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1、as()as1.,.as, adj./ adv.+as.磺(1)This film is as interesting as thatone.(2)Your pen writes as smoothly asmine.not as/so +adj./ adv.+as.磺This dictionary is not as/so useful asyou think.,twice, three times, half, aquarter,as.磺Your bag is twice as expensive possible

2、Please answer my question as soon aspossible.(2) usual/beforeShe looks as pretty asbefore.(3)as long as. ()It took us as long as three years tocarry out the plan.(4)as far asHe walked as far as the railway stationyesterday evening.,.(5)as well asShe cooks as well as her busy

3、as a beeas easy as ABCABCas deep as a wellas light as a featheras soft as butteras rich as a Jew2. asaswhen,while,嶼.when,while,as,.磺(1)It was snowing when he arrived at theconstruction site.,.(2)He was watching TV while his motherwas cooking.(3) You will grow wiser as you growolder.3. asas,because,s

4、ince,becauseas,since,.磺(1) He will succeed because he is inearnest.,.(2) Since you are so sure of it hellbelieve you.,.(3) As rain has fallen, the air iscooler.,.4. asasalthough (though),however (no matter how),although,but,yetas,however,򸱴,.磺(1) Although he is quite old, he stilljogs every d

5、ay.,.(2) Strange as it may seem, nobody wasinjured in the accident.,.(3) However hard he may try, he will notattain his goal.asas,thatwhich.1. asthe same.asThis is the same book as I read lastweek.such.asI dont like such books as +adj. + a/an + n. () + as I am not so strong a man as

6、Iwas.2. asas,.磺(1) She is late, as is often thecase.,.()(2) To shut your eyes to facts, as manyof you do, is foolish.-.()asas,.磺He came to China as a tourist five yearsago.asto the same degree or amount; equally,.磺They dont have as manyairplanes.There be( ) 1. _ a lot of rain in our hometown in summ

7、er. A. There is B. There has C. We have D. We has( ) 2. There _ a little milk in the bottle. A. is B. has C. are D. have( ) 3. There is going to _ a class meeting this afternoon. A. have B. hold C. is D. be( ) 4. There _a lot of traffic at this time of day, so youd better _ more careful. A. has, be

8、B. have, been C. is, be D. are, are( ) 5. There _ some water in the cup. A. is B. am C. are D. be( ) 6. _ there enough good news in todays newspaper? A. Is B. Are C. Were D. Was( ) 7. How many people _ in your family? A. do you have B. are there C. you had D. there are( ) 8. There _ an apple and ten

9、 bananas in the basket. You can take any of them. A. is B. are C. has D. have( ) 9. How many teachers _ there in your school? A. is B. are C. have D. has( ) 10. There isnt any bread on the table, _? A. is there B. isnt there C. has there D. was there( ) 11. There _ an apple tree near the river. A. i

10、s B. am C. are D. be( ) 12. There _ a talk about American country music in our school tonight. A. will have B. is going to have C. is going to has D. will be( ) 13. There _ anything new in todays newspaper. A. isnt B. arent C. hasnt D. havent( ) 14. There _ sheep in the field. A. is small B. are muc

11、h C. are a few D. are a little( ) 15. There are _ in the field. They are eating grass. A. a horse B. much horse C. many horse D. many horses( ) 16. There is no rice in the bag, _? A. is it B. isnt it C. is there D. isnt there( ) 17. There _ many trees here two years ago. A. was B. is C. are D. were(

12、 ) 18. -_? - There are five. A. How many boxes on the table B. What are those C. Whats this D. How many boxes are there on the table( ) 19. _ on the table. A. The pen is B. There is the pen C. Pen is D. There has a pen( ) 20. There _ a new bed and an old desk in the room. A. is B. are C. have D. has

13、( ) 21. There _ an important meeting tomorrow. A. will have B. will be C. is going to have D. is going to has( ) 22. _ many trees here three years ago. A. There is B. There was C. There are D. There were( ) 23. There _ thousands of workers in that factory. A. am B. have C. be D. are( ) 24. There _ a

14、 lot more people in this room than in that one. A. is B. am C. have D. are( ) 25. There _ a map between the two windows. A. is B. are C. will be D. was( ) 26. There _ a box of oranges in the room. A. is B. are C. have D. has( ) 27. If there _ a No Swimming sign dont get into water. A. are B. have C.

15、 were D. is( ) 28. There _ a lot of people over there. Do you know what has happened? A. are B. was C. have D. is( ) 29. There are a few differences between them, _? A. are there B. are they C. arent they D. arent there( ) 30. There _ something new in tomorrows newspaper. A. is going to have B. is g

16、oing to be C. are going to have D. are going to be( ) 31. Beijing _ rainy. And there _ much wind, too. A. will have, will have B. will be, will have C. will be, will be D. will have, will be( ) 32. There will e hardly any people on this island _. A. will there B. wont there C. is there D. are there(

17、 ) 33. The radio says _ a cold day in South China tomorrow. A. will be B. will have C. will get D. there will be( ) 34. There is little water in the bottle, _? A. isnt there B. is there C. are there D. is they( ) 35. There are few apples in the fridge _? A. are there B. arent there C. arent they D.

18、are they( ) 36. There is a teacher and _ students in the classroom. A. any B. some C. the D. much( ) 37. - Is there _ egg in your bag? - No, there is _ apple in my bag. A. a, a B. a, an C. an, a D. an, an( ) 38. There _ two bottles of milk on the table. A. is B. are C. have D. be( ) 39. There are some _ on the beds. A. baby B. babys C. babies D. babyies( ) 40. There are _ in the room. A. a man teacher B. some man teachers C. some men teachers D. some mans teachers

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