2、需要合理安排做题时间和做题环节。建议做题环节可以分为如下几种阶段:1、审清题目 阅读一开始时候,一方面应当读题,可以用一到两分钟时间,理解题干意思,并且可以圈出题目中浮现核心词。圈出核心词非常重要,这样有助于考生能迅速找到题目所问有关内容,使学生理解文章构造,让她们明白哪些是重点,哪些是次要点。通过审题,考生可以对题目大体有个理解,这样便能在阅读文章过程中,读到有关内容时提高注意力,能更加着力分析其所含意义,有助于加深印象。2、阅读文章 在阅读文章时候,考生需要以较迅速度从大量材料中捕获有关重要信息,这就便规定考生必要养成良好阅读习惯。切忌不要逐字逐词阅读,理解每一种单词、词组或句子意思,这样
3、很耗费考试时间,没有效率。而是应当依照中心词和重点词连贯阅读,把握每段中心句或中心思想,依照题干中标出定位词在文章中定位核心信息,把握文章大意。 在阅读整篇文章时需注意如下几点:(1) 注重段落首末。近几年浙江省专升本阅读理解题目增长了对段落首末内容考查。在每段首末处,文章内容都会经常浮现某些很具备代表性观点和总结性概括,这经常会成为阅读主旨和总结考查地方。读文章时特别要注意首段首尾两句话,大多数状况下,这两句话回事全文主旨,会表白整篇文章所表达意思基调和方向。 (2) 注意转折性连接词。文中转折性词汇经常会成为阅读考点标志性词汇,此类词汇是考题解题题眼所在。例如however、but等词汇,
4、跟在这些词汇背面内容普通就是考题答案所在。(3) 略读例句。阅读中经常浮现某些例句,只用来补充阐明文章所陈述观点,这些句子普通是由for example、for instance、e.g.等短语或词语来引导。对于这些例句,除非阅读文章涉及题目中有所提及,否则往往可以迅速过掉甚至可以忽视不读,这样也能更加提高阅读速度。(4) 忽视某些研究所表白观点。阅读文章中,作者在给出某个观点后,有时会在观点之后加上某些研究表白(常浮现research、survey、study等词汇),那么同样,除非阅读文章后题目中有所提及,否则这些research、survey、study等所陈述详细内容普通也可忽视不读。
6、对文章大概框架作一种宏观把握,归纳文章要点,概括文章中心思想和分析文章章篇构造,从而解答背面题目。普通来说主旨大意题考点都会很明显在出当前文章之中,普通位子会是首段首句或者尾句,更或者主题就存在与文章末尾段。在读文章时候,特别要注意首尾两端有转折性引导词,引导词背面语句大多数会是作者想表达观点,切忌注意。1、主旨大意题常用设问方式What is the main idea of the passage?What does the passage mainly discuss?What is the main topic of the passage?Which of the following
7、 can best sum up the passage?Which of the following can best express/ summarize/ convey the main idea of the passage?This passage is mainly/ primarily concerned with _ .This passage is mainly about _ .This passage mainly discusses/ deals with _ .The purpose/ aim of the passage is to _ .The purpose o
8、f the author in writing this passage is to _ .The passage is intended to _ .2、主旨大意题解题技巧(1)文章首尾,首段首尾成为常用命题点。对于整篇文章来说,中心句、主题句普通就是在首尾位子。同样,对于段落也是如此,段首和段末普通是该段主旨句。对于阅读时间紧张同窗,有时候实在是为了节约时间,可以通过仔细分析主题句、忽视其她某些去理解文章或者段落大意。(2)标志性引导词。常用标志性引导词有but,however等转折性连接词和表因果连词because,therefore,for,as a result等。它们所引导句子往往
9、会标明作者意图和观点,需要着重分析理解。(3)特殊标点符号。在文章首段或者尾段带有冒号和破折号语句普通是作者想法,表白文章内容和主体。For example:浙江工商大学阅读理解Text 5 第51题:The word religion is derived from the Latin noun religion,which denotes both earnest observance of ritual obligations and an inward spirit of reverence. In modern usage,religion covers a wide spectru
10、m of meaning that reflects the enormous variety of ways the term can be interpreted. At one extreme,many committed believers recognize only their own tradition as a religion,understanding expressions such as worship and prayer to refer exclusively to the practices of their tradition. Although many b
11、elievers stop short of claiming an exclusive status for their tradition,they may nevertheless use vagueoridealizing terms in defining religion for example,true love of God,the path of enlightenment. At the other extreme,religion may be equated with ignorance,fanaticism,wishful thinking. By defining
12、religion as a sacred engagement with what is taken to be a spiritual reality,it is possible to consider the importance of religion in human life without making claims about what it really isought to be. Religion is not an object with a single,fixed meaning,even a zone with clear boundaries. It is an
13、 aspect of human experience that may intersect,incorporate,transcend other aspects of life and society. Such a definition avoid the drawbacks of limiting the investigation of religion to Westernbiblical categories such as monotheism (belief in one god only)to church structure,which are not universal
14、. For example,in tribal societies,religion unlike the Christian church usually is not a separate institution but pervades the whole of public and private life. In Buddhism,gods are not as central as the idea of a Buddha. In many traditional cultures,the idea of a sacred cosmic order is the most prom
15、inent religious belief. Because of this variety,some scholars prefer to use a general term such as the sacred to designate the common foundation of religious life.Religion in this understanding includes a complex of activities that cannot be reduced to any single aspect of human experience. It is a part of individual life but also of group dynamics. Religion includes patterns of behavior but also patterns of languag
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