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1、个人手工制作小学英语趣味任务连连做七十七小学英语趣味任务连连做(七十七)(任务一)英语知识趣谈-英语趣味手指以下是一些的英语和汉语对手指的称呼: 1.thumb :大拇指。与汉语相映成趣的是,英语的all(fingers and ) thumbs也表示笨手笨脚的意思,例如:(1)Im all fingers and thumbs this morning. I dont seem to be able to button up my shirt.今天早上我的手怎么这么笨呢,好像连衬衫都扣不上了。(2)He was so excited that his fingers were all thu

2、mbs and he dropped the teacup.他激动得手都不好使了,竟把茶杯摔了。 2. forefinger :又称index finger,即食指。前缀fore-表示位置靠前的(placed at the front),所以从排位上说,forefinger应为第一指。从功用上看,此手指伸出时有标示或指向的作用。在一些英语工具书中,我们会见到这样的表示参见(index)含义的手型符号。 3. middle finger :中指。此指居中,名正言顺,且与汉语说法也一致4. ring finger:无名指。从世界各地的婚俗习惯来说,结婚戒指(wedding ring)戴在这一手指(

3、通常指左手)之上,表示已婚。 5. little finger: 顾名思义为小指。在美国和苏格兰,人们又赋予它一个爱称,管pinkie(pinky),后缀-ie(-y)有小巧可爱之意。(任务二)英语趣味知识-英语知识竞答思维训练. . 趣味题,仿照例子做题。(一共写出十个,但每个至少写一个。) 例:nonot now note noon 1.wh_ 2.dr_ 3.tr_ 4.sh_ 写出下列单词的过去式。go _ buy_ see_ eat_ wear_ fall_ hurt_ make_ have_ say_ (任务三)英语趣味问答1.From what number can you ta

4、ke half and leave nothing?2.what two word have thousands of letters in them?3.what 5-letter word has 6 left when you take 2 letters away?4.what kind of dog never bite?5.where does afternoon always come before morning?6what is pronounced like one letter,written with three letters,and belongs to all a

5、nimals?7.what number gets bigger when you turn it upside down?8.What has two legs but cant walk? 答案:1,8 2,dictionary 3,sixth 4,hotdog 5,nowhere 6,eye 7,68. compass 圆规(任务四)英语精美台词连连读动画电影美女与野兽双语节选台词,供你阅读参考。【电影片段台词】- Theres something sweet- And almost kind- But he was mean- And he was coarse and unrefin

6、ed.- But now hes dear- And so unsure,- I wonder why I didnt see it there before.【重点词汇讲解】1. And he was coarse. 并且他很粗俗。coarse adj. 粗糙,粗俗的例句:Refrain from using such coarse language. 别使用这样的粗俗的语言。Third, grains, especially coarse food grain in foods take-up a smaller proportion.第三,是粮食,特别是粗粮 在食物中所占的比例越来越低。

7、2.and unrefined. 并且不文雅。unrefined adj. 不文雅的,庸俗的这个词是由refine变过来的,而refine本意是提炼、提纯,用来比喻使人或物得到提升、改善。例句:How can a refined girl be drawn to such an unrefined man? 一个优雅的女孩怎么会被一个粗俗的男人所吸引呢?He is so unrefined as to be lacking in discrimination and sensibility. 他是如此愚钝,缺乏辨别力和敏感度。3.And so unsure. 并且如此不自信。unsure ad

8、j. 不自信的例句:She was still a foreigner, unsure of her ground. 她仍是一位异乡人,对自己的地位缺乏信心。They arrived at the White House, proud, tense and unsure. 他们来到白宫,总是带着高傲,紧张而又没有把握的神情。4.I wonder why I didnt see it there before. 我想知道我之前怎么就没看到呢。I wonder+W 我想知道例句:I wonder when he will come.我想知道他什么时候会来。I wonder whether you

9、can help me.我想知道你们是否能帮助我。How I wonder what you are.我多想知道你是什么呀!I wonder where he comes from.我想知道他来自何方。I wonder who is responsible for this。我想知道谁对此负责。(任务五)英语短语连连背1.put down 放下2.go camping 去野营3.hold on 稍等4.have a good time 玩得高兴 this moment 现在6.a telephone booth 电话亭7.have to 不得不8.send sb.sth., send sten. to sb。送给某人某物9. pay for 付款 the middle 在中间11.Youre welcome 不客气12.NO PARKING 禁止停车13.promise sb. to do sth。答应某人做某事14.make a call 打电话15.take a message for sb. 给某人捎个信

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