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1、新时代交互英语视听说2对话文本新时代交互英语视听说2对话文本NEW ERA INTERACTIVE ENGLISH 2Scripts for Apply videoUNIT 1 A quick lunchDave: Here you go. A half-caf, half-decaf, low-fat latte. Enjoy! Next, pleaseEmi: Hi, Dave.Dave: Oh, hi, Emi. What can I get for you?Emi: Id like a tuna fish sandwich.Dave: For here ,or to go?Emi: F

2、or here.Dave: Sure. What kind of bread would you like?Emi: Bread? Whole wheat, I guess.Dave: Sorry, we dont have any whole wheat. How about white or rye?Emi: White is fine.Dave: Would you like a slice of tomato or lettuce on it?Emi: Um Tomato or lettuce? Just lettuce, no tomato.Dave: Would you like

3、mustard or mayo?Emi: Dave, look,I dont really care. Just give me a tuna fish sandwich!Dave: Sure. One tuna fish sandwich. Coming right up.Dave: Anything to drink with that?Emi: Maybe some iced tea.Dave: With ice?Emi: Of course!Dave: Sure. Large, medium, or small?Emi: Small.Dave: Regular or decaf?Emi

4、: Regular or decaf? You have decaf tea?Dave: Emi, theres always a chioice, didnt you know that?Emi: OK, Dave. Regular.Dave: With sugar or sweetener?Emi: Dave ,cut it out.Why are there so many choices?UNIT 2 What a weekendAna: Hi, Chris. How was your weekend?Chris: Boring. I was at home all weekend.

5、How about you?Ana: You know me, Im never home on weekends!Chris: Where were you?Ana: I was in L.A. on Saturday and Sunday.Chris: Where?Ana: Los Angeles.Chris: Oh, wow! What did you do?Ana: We did a bunch of tourist stuff shopping, beach, movie studios.Chris: Ah.Did you have a good time?Ana: Oh, yeah

6、, it was great. But I spent way too much money.Chris: Who who did you go with?Ana: Emi and Sam.Chris: Oh. How did you get there?Ana: We flew.Chris: Wasnt that expensive?Ana: No. It was really cheap. Sam had these great discount coupons.Chris: Where did you guys stay?Ana: Oh, Sam has a brother in L.A

7、. We stayed at his place.Chris: Ah. Wasnt that crowded?Ana: No. It was a lot of fun. You know, Chris, you ought to come with us next time.Chris: Hmm. Maybe.UNIT 3 Working smartLaura: Hi, Frankie. What are you doing?Frankie: HomeworkLaura: Need any help?Frankie: Un,yeah,Can you show me how to use thi

8、s math program?Laura: Sure Just type the numbers in column 1.Frankie: OK,do I have to hit “return”?Laura: Right.You have to hit”return” after each number.Ok,oopscarefuldo it carefully.Good!Frankie: Cool. OK, now how do I add them?Laura: Next, you need to highlight the numbers and now you have to cli

9、ck on “ add”.Frankie: And thats the answer?Laura: Thats it. Pretty cool, huh?Frankie: Wow. Thats easy. You dont have to think. I love it!Laura: Yeah, computers are great but, you have to learn how to add numbers the real way.Frankie: The real way? This is the real way.Laura: Well, you know what I me

10、an. You have to learn how to add without a computer. Frankie: Why do I have to learn that? Laura: Thats a good question. Its important. Frankie: But why? Laura: Believe it or not, Frankie, you wont always have a computer with you when you need to add something. Frankie: Why not?UNIT 4 Feeling downDo

11、ctor: Hi, Emi. You dont look so good today.Emi: I know. I feel terrible.Doctor: You have a fever.Emi: I know. I have a cold.Doctor: Gesundheit!Emi: What does that mean?Doctor: Oh, its German. It means “Good health”.People say it when someone sneezes.Emi: Thank you.Doctor: OK, open up Say “ahh” Emi:

12、Ahh.Doctor: Does this hurt?Emi: Yes.Doctor: You need some medication.Emi: What kind of medication do I need?Doctor: You have a sinus infection, so Im giving you some Azithromycin.Emi: Azithro-what? Whats that?.Doctor: Its an antibiotic. You need to take it for five days. Emi: What do I do with this?

13、 Doctor: Thats the prescription. Take it to the pharmacy, and theyll fill it for you. Emi: Thank you. Doctor: Oh, and I know youre busy, but you need to take it easy for a few ays, OK ?Emi: I know. I definitely need some rest. Doctor: OK. Bye-bye. Emi: Bye. UNIT 5 Late again Luis: Hello. Luis Mendez

14、.Laura: Luis, its Laura. Where are you?Luis: What do you mean, where I am? Im here. Im in the office. Youre talking to me. Laura: But we have a meeting with Lucid Systems, at one oclock!Luis: At one? Oh, man! How do I get to Lucid?Laura: Its on Ashby, 3121 Ashby, near Telegraph Avenue. Take college

15、Avenue to Ashby, and turn right.Luis: Got it.Laura: Hurry!Luis: Im on my way.Laura: Oh, Luis?Luis: Yeah?Laura: Be sure to bring the Lucid file.Luis: Where is it?Laura: I put it on your desk this morning.Luis: You did?Laura: Remember? I put it next to your computer.Luis: Oh, right. Yeah, here it is.Laura: And Luis, please hurry. I need to talk to you aboutLuis: OK, well talk about it when I get there. Bye.UNIT 6 Weekend plansAna: Are you going to the party

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