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1、gre写作模板一.新GRE乍文文章整体结构大负小正:诚然A,但是B,而且C承认+转折+递进大正小负:诚然A,有时甚至B,但是C承认+递进+转折二.新GRE乍文常用句式开头:a)In this statement, the speaker asserts thOf乍者的结论是什么 )b)I agree with the speaker insofar as某种程度上同意作者的观点)c)Whereas, in my perspective, is unilateral作者的观点片面在什么地方 )第二段:a) Admittedly,第三段: a) However,第四段: a) Furthermor

2、e,结尾:a) In summary, from what has bee n discussed above, it is not difficult to draw the con elusion (10述 观丿点)以上就是新GRE乍文模板及GR昨文常用句型的介绍,以后考生们进行新GR昨文issue写作就再也不用担心文章的结构了,顺利的剖析题目,与新 GREW作模板再加上独特的观点,即可将高分顺利那些。1Argume nt1.1)In this argume nt the speaker con eludes that2)To justify this con tusi on the sp

3、eaker cites a rece nt survey of 3) The speaker also points out that4) This argume nt is un persuasive for several reas ons. 2.1)First, the survey must be show n to be reliable before I can accept any con tusi ons based upon it. 2) Specifically, resp on ses must be accurate, and the resp ondents must

4、 be statistically sig nifica nt in nu mber and represe ntative of overall3)Without evidence of the surveys reliability, it is impossible to draw any firm conclusions about the current dietar habits of 3.1)Second, the argument relies on the dubious assumption that following the governments nutrition

5、recomme ndatio ns2)It is en tirely possible that3)Thus without evide nce to substa ntiate this assumpti on the speaker cannot reas on ably con clude that4)Third, the speaker assumes too hastily that Without ruli ng out this possibility the speaker cannotcon clude with any con fide nce that5)Lacking

6、firm evidence that ,the speaker cannot justify any conclusions about the 4.1)Fin ally, eve n if the ,the speaker overlooks the possibility that2)Un less all other habits affecti ng health have rema ined un cha nged, the speaker cannot justifiably con elude that t overall 5.1) In sum, the argument is

7、 unconvincing as it stands.To strengthenit the speaker must show that the survey accurately reflects 2) The speaker must also show that3)Fin ally, to better assess the argume nt I would n eed more in formatio n about the manner and exte nt to which新GRE Argument文句型开头 In this analysis, the arguer clai

8、ms thatshould To substantiate the conclusion, the arguer cites the example of where Tn addition, the arguer assumes thatThis argument is unconvincing for several critical flaws.正文:For in sta nee since what s more etc.and how well it represe nted the public opinion s.The sample of the survey is not r

9、eprese ntative.(样本太小)the sample is too small to.(光数字没比例)the ratio of four to sixthere is only figures but no proportion of the survey是 ratio?In sufficie nt SampleIf the respondentspnly stand for a tiny proportion of the whole group, we should not be so sure about the con clusi on that the whole grou

10、p-The arguer commits a fallacy of hasty gen eralizati on.It was only carried out in Sun City, but the arguer applies its result to all the comsoanykets while doesnt showus whether Sun City is a represe ntative market of the whole markets.有的病人会对抗生素过敏the arguer commits a fallacy of hasty generalizatio

11、n. Even if the maintenance of the airline has been improved as result of sending its mechanics to the Seminar, which is, of course, an unwarranted assumption, it does not follow that就算怎样,也不怎样The survey is based on two isolated examples. The arguer should survey more hospitals of both types.循环假设The a

12、rguer commits a fallacy of begg ing the questi on in assu ming that结尾:other possible causes of th-e-To con clude, this argume nt is not persuasive as it sta nds.GR作文准备一、 ARGUMENTS1文章开头In this an alysis the arguer attempts to convince us that .To substa ntiate the claim , the arguer provides the evid

13、e nee that (and that .Ano ther piece of evide nee prese nted to support the argume nt is that This argume nt is also based on the assumpti on that As it sta ndsthis an alysis is unconvincing for several critical flaws.2文章主体错误类比问题:First of all, the argume nt is based on a false an alogy.The arguer si

14、mply assumes that but he does not provide any evide nee that is in deed comparable.As we know, the two situati ons are not similar eno ugh to justify the an alogical deducti on.In fact , there exist fun dame ntal differe nces betwee n them.(such as )Therefore, eve n though proved effective in doing

15、there is no guara ntee that it will work just as well forAs a result,we cannot safely assume that .无法建立因果关系问题:In the sec ond place ,the author groun dlessly assumes that bears some relati on to However, the author provides no evidence to support that this is the case, nor does the author establish a

16、 causal relatior and .It is highly possible that other factors might con tribute to the(_/cha nge/progress).For example, it is also likely b just resulted from .Lack ing evide nce that li nlasto b, it is presumptuous to suggest that a was resp on sibldofor部分不能说明整体的问题:The evide nce the author provides is

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