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1、第一篇:英文教师英文自荐信xx distinguished leadership of the shool: hello!sinerel thank ou for our bus shedule to visit the job searh materials. there is a arm heart and sinere desire to be our understanding and help. at this junture, let me assure ou i ish to appl. m name is曹立群, jul 5,97, siping normal ollege,

2、i graduated from the histor of professional eduation, an undergraduate histor. after graduating from the first run has been the fous of jilin anbian ii high shool engaged in teahing histor, and is urrentl a teaher in eduation. to ork, i strive to do a good job in the histor of teahers. sine98, six e

3、ars in a ro the shool has been rated as outstanding teahers. in 201X as named the state advaned orkers. no i am teahing, eduation, eduation and sientifi researh and ontinuing eduation in four areas introdue mself to ou. first, the teahing of:sine from the spirit of respthe moderator, opened up a las

4、s forum , 心灵驿站 and other olumns, a number of themes arising from the students strongl reperussions, suh as: the lass teaher and students an bee a friend? and ho to deal ith students online to pla all night? , student ase analsis and other themes, students often respond to the theme of muniation thro

5、ugh the internet so that teahers learn more about mental ativities of students, but also ith the students do not meet the online frank exhanges, strengthening the future of targeted eduation students to reate the onditions laid the foundation. at the same time also strengthened beteen the lass teahe

6、r, lass teaher and student exhanges and muniation beteen. advise their students to ativel partiipate in various extra-urriular petition in99, the third in the national patriotism eduation in primar and seondar shool students in the petition, on the outstanding teaher XXrd in 201X primar and seondar

7、shool students aross the ountr to elebrate the 80 anniversar of the hinese munist part eduation ativities on the outstanding teaher XXrd for guidane. third, teahing and researh areas:1, to rite theses. sine the edge from the ork involved in teahing, hile pa attention to summing up of eduation, teahi

8、ng experienes and lessons ith the ase, and ritten papers. june98, thesis on extra-urriular ativities and historial analsis of lassroom teahing ith examples, a film b the hinese urban soial ine exellent olletion of teahing experiene in eduation reform. august98, the preparation of the distribution of

9、 anbian moral eduation and the development and utilization of resoures, a book b the state arhives, state arhives arhival information soiet development as the oute of the first prize. june 201X, thesis on the histor of modern eduation tehnolog and innovative teahing eduation b the hinese researh ass

10、oiation for eduation and intelligene as the outstanding ahievements of the XXdemi mittee of the first prize. in 201X, the paper innovation eduation in the appliation of modern eduational tehnolog has been published into the radio hinese teahers books, the first series of histor lesson students stud

11、innovative apait-building in the. 2, to partiipate in researh. sine the ork, and ativel partiipate in sientifi researh studies. 1999, as hired as the national eduation and siene, ninth five-ear plan fouses on the subjet of the state eduation mission, eduation and the optimal alloation of information

12、 resoures and the effiient development of the sub-topi information on the frontier of eduation in ethni minorit areas of the rational alloation of resoures and effiient development of the group members, is responsible for the moral anbian and the distribution of eduational resoures development and u

13、tilization of subjet of stud. in 201X, shool-based teahing materials in the preparation of the feeling of anbian universit, has been published b the students ell. 201X-201X, uneso partiipated in the entral researh enter of the urriulum materials of the ninth five-ear plan sientifi researh the histor

14、 of XXdemi innovation and apait-building researh, sientifi researh paper innovation in eduation tehnolog in modern eduation as inluded in the publiation radio agen published the hina teahers series, first series histor lesson students stud innovative apait-building in the. no to partiipate in anothe

15、r national issue - the modern eduational tehnolog and integration of various subjets researh. fourth, ontinuing eduation:201X januar-februar, modern eduational tehnolog in the national training enter to partiipate in tehnial training in modern eduation. jul 201X - februar 201X, partiipated in the no

16、rtheast normal universit department of histor, orld histor postgraduate ourses in professional eduation ourse is no losed don. in november 201X, to obtain the histor of the department of northeast normal universit master of eduation xxxxxxx, or b e-mail xxxxxxxxx. ontat me to see the folloing eb site, ou an learn more about me, looking forard to hearing from gong. finall, i sinerel ish our shool areer developmen

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