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1、 3第三七部分为非选择題。必须注明大、小题号使用05毫米黑色字迹签字笔作答。4.含理安排答趣空间,趙岀答题区域无效。第一部分:阅渎判断(第110题,每題1分,共10分下面的短文后列出了 10个句子请根据短文的内容对每个句子作出判断;如果该 句提供的是正确信息,选择A;如果该句提供的是错误信息,选择如果该句的信息 文中没有提及,选择6在答题卡相应位置上将答案选项涂黑。The Thinking Habit That Changed My LifeI remember one evening three years ago, when my life was very different. I wa

2、s overweight I was deeply in debt. I was a smoker. I felt hopeless and helpless. I couldn9t change anything.Then I looked up at the sky and thought what a miracle life is. And I resolved to list the good things in my life. I had a wonderful wife. I had five amazing children I could see and appreciat

3、e the beauty of the world around me. The list went on, but you get the idea. Even when things seemed terrible for me, actually I was OK.That night 1 resolved to be grateful for what I had, Arid for the people in my life. I started the habit of gratitude. Now many people consider it unimportant. Im h

4、ere to tell you that ifs very important. It changes lives.Now I appreciate my wife Eva more. I feel good about having her in my lifb. And we have deepened our relationship. I also appreciate my kids snore. Instead of(003)英语(二)试卷笫1页(共8页)巾01讦M I (二)述讯(亜8”)亞乙盘钛託仁榮童(J00)UMQ ION 3 OSFJ g out VirqEq peq s

5、ouo o3uvqo o)耳iom i6usop uoipu jpws y 0!UMQ iom im ON Dwsaiq h)n Q。啊 H 9HJJL vsjaipo ui poo9 oqi aas o)i)mou 飞 aspj w 3tu丄 *vpui punojE aidood qjiM spuojjj Zuppiu $QS|%J a anjjL -V乌PH Xiu i)wa ep)s aiow mou ure 工U3A!O lN 列时 g onj丄 v旬 jm Aiu ipiM diqsuoijBiaj jaso3 e OAEq j mon 9U3AF0 KN 3 os阳 g oiu

6、-yS/CupEMOu spnjpBjS jo 3iqq oip onpA 9dood Aire%3AQ ION 3 ospj -g orui -yuoaid jon D叫d ion 3uaA-19 2N 3引!I Xiujo 3uipumsj9pun mou o)oarea SuiuAd auo t沖18 snifvX!呵 Xur uoddns o)3qEim ?em | 兀刑唤tq oniJ/H! do)s j4upjno pire Xcp Xj9A9 jp( 啊宅 叫1 V-oe sjboX oaitp 可Xiu qjiM Xddcqun sbm j JQJ gueq wno/C)eii

7、(yiijnoX ui suiqi sip jo isij b 9)Piu 03 juouioiu v 0护)jo 旬! jnoX ui i|ii/n duosuiosJO SuiMPiuos)nq)ssouiddeq oip psg 匡明 uoipe puis b q)iM uejs ubo noX jdurexa JOj Sunpdiuos op uvo noX)nq souo je 屮 aSireqo icireo ?& sSuiip pue do3d ui peq oq)gs pire urB(duiO0 oj puaj om capiunai3 jo yq叫 oqi jnoiprsa

8、iuoaaq jyij pire pnjijcjS joj osnuo sauiowq juaraouu 心02 puvipeg ”科 op 1 】EqM joj pyajcjS ure劭叫 i.uop j)Bt|M)nx|6 upfuiip jo peojsui asnuoaq sssj poou j uioip jcy jujbjS ure pire cpoo3。弔 dos j auo/CidAd ui s】n可 o屮 Suioos jo pBoisui ssneoaq Osp aioqMiBAQ pire 耳jom jb 9ui punare siaipo oj jopupi iuj j

9、oiunq pire Xjisouno sspuipAoj jpqi aoiiou 01 pus) 4iuoqj 3uizppiJ9 第二部分三阅读选择(第仆15题,每题2分,共10分)阅读下面短文,谓从短文后所给各题的4个选项(A、B、C、D)中选岀1个聂隹选 项,井在答题卡相应位置上将该项涂黑。Dog TrainingDog training is a must for all dogs. It is more than just telling your dog to stop doing what hes doing; it is the process of teaching a d

10、og to exhibit certain desired behaviors in specific circumstances Proper dog training is not a quick fixit is an ongoing process Dog training also involves teaching the owner. Going through dog training is something that every dog owner should do. It is like going to school over again. It is all abo

11、ut communication, and you need to learn to communicate with your dog.Training your dog to wsif* is probably the first thing you will train your dog to do. When you want your dog to sit, hold a treat above his head and say usif As the dog sits, say sit” again and then immediately give him the treat.

12、Your dog should drop into a sit position in order to reach the food.Teaching your dog to fetch promotes bonding. To do this, first throw a ball, and give the command ffctc!T As he starts to run towards it, yell 桃fbteh” again. Instead of a ball, you may use the object your dog loves most. Do not play

13、 fetch with heavy items or sticks, however, as this can damage the dogs teeth or injure the dog.A well-trained dog should remain where his owner conunands, so slay if an important command in dog training as well. Since it is more involved which will be the subject of another article.Dog training is

14、a very physical activity, so be prepared to be tired And dog training is never without risk of injury, especially with more aggressive dogs One major mistake many dog owners make is to think that the dog trailing is over Training your dog continues throughout your dogs life.11. What does the author

15、say about dog training?A.It requires professional guidance B. It is necessary for every dog.C.It gives dogs good exercise. D It is an esyjob for trainers12- What is the most important thing for dog trainers to do?A.Learn to communicate with dogs.B Give dogs timely encouragementC.Create right circumstances for dogsD.Teach dogs desired behaviors13.Dog trainers usually train their dogs f

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