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英语中考命题研究青海专版练习 第九课时 八年级上 Units 9101Word下载.docx


2、0.保守秘密_keepto_oneself_11.分成两半_in_half_12.听说_hear_of_句型再现1.“星期六下午你能来参加我的聚会吗?”“当然了,非常乐意。_Can_you_come_to_ my party on Saturday afternoon?Sure,_Id_love_to_.2.真抱歉,我没有空。Im sorry.Im _not_available_.3.萨姆要一直待到下周三才走。Sam _isnt_leaving_until_ next Wednesday.4.事先不通知斯蒂恩老师,把她带到聚会上来,以便让她感到惊喜。Bring Ms.Steen to the

3、party _without_telling_her_ so that she can be _surprised_.5.我盼望你们的答复。I _look_forward_to_hearing_from_ you all.6.希望你能应约!Hope you can _make_it_! 7.如果他们今天聚会,会发生什么事?_What_will_happen_ if they have the party today?8.能请你给我一些建议吗?Can you _give_me_some_advice_ please?9.如果我们不与人交谈,我们必定会感到更糟糕。_Unless_we_talk_t

4、o_someone_,well certainly feel worse.10.他认为第一步就是找个信任的人去倾诉。He thinks the first step is _to_find_someone_you_trust_to_talk_to_.11.在英语中,我们说与人分担一个烦恼就像把麻烦分成两半。In English,we say that _sharing_a_problem_ is like _cutting_it_in_half_.12.因此,只要跟别人聊聊这个问题,你就已经解决了问题的一半!So youre _halfway_to_solving_ a problem jus

5、t by talking to someone about it!语法结构条件状语从句。话题1.Invitations(邀请)2.Making plans(制定计划),青海五年中考真题演练词汇短语类( A )1.(2016青海37题)Here is only one apple,but the twin sisters both want to have it.Why not ask them to have it _?Ain halfBin silenceCin the end( B )2.(2014青海39题)Have you ever _ Mrs.Green?Yes,but Ive ne

6、ver seen her.Alooked after Bheard ofCgot along with( A )3.(2012青海17题)We couldnt finish our work so early _ your help.AwithoutBwithCforDby4(2012青海89题)你听说过来自台湾的刘谦吗?Have you _heard_ _of_ Liu Qian from Taiwan?条件状语从句( C )5.(2014西宁29题)If there no buying and selling of animals,there _ no killing in nature.

7、Awill be;is Bis;isCis;will be Dwill be;will be( A )6.(2013西宁26题)I wonder if there _ a class meeting this week.If there _,I will tell you at Bwould be;have,青海中考重难点突破辨析turn on,turn off,turn up与turn down【满分点拨】turn on意为“(把水源、煤气、电源等)打开”,其反义词组为turn off。turn down意为“(把收音机的音量、灯等)关小、调低”,其反义词组为turn up。

8、这些短语中on,off,up,down均为副词,后接代词时,应放在词组中间;后接名词时,放中间放后面均可。She sat down and turned up the radio.她坐下来,把收音机的音量开大。The radio is very loud.Can you turn it down a little?收音机声音太大,你能开小一点吗?Turn up the radio.(Turn the radio up.)把收音机的声音调大一点。【归纳拓展】open/close 开/关open指把关着的门、窗、箱、盒等打开,反义词为close。Its hot in the room.Open t

9、he window,please.屋里很热。请把窗子打开。Remember to close the door when you leave.离开时记着关上门。图解助记:【考点抢测】( C )1.Could you _ the radio.I cant hear it clearly.Aturn downBturn outCturn up Dturn on( C )2.Please _ the light when you leave the room in order to save electricity.Aturn down Bturn outCturn off Dturn on( A

10、)3.He forgot to _ the radio and thus missed the program.Aturn onBturn downCturn offfill的用法辨析full与fillfull是形容词,意思是“满的”,与of组成be full of短语。如:The bottle is full of water.瓶子里装满了水。fill作动词,意思是“装满”,与with组成be filled with,表示“用把装满”。The basket is filled with apples by the old man.那位老人给篮子装满了苹果。1抱歉,你的试卷上满是错误。I am

11、 sorry.Your paper is _full_ _of_ mistakes.2他的生活充满了繁忙的工作和无尽的悲伤。He _filled_his life _with_ busy work and endless sadness.( B )3.I picked up a wallet _money on my way home.Afill withBfull ofCfill ofuntil的用法until的用法:用于肯定句,意思是“直到”,谓语动词应为持续性动词。用于否定句,和not构成“notuntil”结构,意思是“直到才”,谓语动词一般为终止性动词。She didnt go to

12、 bed until 12:00 last night.昨天晚上她直到12点才睡觉。They wont get up until 11 oclock next morning.他们直到第二天上午11点才起床。【温馨提示】当until引导时间状语从句时,从句中常用一般现在时代替一般将来时;用一般过去时代替过去将来时。1我直到完成作业才回家。I wont go home _until_ I finish my homework.2昨晚我们等到大雨停了。Yesterday we _waited_until_the heavy rain stopped.( A )3.He didnt remember leaving the key at home _ he got to the office.AuntilBunlessCifinvite的用法invite为动词,意为“邀请;恳请”,常见搭配有:invite sb.to场合(如party,concert等)invite sb.to地点(如house,park等)invite do sth.邀请某人做某事Jim invited me to his house.吉

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