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1、1.The airs we breathe in is getting dirtier and dirtier.2.I have visited the Great Wall for several time.考点:可数名词与不可数名词的误用常考的不可数名词:advice,news,progress,weather,homework,air,fun(快乐),furniture(家具),information,work,harm(伤害),traffic(交通),trouble(麻烦),joy(令人高兴的事),danger(危险),baggage(luggage),equipment(仪器),lu

2、ck(运气),knowledge(知识),scenery(风景,景色)3.There are branch library in many villages.可数名词单复数的错用。如何判断为名词的单数还是复数;(1) 看谓语动词单复数(2)看名词前的限定词: a/an(可数名词单数),some, many, various, lots of/a lot of, several及数量词(可数名词复数)(3)根据句意、句型及常识。4.To my delighted, I pass the exam.词性的转换。用n的情况:(1) n and n , (2) (a/an/the)+adj.+n ,

3、(3) 介词+n , (4) a/an/the + n, (5) 形容词性物主代词+n (6) 序数词+n 5.Good health is a person most valuable possession.名词的格的误用。(1)根据句意, (2) 注意形式:s(单数) s(复数)相关练习题:1.Everyyearmanytouristcomeheretoenjoyitsbeautifulsceneryandrichculture.2.Through the program, we learned to use knowledge gained in class to solve probl

4、em. 3.Nowadayswithmodernlifegoingrapidly,peoplesufferfromdifferentkindof diseases,bothmentally physically.4.IdlikegiveyousomeadvicesonhowlearnChinesewell.5.Ona rainydayIwaswalkinghomeonemyfriend,atruckcamestopbesideus.6.Polite words are one of the example.7.Ofcourse, itsstrongly prohibitedto buy or

5、sellanything madeantelopes fur.8.She told me that I didnt need to worry about making mistakes because I could find out my shortcomings through my mistake.9.Of all the book I have read, Chicken soup for the soul is my favorite. 10.Everyone praised Ah Bao for his brave and kindness.考点二:动词1.When I was

6、a child, I i hoped to live in the city. I think I would be happy there.2.After looks at the toy for some time, he turned around and left.通过以上,我们发现动词的考查有两种方式:谓语动词和非谓语动词。(一)谓语动词的考查1.As I tell you last time, I made three new friends here.2.Many overpasses have set up, so it has become very convenient f

7、or people to travel.3.My dream school look like a big garden.谓语动词会考查时态、语态、主谓一致三个方面。时态:一般现在时 do/does (sometimes, often usually,.) 一般过去式 did (yesterday/ last year. / .ago) 一般将来时 will do/ am,is are going to do / am,is are about to do (tomorrow,/ next year.) 现在进行时 am/is/are doing 过去进行时 was / were doing

8、现在完成时 has/have done (lately/recently/so far/ up to now/ until now/in the few years/ since) 过去完成时 had done 过去将来时 would do判断句子的时态:(1)根据时间状语来决定, (2)上下文的时态, (3)从句中时态体一致, (4)根据句意语态:主动语态与被动语态的误用(删除be或添加be或改变时态)被动语态: 一般现在时 am / is /are done 一般过去时 was /were done 一般将来时 will be done 现在进行时 am/ is /are being do

9、ne 过去进行时 was / were being done 现在完成时 has / have been done 过去完成时 had been done 主谓一致:找准主语和谓语动词,判断两者人称和数是否一致。 (1)主谓不一致 就近原则:there be , or , not only .but also , neither .nor .就远原则:with , along with, as well as ,rather than 定语从句中的主谓一致: 与先行词保持一致many a+ n , more than +n ,each ,every 谓语用单数a number of / the

10、 number of ( 2 ) 第三人称单数形式的错用: 看主语是否为第三人称单数;是否为doing 或 to do 作主语: 是否为从句作主语(3)缺少动词 ,特别是be动词,注意there be 句型相关练习:1.My dream school starts at 8:00 am and ends at 3:00 pm. They are three lessons in the morning and two in the afternoon. Wedidntneeddosomuchhomework.Therefore,wehavemoretimeafter-school activi

11、ties.2.Lotsstudiesbeenshownthatglobalwarminghasalreadybecomeveryseriousproblem. 3.Wemustfoundwaysprotectourenvironment.4.Tonyscaredbeguncry.5.Awomansawhimcryingtellingwaitoutsidetheshop.6.Inmornings,itfullstudentsexercising.Theviewbackclassroomisalsosplendid.Closeschoolthereparktreesaroundit.7.Mymummakesbestbiscuitsinworld,decideaskherforhelp.Mumtaughtmebasicstepsofbaking.insisteddoingmostbakingmyself.8.Then, it also help to watch TV and read books.9.Ifareme, wouldtalkhim?10.Since

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