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2、另一方拒不履行或迟延履行而带来的损害。相关举例:(1) Afterfriendlyconsultationsconductedinaccordancewiththeprinciplesofequalityandmutualbenefit,PartieshaveagreedtodescribesubjectmatterContractApplicablelawsprovisionsthisContract.双方本着平等互利的原则,经友好协商,依照相关法律名称以及其他有关法律,同意按照本合同的条款,描述合同标的。n RIGHT TO CANCEL. The Buyer has a right to

3、 cancel this Agreement if the Seller fails specify, e.g., to ship all or any of the Goods on time. The Seller has a right to cancel this Agreement if the Buyer fails specify, e.g., to make any payment required by this Agreement within (number) days of its due date. If either party notifies the other

4、 party that it will not or is unable, to perform this Agreement, the party receiving notice is entitled to cancel the Agreement. To make the cancellation effective, the party seeking to cancel must give notice to the other party that the Agreement is deemed canceled. The date of the cancellation wil

5、l be the date on which the party receives the notice of nonperformance. 撤销的权利。如果卖方不能准时装运货物,买方有权撤销协议。如果买方不能在几天内付款,卖方有权撤销协议。如果任何一方通知另一方不想或不能履行协议,接到通知的一方有权撤消合同。为了使撤销有效,撤销的一方应通知另一方协议已撤销。撤销的日期是收到不履行协议通知的日期。撤消的日期是收到不履行协议通知的日期。n FORCE MAJEURE. This agreement will be deemed canceled, and neither party will

6、have any liability to the other for losses resulting from nonperformance, if delivery is prevented by causes beyond the control of the Seller. Such causes include, but are not limited to, acts of nature, labor disputes, failure of essential means of transportation, or changes in policy with respect

7、to exports or imports by the country government or the country government. 不可抗力。如果由于天灾、劳资纠纷、缺乏基本的运输方式、政府进出口政策的变化及其它卖方无力控制的原因所造成的无法交货,协议被撤销,任何一方无需为不履行协议承担责任。不可抗力条款是指合同中订明如当事人一方因不可抗力不能履行合同的全部或部分义务的,免除其全部或部分的责任。另一方当事人不得对此要求损害赔偿。因此,不可抗力条款是一种免责条款。不可抗力条款是规定在合同订立后发生当事人在订合同时不能预见、不能避免、不可控制的意外事故,以致不能履行合同或不能如期


9、的表述方法还有:(1) The Sellers shall not be held responsible for late delivery or nondelivery of the goods owing to the generally recognized “Force Majeure” causes. However, in such cases, the Sellers shall telegraph the Buyers a certificate of the occurrence issued by the government authorities or the Cha

10、mber of Commerce at the place where the accident occurs as evidence thereof.因公认的不可抗力造成的延迟发货或不能发货,卖方不承担责任。但此种情况下,卖方应通过电报形式寄送买方事故发生地政府部门或商会颁发的事故发生证明作为所发生事件的证据。(2) Neither seller nor buyer shall be liable in damages or otherwise for any failure or delay in performance of any obligation hereunder other

11、than obligation to make payment, where such failure or delays is caused by force majeure, being any event, occurrence of circumstance reasonably beyond the contral of that party, including without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, failure or delay caused by or resulting from acts of god,

12、 strikes, fires, floods destruction of the material, delays of carriers due to breakdown or adverse weather, perils of the sea, embargoes, accidents, restrictions imposed by any governmental authority (including allocations, priorities, requisitions, quotas and price controls). 买卖双方除履行付款义务外,因以下事由造成买

13、卖任一方无法履行合同规定的义务或履行延误的,买卖任一方均不对此承担任何责任,事由具体内容如下:因不可抗力所致超出买卖任一方力合理控制范围内的不可抗力事件,不可抗力发生,及出现的不可抗力情况,包括不影响前述事由的一般情况;天灾,罢工,火灾,洪水,材料损毁;事故,恶劣天气所致无法履行义务或造成义务履行延误;海难,禁运,事故,政府当局公布的限制规定(包括配给,优先事项,征用,报价和价格控制等等)造成义务无法履行或义务履行延误。(3) Any event or circumstance beyond control shall be regarded as Force Majeure but not restricted to fire, wind, flood, earthquake, explosion, rebellion, epidemic, quarantine and segregation. In case either party that encounters Force Majeure fails to fulfill the obligation under the contract, the other party should extend the performance time by period equal to the time that Fore

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