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1、7. They like to _(play) basketball in the afternoon.8. She has to _ (go) home now.9. How many _(box) are there?There _ (be) only one.10. He is very a _ to find his windows broken.(破碎的)11. The _(牙医) at this hospital work very hard.12. Cinderella _ (try) on the crystal shoe.13. Why _ (be) she so happy

2、.14. They start _(fight).15. Cinderella _ (不得不)come back before twelve oclock.16. The chips(薯片)_(be)bad for us.17. December is the _ (twelve)month of a year18. My grandpas birthday is on the 3rd of May. We always _(给她买个大蛋糕)19. Airil Fools Day is on _ (四月一日).20.How many _(a small person with magic)he

3、lp Cinderella?21._(为什么不)go home, Mary?22.I am _ my watch ,but I can not _ it.(用find 或look for适当形式补全)23.What are you doing there?I am _ my pencil.(用find 或look for适当形式补全)24.I hope you will soon _your lost storybook.(用find 或look for适当形式补全)25.Wang bing wants _ (see)your new house.26.How do _(China)stude

4、nts often go to school?27.I want a cup of tea(改为同义句) I _ _ a cup of tea.28.The boy sits next to _(they)and says nothing.29.He is asking yang ling how _(get)the train station.30.There _ (be)any juice on the table.31.My aunt _(not)like _(eat) _(mango).32.The kite _ (fly)high in the sky now.33.Grandma,

5、what are you _(寻找)?34.This is Helen _(speak).whos that?二、 汉译英1. 你的父母正在干什么?他们正在厨房里做饭。_ _ your parents _?_ _ breakfast in the kitchen.2. 我的奶奶正在花园里忙碌着。My grandma is _ in the _.3. The little girl is cold and she wants _ (一些保暖的衣服)4. 鲍比为什么不能吃这么多?_ _ Bobby eat so much?5. 这张床太硬了。This bed is _ _.6. 这个新生的爱好是阅

6、读。This new _ _ is reading.7. 他可以骑着自行车到那儿He can _ _ _bike.8. 我叔叔在一艘大轮船山工作My uncle _ _a big _.9. 你为什么不去上学呢? 以为我生病了_ _you go to school? _ _ _.10.沿着这条街一直走,然后右转 ,你能看见书店在你的左边。Go _ this street ,then_ can see the bookshop is_your _.11.他想要买一些蔬菜,西红柿是他的最爱。He wants to buy some _ _ _are _favourite.三、 按要求改句

7、子1 Yang Ling can see a kite in the sky. (对划线部分提问)_ _ Yang Ling see in the sky ?2. My mother is trying on some clothes in the shop.(对划线部分提问) _ _ _ mother _ in the shop?3.A fairy helps Cinderrella.(对划线部分提问)_ _ Cinderella?10. We cant eat the mushrooms because they are bad for us. (对划线部分提问)_ _ _ eat the

8、 mushrooms?11. Lisa cant get on the taxi because it is full.(对划线部分提问)_ _Lisa get on the taxi?12. The Dragon Boat Festival is in May or June.(对划线部分提问)_ _ the Dragon Boat Festival.13. I usually go to school by metro (同义句转换)I usually _ _ _to school.14. Dose she walk along this road ?(同义句转换) she _ aiong

9、 this road.15.The meat smells nice (对划线部分提问) _ _ the meat _?16.Ben is looking for his new pen in the playground.(对划线部分提问)_is ben _ _in the playgrounds?四、 选出划线部分读音与其他不一样的一项( ) 1.A . between B.English C. morning( ) 2.A . think B.sleeping C.thin( ) 3.A. dinner C.sing五、 单项选择( )1.Let _ sing this b

10、eautiful song _ our Music lesson. A.We;at;in;at D.We;in( ) 2.Sometimes Lucy and I _ to school _the morning. A.walk;in B.walks;in C.are walking;in walking ;on( ) 3.Mike usually makes some _ and sends them to all his friends. A.sonwman B. cards C emails( ) 4.Do you often _ emails _ your

11、 e-friends? Of course. A. write; to B send; at C make; for( ) 5. Liu Taos rabbits _ long ears and short tails. A has B are C have( ) 6. _ read books in the library. A. Doctor B People C A teacher( ) 7._ Mike and his parents often chat? Sometimes they _.Sometimes they _. A Do;do;dontt B Does;dont C Does;does;doesnt( ) 8.Sam is_ the pests _ the grapes. A catching;to B catching;to C catches;to( )9.Eating too many sweets _ our teeth. A.are good for B.are b

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