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1、3. 表示 “花费”的四种说法当主语是人 payfor 金钱 spendon金钱、时间spend on sth. spend ( in) doing sth.当主语是物 cost 金钱、时间 take 时间 句型: it takes sb. some time to do sth. 做某事花费了某人多长时间It took me an hour to do the homework from Jack.It took me half an hour to go to school yesterday.4. The bank is ten minutes walk from here. 银行距离这

2、有十分钟步行的路程。 注意:10分钟后面加了s之后还要加一撇,构成所有格。5. housing estate 社区,居民区6. like 介词 像 反义词:unlike like 动词 喜欢 反义词:dislike a teacher like Jack 一位像Jack一样的老师 a teacher likes Jack 一位老师喜欢Jack1. elder brother 哥哥 elder sister 姐姐 Eddie is my elder brother, and he is two years older than me.2. 表示一个地方距离另一个地方很远,有两种方式: be fa

3、r away from be far from 3. see sb. doing sth. 看见某人正在做某事,强调动作的片面性。 see sb. do sth. 看见某人做过某事,强调动作的全过程。 I saw a girl crying in the street on my way home yesterday. I saw Tom come into the classroom from the back door this morning. 1. rule n. 规则 We must follow the school rules. ruler n. 尺子2. enter v. 进入

4、 Dont enter without knocking. 进门前请先敲门。 The train entered the tunnel. 火车进入了隧道。 enter 本身就有go/come into 的意思,所以在表示进入某个地方,千万不要与into连用 entrance n. 入口 exit n. 出口3. loudly adv. 大声地 That lady always speaks loudly. loud adj. 大声的 adv. 大声地LOL 英语中并不是英雄联盟! 而是,Laugh Out Loud 所以,我们要知道,loud这个单词既可以做形容词,也可以做副词虽然有loudl

5、y 这个副词,但在表示“大声地“基本不用了,尤其是比较级中,我们用louder, speak a little louder loudly 暗含有喧闹的意思,一般与 knock, ring, explode等词连用 loud 一般与 speak, talk, sing, laugh 等连用4. mean v. 表示的意思 What do you mean? What does that word mean? meaning n. 意义,意思 mean adj. 卑鄙的,吝啬的 5. lift n. 电梯 v.举起 escalator n. 自动扶梯 但是在现实生活中,越来越多的人把电梯也称作e

6、scalator 6. upstairs adv. 向楼上,在楼市 downstairs adv. 在楼下,往楼下 Your father is working upstairs. 7. chase v. 追赶 Look! That cat is chasing a mouse.8. must not do sth. 一定不能做某事,带有强制性。用于表示规则 must do sth. 必须做某事 We must keep the kitchen tidy. We mustnt run around in the classroom. 我们不能在教室里乱跑。9. What does this s

7、ign mean? 这个标志是什么意思? sign 在这里是名词,意思是“标志”;sign 也可以做动词使用,解释为“签名” Where can I sign my name? 如果要表示“你说的是什么意思”,我们可以用 mean by 这个结构 -What do you mean by “fugu”? -I mean a kind of fish. 10. Were entering the center. 我们就要进入购物中心了。 这句话是用进行时的方式来表达将来时的含义。 有此类表达的动词必须是瞬间性动词,比如 go, leaving, arrive, come, die I am co

8、ming to see you. 我要来看你了。 I am going. 我要走了。 She is arriving. 她就要到了。11. We mustnt eat or drink in the classroom. 在否定句中,表示并列关系的and 要变成or I dont like bananas or apples.12. leave rubbish 丢垃圾 spend (in) doing sth. 做某事花了 I spent two hours doing my homework. spend on sth. 在某事上花了 I spent two hours on my home

9、work. 13. 反义疑问句的前半部分如果出现了表示否定意义的词,后半部分要用肯定形式。 David is never late for meeting, is he? 这句话中有否定词never, 像这类的否定词还有 :hardly, no, seldom, little, few There is little water in the cup,_ _? is there 1. There is no water in the cup. 在杯子里没有谁。 no = not any 转换: There is not (isnt) any water in the cup. He said

10、nothing at the meeting. =He didnt say anything at the meeting. 2. cross v. 穿过 across prep. adv. 穿过 cross = go/walk across We cant cross the road when the light is red. We cant go across the road when the light is red.3. The lady in red is my sister. 对划线部分提问 what color or which Which lady is your sis

11、ter?对定语提问,要用which4. follow the rules 遵守规则5. be ready for 为做好准备 be hungry for 渴望词汇学习1. cabbage 卷心菜 Chinese white cabbage 大白菜2. noodle n. 面条 The noodles taste very nice. noodle 一般情况下都使用其复数形式3. steam v. 蒸(食物) My mother steamed some fish for dinner tonight. steam n. 蒸汽 steamed adj. 蒸熟的 steamed dumplings

12、 蒸饺4. prawn n. 虾,对虾 lobster n. 龙虾 5. also adv. 也 also 一般在句中紧靠所修饰的动词 too 一般放在句末,前面一般用逗号隔开 There are also five boys in the group. There are five boys in the group, too.6. kind n. 种类 What kind of car do you have? The shop sells ten kinds of cakes. kind adj. 客气的,友善的 It is very kind of you to help me. kindly adv. 亲切地,仁慈地 I hope Jack will teach us kindly.7. fry v. 油炸,油煎 Fry some eggs for breakfast, Judy. fried adj. 油炸的,油煎的 fried rice with eggs 蛋炒饭8. ba

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