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1、学年牛津英语沪教版八年级英语上册Unit2精品学案2015-2016学年牛津英语沪教版八年级英语上册Unit 1 Encyclopaedias Lesson 1校区:坪地 年级:八 层次:基础班 编写人:曾婷婷 审核人: 日期:星期六1. human 人的(adj .) 2. dinosaur 恐龙 ( n. ) 3. inventor 发明家 ( n. ) 4. musician音乐家( n. )5. sciencist 科学家 ( n. ) 6. born 出生 ( v. )7. countrtside 乡村 ( n. ) 8.intelligence 才智( n. )9. ability

2、 能力 ( n. ) 10. perhaps 可能、大概 ( adv. )11. invention 发明 ( n. ) 12. notebook笔记本( n. )Part I 重点词汇练一练:一、根据句意和所给提示,填写句子所缺的单词。1. Edison is one of the great _ (发明家).He invented many things.2. The price doesnt _ (包括) tax. You should pay tax.3. _ (可能) he is right, but Im not very sure.4. The famous _ (音乐家)wil

3、l give a show next week.5. He has the _ (能力) to remember everything he reads.6. Students should make a good use of their _(才智)and learn more at school.7. The iPad is a wonderful _ (发明).8. Mary was _ (出生)in American.二、单项选择1. A human being can think and talk, but an animal cannot.A. person B. machine

4、C. child D. people2. Perhaps he is right.A. May be B. Maybe C. Even D. Sometimes3. The baby was born on a cold winter evening.A. went to see a doctor B. left his parents C. came out of his mothers body4. A good breakfast always includes sausages, eggs, milk and so on.A. contains B. connects C. colle

5、cts5. I felt healthier after a visit to the countryside.A. outside the cities and towns B. In the middle the cities and towns C. inside the cities and towns6. Bird has a musical ability. They _singA. can B. could C. are happy toPart II reading 重点知识点1. Da Vinci was born in the countryside. born 是动词be

6、ar 的过去式,be born 意为“_出生_”eg: He is born in Japan on October 22,1999. EX:He _ _ _ May 20,1980. 他于1980年5月20号出生。 in the countryside 在乡村,在农村eg.My grandparents live in the countryside.2. From an early age, he showed great intelligence and artistic ability. 从很小的时候起,他就表现出很优秀的智力和艺术能力。From an early age: 从很小的时

7、候开始 翻译:从很小时起,Bob 就开始学英语。_ _ _ _, Bob began to learn English.3. As he grew older, he learnt to do many different things.当他长大些,他学习做很多不同的事。1)as :当的时候2)grow older :渐渐变老 翻译:变得年轻_3)learn to do sth 学会做某事 E.g It took me twenty years to learn to speak a foreign language well.4. Dinosaurs lived on Earth more

8、than 60 million years before human beings.恐龙比人类早生活在地球上超过6千万年。 More than = over :超过E.g His pocket has more than twenty dollars. 5. For example, his notebooks include some interesting drawings of flying machines. include 动词,意为“包括,包含”Eg. My job include teaching students to speak English.拓展:including 介词

9、,意为“包括”Eg. Six people were killed in the riot, including a policeman.EX: (A)这个价格不包括邮费。The price _ _ postage. (B)很多人都想得到那个礼物,包括我。Many people want to get that present,_ me. 实战演练:一 词组达人-从课文中找出下列词组1. 在乡村_ 2. 从很小的时候_ 3. 例如 _ 4. 艺术能力_ 5. 在.结束时_ 6. 把.与.连接起来_7. 出生_ 8. 年龄增长 _二、完成句子。1. 我家包含我的父母和我。My family _

10、my parents and_.2. 他们出生在美国。They _ _ in America.3.他有很多发明。He _many _.4.雨下的很大。然而,我认为我们应该按时上学。Its raining hard. _, I think we should go to school on time.5.两个月之后,我们终于赢得了一等奖。We finally _first prize after two months.6. 她的家乡看起来像一幅美丽的画。Her hometown _ _a beautiful picture.三、单项选择1Do you know _about Leonardo d

11、a Vinci? Yes. He was a great_. His most famous painting is the Mona Lisa. A. something, inventor B. anything, painter C. everything, worker D. nothing, scientist2. When he heard the news, he grew very happy.A. looked B. tasted C. got D. sounded3. My little pet follows me everywhere.A every place B s

12、ome places C one place D no place4. Thomas Edison is a great _in the world.A. Inventor B. Chairman C. Doctor . D. secretary5. China is _the Great wall and pandas.A. Famous as B. famous for D. Ready to D. ready for6. When you dont know the meaning of the word, you may_A. Look up the dictionary B. Loo

13、k it up in the dictionaryC. Look up it in the dictionary D. Look the dictionary upPart III 综合能力训练完形填空I 36 youre well. Im 37 holiday in London with my friend Jenny. We arrived 38 plane last Monday and 39 a taxi to our hotel. I went for a walk in Hyde Park but Jenny 40 with me 41 she was tired.Then 42

14、 Tuesday we saw the clock, Big Ben, and Buckingham Palace. Queen Elizabeth lives in the palace, but we didnt see her. I 43 some presents. 44 day we visited the British Museum 45 had dinner in a Chinese restaurant.1. A. hope B. hoped C. hopes D. hoping2. A. at B. on C. in D. with3. A. in B. at C. by

15、D. on4. A. take B. took C. taked D. by5. A. came B. didnt come C. comes D. doesnt come6. A. and B. but C. because D. so 7. A. on B. in C. at D. by8. A. buy B. buyed C. bought D. buys 9. A. Next B. The next C. Tomorrow D. On10. A. and B. but C. so D. 语法填空 Today is November 12th. Its Monday. Scott _1_

16、 (come) to school at 8:15 in the morning. He has science 2 _ eight thirty. He likes it because its _3_ (interest). But Scott doesnt like math. At eleven he has math. The math teacher speaks very _4_ (good), but Scott doesnt like him. 5 _ favorite teacher is _6_ P. E. teacher, Mr. Stone. He is fun. H

17、is class sounds funny. He has P. E. on Monday afternoon. _7_ Scott likes Monday. From Monday 8 Friday, Scott has lunch at school at 11:45. _9_ school, Scott plays basketball on the school playground. And then he goes home. On Saturday and Sunday Scott _10_ (do not)go to school. 课后作业一、 根据首字母写单词。1. Ou

18、r teachers was b_ in American. 2. This is a n _. You can write notes on it. 3. He showed great musical a _ when he was young. 4. There are many famous i_ in the world. They made great contribution to the world. 5. My brother wants to be a m_ like Beetthoven in the future. 6. My grandparents used to

19、live in the c_.7. Madame Curie was the only famous woman s_ in the world. 二、用所给词的适当形式填空 1. Everyone should learn _ (be) a good man. 2. It is useful _ (learn) a foreign language. 3. I used to _ (go) finishing with my father when I was young. 4. You look as _ (tall) as my brother. 5. Lucy has the abil

20、ity _ (make) others laugh. 6. Thomas Edison is one of the greatest _ (invention) in the world. 7. The little boy was _ (bear) in a poor family. 8. There are many kinds of books in the bookstore, (include) history, language, science and so on. 9. Last year, Jerry_ (win) the tennis game. He was one of

21、 the _ in the game. 三、语法填空Mr. Smith 1 _ (come) from London. Now he is in China. He is 2 teacher .He teaches _3_ a middle school. He works very _4_ (hardly). His students like him very much. He can speak a little Chinese. His students often teaches him _5_ (China) on Sundays. Mr. Smith likes _6_ (pla

22、y) football. He often plays football 7_ his students.Mr. Smith has a son. _8_ (he) name is Jack. He is a student. He studies in a middle school. He goes to school 9_ bike everyday. He _10_(get) back home at four in the afternoon. He likes watching TV in the evening.Unit 1 Encyclopaedias Lesson 2校区:坪

23、地 年级:八 层次:基础班 编写人:曾婷婷 审核人: 日期:星期日Part I 重点词汇1. include (v.) 包括,包含=have 2. even(adv.) 甚至 3. however (adv.)然而-but 4. suddenly (adv.) 突然,忽然 5. nobody (pron.) 没有人=no one 6. win (v.)(won, won)获胜,赢7. dollar (n.) 元(美国、加拿大等国货币单位)8. in the countryside 在乡村、在农村 9. human being 人10. die out 灭绝、消失 11. find out 了解

24、到、弄清12go for a walk 去散步练一练:根据句意和所给提示,填写句子所缺的单词的正确形式。1 _(人类)should learn to protect the environment2.My grandpa likes living (在乡村)_.3._ (忽然),She cried out.4. It took me 5 _ (美元)to buy the book.5.Last year, Li Na _ (赢)the tennis game.6. It is raining heavily. _ (然而),I still want to go there.7. Lets (去

25、散步)_ after supper. 8. I want to (查清楚)_ who steal my wallet. Part II reading 重点知识点1. Some dinosaurs were as small as chickens.Others were as big as ten elephants. as . as . 意为“和.一样.”,中间加形容词或副词的原级。结构常为:“sb.+be+as+形/副+as+sb./sth.”Eg. She is as tall as her sister.EX: Swing is _ _ _ climbing. 游泳和爬山一样有趣。s

26、ome. others. 意为“一些.,另一些.”Eg. Some friends of mine like to play basketball.Others like to play football.EX.There are many people in the park,Some are walking, _are jogging. AOther B. Aother C. The other D. Others2. However,some dinosaurs liked to eat meat. however 副词,意为“然而,但是”,表转折。Eg. However, I dont

27、 want to go with him.拓展: but 和 however的区别but 总是位于所引出分句的句首,后不加逗号。however 可以位于句首,句末和句中,用逗号与句子其他成分隔开。Eg. I like this town,but I dont want to live here forever. = I like this town. However, I dont want to live here forever.3. Then, suddenly, they all died out . suddenly 副词,意为“突然,忽然”,常位于实意动词之前,助动词之后,有时,为

28、了强调,放于句首。 Eg. The car in front suddenly turned right. Suddenly, he jumped and ran out of room. die out 意为“(物种,家族,观念等)灭绝,消失” Eg. This kind of bird is dying out. That style of music died out ten years ago.4. However, we can learn about them from their fossils. learn about sb./sth. from sb./sth. 从.了解/学习.Eg. We learn about the students from their words. He learnt about the knowledge from the computer.实战演练:一 词组达人-从课文中找出下列词组1. 弄清,了解_ 2. 去散步_3. 看起来像_ 4. 灭绝_ 5. 超过_ 6.在报纸上_ 二根据句意从上面选择适当的短语并用正确形式填空,补全句子。1. It is policemens duty is to _ _ the facts.2. She _ _ her mother.3. H

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