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1、2012年12月英语六级完形填空及翻译真题与答案完形填空翻译Part V Cloze (15 minutes)Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D) on the right side of the paper. You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage. Then mark the corresponding lette

2、r on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.“My job is killing me.”Who among us hasnt issued that complaint at least once? Now a new study suggests that your dramatic complaint may _62_ some scientific truth.The 20-year study, by researchers at Tel Aviv University, _63_ to examine the

3、relationship between the workplace and a persons risk of death. Researchers _64_ 820 adults who had undergone a _65_ physical exam at a health clinic in 1988, and then interviewed them _66_ detail about their workplace conditionsasking how nice their colleagues were, whether their boss was supportiv

4、e and how much _67_ they had in their position.The participants_68_ in age from 25 to 65 at the start of the study and worked in a variety of _69_, including finance, health care, manufacturing and insurance. The researchers _70_ the participants through their medical records: by the studys conclusi

5、on in 2008, 53 people had diedand they were significantly more likely than those who survived to report having a _71_ work environment.People who reported having little or no _72_ support from their co-workers were 2.4 times more likely to die _73_ the course of the study than those who said they ha

6、d close, supportive _74_ with their workmates. Interestingly, the risk of death was _75_ only to peoples perceptions of their co-workers, not their bosses . People who reported negative relationships with their supervisors were _76_ likely to die than others.The study was observational, _77_ it coul

7、d not determine whether toxic workplace environments caused death, only that it was _78_ with the risk. But the findings add to the evidence _79_ having a supportive social network decreases stress and helps _80_ good health. On the other hand, being exposed _81_ chronic stress contributes to depres

8、sion, ill health and death.62. A) holdB) strike C) riskD)trace63. A)fought )submittedC)soughtB D)resorted64. A)allied B)arrayed C)volunteeredD)recruited65. A)routine B)nominal C)graveD)drastic66. A)beyond B)inC)by D)over67. A)autonomy B)automation C)audienceD)authenticity68. A)consisted B)contained

9、C)involvedD)ranged69. A)facets B)fields C)districtsD)species70. A)chased B)pursued C)trackedD)trailed71. A)cozy B)fabulous C)hostileD)transparent72. A)social B)academicC)physical D)domestic73. A)against B)across C)insideD)during74. A)pactsB)bonds C)unionsD)webs75. A)addedB)adapted C)tiedD)led76. A)n

10、o more B)far more C)no lessD)far less77. A)unless B)while C)orD)so78. A)constructed B)correlated C)collaboratedD)coordinated79. A)howB)when C)thatD)why80. A)elevateB)inject C)propelD)foster81. A)at B)to C)towardD)under查看参考答案参考答案 62-66CBCAB 67-71ADBCD 72-76DDCAB 77-81ACBDA2012年6月英语六级完形填空及翻译真题与答案完形填空翻

11、译Part V CloseDirections: There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A),B),C)and D)on the right side of paper. You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the

12、 centre.注意:此部分试题请在答题卡2上作答.Music produces profound and lasting changes in the brain. Schools should add music classes, not cut them. Nearly 20 years ago, a small study advanced the 62 that listening to Mozarts Sonata for Two Pianos in D Major could boost mental functioning. It was not long 63 tradema

13、rked “Mozart effect” products began to appeal to anxious parents aiming to put toddlers (刚学步的孩子) 64 the fast track to prestigious universities like Harvard and Yale. Georgias governor even 65 giving every newborn there a classical CD or cassette.The 66 for Mozart therapy turned out to be weak, perha

14、ps nonexistent, although the 67 study never claimed anything more than a temporary and limited effect. In recent years, 68 , scientists have examined the benefits of a concerted 69 to study and practice music, as 70 to playing a Mozart CD or a computer-based“brain fitness” game 71 in a while.Advance

15、d monitoring 72 have enabled scientists to see what happens 73 your head when you listen to your mother and actually practice the violin for an hour every afternoon. And they have found that music 74 can produce profound and lasting changes that 75 the general ability to learn. These results should 76 public officials that music classes are not a mere decoration, ripe for discarding in the budget crises that constantly 77 public schools.S

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