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1、吊挂爱护板hanging protective plate堵铁口机taphole stopping machine放灰阀dust discharging valve废气总管waste gas main duct风口大套tuyere-cooler casing风口管blast pipe风口镜tuyere glass风口弯管penstock damper风量blast volume风量操纵器blast volume controller风速blast velocity富矿rich ore, premiun ore高炉鼓风机blast furnace blower高炉骨架frame of furna

2、ce高炉利用系数 utilization coefficient高炉煤气BF gas高炉外壳shell of furnace高品位烧结矿 high grade sintered ore高压炉顶high pressure on top格砖checker brick鼓风机站blower station褐铁矿brown iron ore换热式热风炉 intermittent stove荒煤气crude gas黄铁矿 , 赤铁矿 hematite混风阀mixed air valve打算休风scheduled down-time焦比coke ratio焦炭coke紧急休风emergency blowin

3、g-down静电除尘器electrostatic precipitator卷扬机室hoist room均压阀equalizer valve开铁口机tapper, tapping machine块矿briquettelump ore矿槽bunker矿粉fine ore冷风阀cold blast valvecooled blast valve冷风总管cooled blast main duct冷却水箱cooling water box立式冷却壁cooling stave料车skipskip car料线 ,料面高度 stockline料钟bell料柱stock column硫酸渣purple ore

4、炉衬linings炉底bottom炉顶top炉顶卷扬机top hoist炉顶平台top platform炉顶温度top temperature炉顶压力top pressure炉腹bosh炉缸压力hearth pressure炉喉(护)板stock line armor炉喉throat炉况不顺blast wandering炉前工 , 高炉工人 blast furnace operator炉身stack炉身冷却壁stock cooling plate炉腰waist, straight section螺旋推进式泥炮 spiral type clay gun慢风slow-wind blowing煤气调

5、剂阀gas regulating valve煤气放散阀bleeder valve煤气换向阀gas reversing valve煤气净化gas cleaning (purifying)煤气总管泥炮皮带秤main gas duct mud ( clay ) gun mud, clay belt scale皮带运输机 belt conveyer 撇渣器 skimmer 贫矿 lean, low grade ore砌体 brickworkcylinder type clay gun cut-off damperpellet combustion chamber hot blast valvestag

6、gered parallel blowinguptake duct granulation double bell old horsestock rodstock rod winch concentrate iron ore hot metal ladle hot metal ladle car iron and slag ratio on blastturbo-generatorturbo-blowerexternal combustion type stove外燃室 external combustion chamber文氏管洗涤器venturi scrubber无料钟炉顶bell-les

7、s top下降管downcomer duct小料钟small bell斜桥skip bridge, hoist bridge休风blowing-down休风率downtime percentage蓄热式热风炉 ,考伯式热风炉 cowper stove蓄热室checker chamber旋风除尘器 / * t. r. r *、r,、r it rrcyclone旋转布料器rotary burden distributor烟道阀duct damper移动爱护板movable protective plate有效利用系数 productivity coefficient有效面积effective vo

8、lume鱼雷式铁水罐 torpedo ladle鱼雷式铁水罐车 torpedo ladle car造渣slag-making造渣厂富氧鼓风 oxygen-enriched blast造渣填加剂slag-making addition渣场slag yard渣罐slag pot, slag ladle渣罐车slag pot car渣罐车备用停车线 slag tapping stand-by track渣坑slag pocket, slag pit渣口 , 出渣口slag notch渣口slag notch, cinder notch渣口大套slag notch cooler渣口喷火 blowing

9、 on the monkey渣口水箱 monkey jacket渣口小套 , 小渣口 monkey渣口小套 slag (notch) tuyere渣盘 slag pan 整粒矿石 sized ore重力除尘器 gravity dust collector主沟 main channel柱塞式泥炮 plunger type clay gun铸铁机 pig moulding machine 铸铁块 , 锭 pig ingot装料漏斗 charging hopper自熔性矿石 self-fluxing ore(4)炼钢 Steelmaking奥式体钢 austenitic steel八角钢材 octa

10、gon bar白云石 dolomite板坯连铸机 slab casting machine 半封闭型电炉 semi-closed type EAF 爱护渣 slag powder补炉机 fettling machine不锈钢 stainless steelopen stationary type EAF open rotating type EAF open tilting type EAFm,super low head caster ( SLH )extra low head caster (ELH) for bloo超高功率电炉 UHP electrical furnace车屑chip车

11、铸bogie (buggy,car) casting称量weighing出钢tapping出铁盘tapping pan出渣slagging除渣器deslagger储槽storage bunker吹氧转炉basic oxygen furnace打印机stamping machine大密封罩 ,狗窝 dog house带卷strip coil带型连铸机belt type CCM单炉浇铸batch cast捣固料ramming compound捣糊pound to paste捣炉机stoking machine底吹氧气转炉 bottom bloom oxygen converter底注 , 下注up

12、hill casting, uphill teeming底电极bottom electrode地下料仓underground bunker电极electrode电极压放slip, slipping电极接长系统 electrode jointing system电极把持器electrode holder电极柱electrode mast电极糊electrode paste电极套壳electrode casing电极压放装置 electrode slipping device 电炉 electrical arc-furnace (EAF)电炉钢 electric arc furnace (EAF)

13、 steel顶吹氧气转炉 顶底复合吹转炉top bloom oxygen converter top and bottom combined blownconverter多流连铸机 多炉连铸 二次精炼 矾土 , 氧化铝 方坯连铸机 非铁合金 废钢 废钢跨 废铁 沸腾钢 分类料仓 封闭固定型电炉 封闭回转型电炉 付枪 , 付氧枪 负偏差 富氧鼓风 钢包 , 盛钢桶 钢包加热炉 钢包旋转台 钢锭 钢锭模 钢筋multi-strand CCMcontinuous continuous casting secondary refiningaluminabillet cast machinenon ferro-alloyscrapscrap bay iron scrapunkilled steelclassification binclosed stationary type EAF closed

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