film Lost and Love was very moving.6.Every year, India exports (出口) a lot of tea and cotton to man

7、y different countries.7.She has had much food high in fibre recently.Therefore (因此), she becomes slim.8.Thanks to their support and help, we were not so badly off during the past decade (十年)9.Having struggled (努力) for many years, he was finally admitted to a key university.拓展单词用活记全记牢1.hunger n饥饿;欲望v

8、t.& vi.(使)饥饿hungry adj.饥饿的;渴望得到的2.freedom n自由;自主free adj.自由的3.production n生产;制造produce vt.生产producer n生产者;制片人4.discovery n发现;发觉discover vt.发现;发觉discoverer n发现者5.equip vt.& vi.配备;装备equipment n装备;设备(不可数)6.confuse vt.使迷惑;使为难confusing adj.令人迷惑的confused adj.感到迷惑的7.disturbing adj.引起烦恼的;令人不安的disturbed adj.

9、扰乱的disturb vt.扰乱;打扰8.nationality n国籍nation n国家;民族national adj.民族的用准用活1.Our school offers good equipment and you will be well equipped with knowledge and skills for your future job.(equip)2.He was really confused by the confusing problem which also confused other people for a long time.(confuse)3.The

10、 discoverer of electricity was Franklin; like many discoveries,_it benefits us greatly.(discover)4.Disturbing news came that the virus spread quickly, which made us rather disturbed.(disturb)5.Paper produced every year is three times the weight of the worlds production of vehicles.(produce)6.As long

11、 as national types are not taken too seriously, its fun trying to guess a persons nationality from their personality.(nation)1.“因此”家族therefore adv.因此;所以so conj. 因此;thus adv. 因此;于是consequently adv. 所以;因此as a result 结果;2.“评论”名词知多少comment评论;remark 评论review 回顾;复习;评论criticism 批评statement 声明;陈述announcemen

12、t 声明;通告3.加后缀ment构成的名词面面观equipequipment装备developdevelopment 发展movemovement 移动establishestablishment 建立employemployment 雇用(二)语段串记短语不枯燥兴趣高先 写 对再 用 准第一组1.rid_.of使摆脱或除去2.be_satisfied_with 对感到满意3.would_rather 宁愿;4.build_up 逐渐增强;5.be_rich_in 盛产In order to rid local people of poverty, he made up his mind to build_up his business. More and more people have good jobs and earn a great deal of money at present. However, he is not satisfied_with what he has achieved.第二组1.thanks_to 幸亏;2.lead_to 导致;3.focus_on 集中(注意力、精力等)于4.keep_.free_from/of 使免受(影响、伤害等); 使不含(有害物)5.in_addition

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