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1、此句是一般现在时的被动语态,被动语态表示主语是谓语动词的承受者,其结构:助动词 am, is , are+及物动词的过去分词。动作的执行者由 by引出的短语表示,by意为 被.,由.。”English is spoken by many people. 许多人讲英语。3.I hope I can go there one day.希望有一天我也能去那儿。 day既表示 将来的有一天”,也可以表示 过去曾经有一天”。One day, he met an old friend. 天, 他遇见了一位老朋友。Iam going to Tibet one day.将来有一天我要去西藏。

2、me day只表示 将来有一天”I will see you again someday. 我改天再来看你。4.I cant wait to fly there.我迫不及待地想要飞到那里。A.cant wait to do sth.迫不急待地想要做某事I cant wait to go to school!我迫不急待地想要去学校。B.cant help doing sth.忍不住要做某事,t help laughing.我忍不住笑了。5.It is also widely used through the world now.英语现在在全世界也被广泛使用。6.English is spoken

3、 as the main language in America.英语在美国被当作主要语言使用。7.Try your best and work much harder from now on. 尽你最大的努力,从现在开始更加努力学习。(1) A. try one s best = do one 竭尽所s有做某事;I try my best to help them.= I do my best to help them. 我尽力帮助他们。B.try to do sth. 努力做某事;He tried to climb the tree.他努力爬上那棵树。C.try doing sth. 试着

4、做某事;He tried climbi ng the tree.他试着爬那棵树。(2) from now on 从现在开始,意思相当于 later on后来,过后,将来;He decides to help his mother to do housework from now on. 他决定从现在开始帮助妈妈做家务。8.Walt Disney was a great film-maker as well as an artist. 沃尔特迪斯尼既是一位优秀的电影制作人, 也是一位画家。 well as = not only but also 也,不仅 而且 ;常用于句中,具有连词特性

5、。Miss Wang is our teacher as well as our friend.=Miss Wang is not only our teacher but also our friend.王老师既是我们的老师,也是我们的朋友。 well也,常用于句末,相当于 also或too。He will go to the party as well. 他也要去参加派对。9.At last, he was pleased with one of his pictures of the mouse.最后,他对其中一幅老鼠的图片很满意。 pleased with. 对 满意;

6、He is pleased with the gift.他对那件礼物很满意。 satisfied with. 对 满意/满足,指我们达到期望时所感觉的满足,有积极的,愉快的意思。She is satisfied with her son?s progress.她对儿子的进步感到很满意。Section B1.Is Spanish similar to English?西班牙语和英语相似吗?(1)be similar to 和 相似;Maria?s bike is similar to Jan e?s.玛利亚的自行车与简的差不多。(2) be the same as 禾口 一样;This

7、book is the same as that one.这本书和那本书一样。2.Is it possible for you have trouble communicating?你与人交流可能会遇到一些麻烦吗?(1)A. Its possible that.有可能.Its possible that he will buy a new car.他可能会买一辆新车。B.Its possible (for sb. ) to do sth.(对某人来说)做某事是可能的;It?s possible for us to solve the problem.我们可能会解决这个问题。(2) have t

8、rouble / difficulty (in) doing sth. 做某事有麻烦 /有困难;I have trouble in readi ng the passage. 我读这篇文章有麻烦。 have no trouble in doing sth. 做某事没有麻烦;He has no trouble finishing his homework.他毫不费力就完成作业了。(3) be in trouble处于不幸、困恼、困境之中;look for trouble 自寻烦恼;get out of trouble摆脱/走出 困境;3.If necessary, Ill ask an inte

9、rpreter for help.如果有必要,我将向翻译求助。(1) if necessary如果有必要;If n ecessary, you can keep a diary after class to improve your En glish. 女口果有必要,你可以在课后写日记来 提高你的英语。(2) if so如果这样;If so, I believe you will make great progress in the future. 如果这样,我相信将来你一定会取得很大的进步。(3) ask sb. for help = turn to sb. 向某人求助,求助于某人;You

10、can ask me for help at any time if you like. 你随时向我求助,我很乐意帮助你。4.I wish you success祝你成功!1wish v.接双宾语表示祝愿;I wish you good luck.我祝你好运。2wish (sb.) to do sth.希望(某人)做某事;I wish my pare nts to go with me .我希望我的父母和我一起去。3wish接从句表示 愿望”从句用虚拟语气。I wish you were here.我希望你在这里。5.The baby is laid in the bed by the wom

11、an.那个女人把宝宝放在婴儿床里。A.lay v.(尤其指轻轻地或小心地)放置,安放,过去式和过去分词 laid ;He laid a hand on my arm.他把手搭在我的胳膊上。B.lie v.撒谎, 现在分词lying,过去式和过去分词 lied;He always lied to me.他经常对我说谎。C.lie v .躺,(东西)平放,位于;过去式 lay,过去分词lain;He felt tired, so he went and lay dow n for a rest. 他感到疲劳,所以去躺下休息了。重点词组1. have a look看 看;2. have a post

12、er of有.的海报;3. stick it on the wall贴在墙上;4. see cartoon characters看卡通人物;5. be able to=can能够,会;6. millions of数以百万的.;7. all over the world = around the world =throughout the world 全世界;8. can t wait to do sth.迫不急待地做某事;9. can t help doing sth.忍不住做某事;10.can t stand doing sth.不能忍受做某事;11.have a (good) chance

13、 to do sth.有(好)机会做某事;12.practice (doing) sth.练习(做)某事; good at = do well in擅长 ;14.the main language主要语言;15.widely used广泛运用;16.try one s best竭尽所有做某事;17.from now on从现在开始; made by 被制做; made of/from 由制成; made in 在某地制造; well as也,不仅而且; pleased with.=be satisfied with对.满意; last最后;24.pack one s bag整理某人的包;25.on business出差; similar t

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