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1、中考英语宾语从句综合练习100题含答案宾语从句综合练习100题1. So, can you tell me _ here today?Well, I was walking down Centre Street when a UFO do you seeB.what you sawC.when do you see itD.why you saw 2. (2015 福建龙岩,37)Could you tell me_its polite to eat noisily in Japan, Kumiko?Sure! Its polite to do that. It me

2、ans you like the food very much. 3. I dont know _ Mr Green will come.Because he will help us with our English.A.whyB.whenC.howD.whether 4. They wonder _ robots will make people lose their jobs or not.A.ifB.whetherC.whyD.that 5. I dont know _ next.Lets ask our teacher for help.A.what

3、 to doB.what should I to I should do 6. I want to know _.A.where does he far is itC.who is he goes to school 7. Do you know _ Paul went to the party?Yes, I do. He went by skate-boarding!A.whetherB.whenC.howD.why 8. Lets go for a picnic next weekend.OK. But Im not su

4、re _ it will 9. We are eager to know _ Tom will be well again and come back to often 10. I wonder _ to ask for help.The teacher in the office. Remember to be polite.A.whomB.howC.where 11. Do you know _ a 5-day trip to Hong Kong

5、 costs?I guess its about 4, much 12. Could you tell me _ she is looking for?A.howB.where C.whenD.what 13. Could you tell me _ the nearest hospital is?A.howB.whereC.whenD.what 14. Listen! Its too noisy in the teachers office.Go and see _ they have finished corre

6、cting the papers yet.A.thoughB.unlessC.ifD.until 15. Could you tell me _? Im going to pick you up at the airport.At 4:40 p.m. this Friday.A.what time you will arrive hereB.who you are coming withC.where we are supposed to meet 16. I am not certain _ the sports bag made of cotton.A.ifB.thatC.whatD./

7、17. Judy, whats on your mind?Well, Im considering _ I am going to put our new furniture.A.whatB.whereC.whichD.who 18. Can you tell me _ you are communicating with on the Internet?A.whatB.whoC.whenD.where 19. Today, I ask Tom _ for his school trip last weekend. He tells me he went to the Qingcheng Mo

8、untain.A.where he wentB.who he went withC.why he went there 20. I dont know _ or not he stays at 21. I hear that he _ to Beijing yesterday.A.goesB.will goC.wentD.have gone 22. Tim went up and asked the old lady whether she was hurt.A.unlessB.ifC.until 23. Its foggy today

9、. Im not sure _ the highway will be closed soon.A.whetherB.whenC.howD.why 24. I often doubt _ David is willing to help those homeless 25. I wonder _ they will have the Dragon Boat Races next year. I love them.A.thatB.ifC.whyD.what 26. Does anybody want to share _ on

10、 Fathers Day?I bought a tie for my father. He loves it. A.what you didB.where you wentC.when you shopped 27. (2016江苏无锡)How long does it take to get to the airport?Forty minutes. But its foggy today. Im not sure _ the highway will be closed soon. Lets set off earlier.A.whetherB.whenC.howD.why 28. (20

11、15湖北十堰中考)Could you please tell me _?Certainly.A.whether are his works believableB.if the air is badly pollutedC.when is the Dragon Boat FestivalD.whats the Chinese story Yu Gong Moves a Mountain about 29. (2013广西贵港)Could you please tell me _?Because its very helpful.A.why you like EnglishB.why you l

12、iked EnglishC.which you like of all did you learn English 30. The teacher told us that our earth _ in fact round.A.wasB.wereC.isD.are 31. Could you tell me _?By searching the you got the informationB.when you got the did you get the informationD.where di

13、d you get the information 32. I wonder _ they can help each other.A.thatB.ifC.whatD.which 33. (2015江苏南京高淳区期中)Weve given her some advice, but I dont know _ shell accept it.A.whatB.whereC.whetherD.which 34. I want to know _ in your school.A.where is the libraryB.where the library is the librar

14、yD.when the library is 35. Can you guess _ the new Nike sports shoes?Yes. Maybe he asked his grandpa to pay for them, I he paid forB.where he boughtC.when he paid forD.why he bought 36. Do you remember _? I want to see a funny can I go I can go thereC.where is the c

15、inemaD.where the cinema is 37. We doubt _ David told us the truth. He likes playing jokes on others.A.whomB.whetherC.whatD.that 38. Philip has gone to New Zealand.Oh, can you tell me _?A.when did he leaveB.when he is leavingC.when he leftD.when is he leaving 39. I wonder whether my son likes the coa

16、t I bought for him. A.that B.what C.if 40. Tom, could you please tell me _ your father has gone to Sydney? longD.if 41. As a new student, he doesnt know _ it needs to start his new school life.A.whatB.howC.whenD.which 42. Do you know _ we can get there at 3 this afternoon?I am

17、afraid we will be late. A.thatB.howC.whyD.if 43. Do you remember _ he came?Yes, I do. He came by car.A.howB.whenC.thatD.if 44. I dont know _ the day after tomorrow.A.when does she will she comeC.if she comesD.whether shell come 45. We want to know _ he will come back, as we are worried abo

18、ut his long 46. Excuse me, could you tell me _? Sorry, I dont know. Im new here.A.when the museum opensB.where is No.8 Middle long has the old lady lived do you celebrate Halloween 47. Do you know _ I could pass the English exam?Sorry

19、. I have no idea.A.whichB.thatC.whatD.whether 48. Could you tell me _ you did it so well?With my parents help.A.whoB.howC.whenD.what 49. Excuse me, can I interview Mr Miller this afternoon? A moment, please. Let me check _.A.if Mr Miller will be freeB.when will Mr Miller have timeC.if Mr Miller had

20、an appointmentD.when does Mr Miller come back 50. I hope _ the volleyball match. I _ our team good to win, wishB.we will win, wishC.we to win, hopeD.we will win, hope 51. Can you tell me _ to travel to Dalian?About two hours by much it costsB.what I should long it tak

21、esD.which is the best season 52. Could you tell me _ it takes to walk to the Disneyland?About 20 minutes. soon 53. (2014甘肃白银)Do you know where _? I have something to tell him.A.the headteachers office the headteachers officeC.the headteachers office wasD.wa

22、s the headteachers office 54. I wonder _ tonight.A.when will we stayB.where will we stayC.where we will stayD.which we will stay 55. Can you tell me _?Yes, its on Xinhua can I get to the bookstoreB.where the bookstore isC.where is the I can get the bookstore 56. Jill want

23、s to know _ because he hopes to watch Coco.A.where Wangfujing Movie Theater Wangfujing Movie Theater closesC.when Wangfujing Movie Theater closes 57. Can Lin Tao _ stories?No, I dont think he _. A.tell; can; can C.tells; cant D.telling; cant 58. Can you tell me _?Sure. About two y

24、ears ago.A.where was the new building builtB.where did the new building buildC.when the new building builtD.when the new building was built 59. Jill wants to know _ because he hopes to watch Coco.A.where Wangfujing Movie Theater Wangfujing Movie Theater closesC.when Wangfujing Movie Thea

25、ter closes 60. Were going to the movies this evening. I wonder _ you can go with us.A.ifB.whenC.thatD.where 61. They worry about your choice of friends, the food you eat, your work at school, _ sleep you get and so much often 62. What are they talking about?Oh, they are talk

26、ing about _ to spend their holiday. London and Paris are both good places to visit.A.howB.when C.where 63. Did Alice tell you _ to get to the station?Yes, she said we would meet there at ten.A.howB.whatC.whenD.where 64. He didnt know _ so sad.A.why are theyB.why they areC.why were theyD.why they wer

27、e 65. The students are discussing _ they are often under stress.A.whyB.whereC.whoD.what 66. I wonder _ as the advertisement has promised.A.does the air-cleaner really workB.the air-cleaner really worksC.that the air-cleaner really worksD.if the air-cleaner really works 67. My father promised that he _ me a new computer the next week.A.buyB.buysC.will buyD.would buy 68. Look on the bright side of life, and imagine that you _ a happy and successful future.A.hadB.will haveC.haveD.have had 69. Do you remember _ today?Of d

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