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1、一直,始终 allthetime=always2.在A和B之间 between A and B。3. 去某地度暑假/寒假goto Sp. forsummer/winterholidays;4.forsightseeing/fun为了旅游/娱乐5.gosightseeing去旅游6.Whynot+动词原形?为什么不 .=Whydontyou=What/Howabout动名词?7. 最高温度 thehighesttemperature;最低温度 thelowesttemperature8,天气预报 weather report;. 句型U1L2- Seasons 季节?talk about 谈论

2、某事 talk with 和某人交谈 at the English corner 在英语角most of the time / students 大部分时间 / 同学 enjoy doing sth. 喜欢做某事 in summer 在夏季 favourite season 最喜欢的季节;make sandcastles 堆沙子城堡;blow away 吹走; fallen leaves 落叶;去郊游 go for an outing;堆雪人 make snowmen ;滑雪 go skiing;滑滑板 riding skateboards ; 除此之外 Besides;花儿正开放 Flowe

3、rs are blooming;户外活动 Outdoor activities;去春游 go for a spring outing;去海边, Go to the beach;在海里游泳 swim in the sea ;一个很长的圣诞假期 a long Christmas holiday;游泳很棒 be good at swimming;游泳衣(女) swimsuit; 游泳裤 swimming shorts;羽绒衫 down jacket; 商店橱窗 shop window;室内 in door ; 室外 out door;一件外套 an overcoat;一条裤子 a pair of t

4、rousers ;一条短裙 a skirt;一条短裤 a pair of shorts;一件羊毛衫(罩衫)a sweater;一条围巾a scarf ;一双手套 a pair of gloves;一双脱靴 a pair of sandals;一月 January ;二月 February;三月 March ;四月 April;五月 May ;六月 June;七月 July;八月 August;九月 September ;十月 October;十一月 November ; 十二月 December;星期一 Monday ;星期二 Tuesday;星期三 Wednesday;星期四 Thursda

5、y;星期五 Friday;星期六 Saturday;星期日 Sunday;U1L3 A Knowledge Quiz 一个知识测试1. ineast/west/south/north在东方2. travelto到去旅游3. usetodosth.用做某事needto需要做某事4. inspace在太空;instations在空间站;5. atsame同时atthat在那时;6. inthisway 这样(用这种方法);7. 8. sothat如此以致;tooto太而不能(not)enoughto(不)足够(不)能9. beable能(可用于各种时态)can(只用于现在和过去)10. movea

6、round绕行;围绕转11. haveagoodknowledgeof 熟悉;12. welldone干得好;做得出色13. allyearround一年到头,终年;14. doanexperiment做实验15. maketrip 去旅行16. in21stcentury在二十一世纪17. atfirst首先 18. turninto变成19. 20. foroneself亲自21, star 恒星; planet 行星; satellite 卫星;22,the earth surface 地球表面;23,correct 正确; right 对的; exactly 完全正确;24,quiz

7、= test 小测验;25,东边升起 rise in the east ;西边降落 set in the west;26,fifty years ago 五十年前;27,for a long time 很长一段时间;28,a bigger place 更大的地方;29,try to do sth 尝试做某事;30,build a base on the moon 在月球上建一个基地31,have its own oxygen and water supply有自己的氧气和水的供应32,neednt wear spacesuit 不需要穿太空服;33,make longer trips to o

8、ther planets from the base 从基地旅行去更远的行星34,计划在月球上建造城市plan to build cities on the moon;35,从地球去月球旅行travel to the moon from the earth;36,not have to 不必 = no need;37,water turns into ice at 038,热水冷却比冷水快warm water freezes more quickly than cold water;39,热水变成水蒸气warm water change to vapour;有关数字的表示十 ten;百 hun

9、dred ;千 thousand ;十万 million ;十亿 billion ;thousands 成千上万的;具体几千不加s: two thousand 两千;40,二分之一 a(one)half三分之一a(one)third或one-third;41,超过五分之三 more than three-fifths;42,等于五分之三 equals three-fifths;43,四分之一 a(one)quarter或one-fourth44,四分之三 threequarters或three-fourths45,五分之二加五分之一等于多少?How much is two-fifths plu

10、s one-fifth?46,北极(洲)Arctic;南极(洲)Antarctica;亚马逊河 The Amazon;47,太阳和月亮,哪个离地球最近?Which is nearer to our Earth,the sun or the moon?48,49,Unit Two Health and DietUnit 2-Lesson One Seeing the Doctorhave/get a fever 发热; a flu 得了流感;a cold 感冒;a headache 头痛;a stomachache 胃痛;a cough 咳嗽;a toothache 牙齿痛;sore throa

11、t 喉咙痛;给某人量体温 take ones temperature;张开嘴巴 open your mouth;服药,吃药take medicine;起床get up; 醒来wake up ;生病be ill / sick = get sick = fall ill;Whats the matter? 怎么啦?很抱歉听到这些 Im sorry to hear that.最好(不)做某事 had better (not) do sth. 一天三次 three times a day;喝大量的水 drink plenty of water;好好休息一下 take / have a good res

12、t;得到足够的睡眠 get enough sleep;吃两片药 take two tablets;三天一次 three times a day;饭后 after meals;吃清淡的饭菜 eat light meals;不要吃太多的甜食 not eat too much sweet food;参加旅行团去北京 take a package tour to Beijing;登记入住 check in; 登记退房 check out;旅行团 tour group; 导游 tour guide;四星级酒店 a four-star hotel;仔细的检查喉咙 examine your throat carefully;很严重么? Anything serious?担心 be worried about;建议某人做某事 advise sb. to do sth.;待在床上 stay in bed ; 待在家里 stay at home;去医院看病 go to hospital ;去医院上班go to the hospital;在医院 at the hospital;给某人忠告 give advice to sb.;遵照某人的嘱咐 take ones advice;整天/整夜 all day/night long;感到好多了 feel better; 感到更糟

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