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辽宁省高考英语二轮复习 阅读理解训练1.docx

1、辽宁省高考英语二轮复习 阅读理解训练12019年辽宁省高考英语二轮复习 阅读理解训练1阅读下列四篇短文,从每小题后所给的A,B,C或D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。One theory is that wolves howl to bond better together. Its almost as if howling together helps the pack stay together. Perhaps something similar to people feeling a sense of involvement with each other when singing a so

2、ng together. But this theory may be wrong, explains Fred H. Harrington, a professor who studies wolf behaviour. Indeed, there have been times when wolves have been seen one moment howling in a chorus, and the next, quarreling among each other. It appears that usually the lowest-ranking members of th

3、e pack may actually be“punished” for joining in the chorus at times. So is howling a way to strengthen a social bond or just a way to reconfirm status among its members? Why do wolves howl for sure? What is clear, however, is that howling is often used among packmates to locate each other. Hunting g

4、rounds are distant and it happens that wolves may separate from one another at times. When this happens, howling appears to be an excellent means of gathering. Howling, interestingly, is a contagious behaviour. When one wolf starts to howl, very likely others will follow. This is often seen to occur

5、 in the morning, as if wolves were doing some sort of “roll call” where wolves all howl together to report their presence. 1. What is the possible similarity between wolves howling together and humans singing in chorus? C. The act of hunting for something. D. The sense of belonging to a group.2. Why

6、 does Harrington think the “social bond” theory may be wrong? A. Wolves separate from each other after howling.B. Wolves tend to protect their hunting grounds.C. Wolves sometimes have quarrels after howling together.D. Wolves of low rank are encouraged to join in the chorus.3. Researchers are sure t

7、hat wolves often howl to.4. “Howling. . . is a contagious behaviour” (in the last paragraph)means.C. howling often occurs in the morning D. howling spreads from one to another【参考答案】1-4 DCBDAOn a sunny day last August, Tim heard some shouting. Looking out to the sea carefully, he saw a couple of kids

8、 in a rowboat were being pulled out to sea.Two 12-year-old boys, Christian and Jack, rowed out a boat to search for a football. Once theyd rowed beyond the calm waters, a beach umbrella tied to the boat caught the wind and pulled the boat into open water. The pair panicked and tried to row back to s

9、hore. But they were no match for it and the boat was out of control.Tim knew it would soon be swallowed by the waves.Everything went quiet in my head, Tim recalls (回忆). I was trying to figure out how to swim to the boys in a straight line.Tim took off his clothes and jumped into the water. Every 500

10、 yards or so, he raised his head to judge his progress. At one point, I considered turning back, he says. I wondered if I was putting my life at risk. After 30 minutes of struggling, he was close enough to yell to the boys, Take down the umbrella!Christian made much effort to take down the umbrella.

11、 Then Tim was able to catch up and climb aboard the boat. He took over rowing, but the waves were almost too strong for him.Lets aim for the pier (码头), Jack said. Tim turned the boat toward it. Soon afterward, waves crashed over the boat, and it began to sink. Can you guys swim? he cried. A little b

12、it, the boys said.Once they were in the water, Tim decided it would be safer and faster for him to pull the boys toward the pier. Christian and Jack were wearing life jackets and floated on their backs. Tim swam toward land as water washed over the boys faces.“Are we almost there? they asked again a

13、nd again. Yes, Tim told them each time.After 30minutes, they reached the pier.1. Why did the two boys go to the sea?A. To go boat rowing. B. To swim in the open water.C. To get back their football. D. To test the umbrella as a sail.2. What does it in Paragraph 2 refer to? A. The beach. B. The wind.

14、C. The boat. D. The water.3. Why did Tim raise his head regularly? A. To check his distance from the boys. B. To consider turning back or not. C. To take in enough fresh air. D. To ask the boys to take down the umbrella.4. How did the two boys finally reach the pier? A. They were carried to the pier

15、 by Tim on his back. B. They swam to the pier all by themselves. C. They were washed to the pier by the waves. D. They were dragged to the pier by Tim. 参考答案1-4 CBAD BWhat will power your house in the future?Nuclear,wind,or solar power?According to scientists at the Massachusetts Institute of Technol

16、ogy (MIT) in the US,it might be leaves but artificial (人造的) ones.Natural leaves are able to change sunlight and water into energy. It is known as photosynthesis (光合作用)Now researchers have found a way to imitate this seemingly simple process.The artificial leaf developed by Daniel Nocera and his colleagues at MIT can be seen as a specia

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