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1、 A B C4.What is the boys new years resolution? A B C 5.What is the boy going to do? A B C二、听句子,选择最佳答语。每个句子读两遍(每小题1分,共5分)6. A. Just so so. B. Not very good. C. Thank you.7. A. Its Monday the tenth. B. No,you cant. C. Youre welcome.8. A. Because they are old. B. Because they have more experience than

2、us.C. Because theyre teachers.9. A. Yes, I will. B. Laura. C. No,I wont.10. A. Theyll have a great time. B. If you do, youll be sorry. C. If you do,youll be late.三、听对话,选择最佳选项。11.A.Jack.B. Nick.C. Mike.12. A. About twenty minutes. B. About twenty-five minutes. C. About fifteen minutes.13. A. A basket

3、ball player. B. A famous runner. C. A soccer player.14. A. In a restaurant. B. At school. C. In a shop.15. A. They are going to make fruit salad. B. They are going to make a milk shake.C. They are going to make a sandwich.四、听短文,根据所听内容完成表格。短文读两遍 (每小题1分,共5分)NameWhat are they going to do?How are they g

4、oing to do that?Tinaget good grades16and do her homeworkTommake a 17go to a summer camp and 18 every dayIsabelimprove her Englishjoin an19Lindakeep healthyget lots of20五、单项填空(每小题1分,共15分)21.Yesterday afternoon,we to the go22.His son enjoys TV at C.watc

5、hingD.watched23.The poor lady had to go out for fooda cold winter C.onD.during24.Could you give uson how to learn grammar well?A.some adviceB.any advice adviceD.some advices25.Lucy read story book at the age of four.Now she is able to B.was able to C.shouldD.would

6、26.When you finish the book? Its hard to say.Im busy these days.A.did,reading,read C.will,readingD.will,read 27.beautiful day it is!Lets go and have a picnic in the park.Good idea!A.HowB.How a C.WhatD.What a28.Please the lights when you leave the classroom.A.turn offB.turn on C.turned offD.turn

7、ed on29.His brother went to school having breakfast.So he was hungry.A.byB.with C.inD.without30.There will be jobs for people because some robots will do the same jobs as people.A.manyB.fewer C.moreD.fewest31.In summer,food goes bad easily it is put in the refrigerator(冰箱).A.until B.if C.unlessD.so3

8、2.Please remember your notebook here tomorrow.A.bringsB.brought bring33.I dont know if Mike back tomorrow,if he back,please call me.A. will come,will come B. comes,will come C. will come,comes D. come,comes34.There a basketball match between Class One and Class Three this afternoon.A.

9、is going to be B. will have C. are going to be going to have35.He got up late catch the bus.A. so,that B. too,to C. enough,to D. very,to六、完形填空(每小题1分,共10分) May,Joe and Roy are talking about36they want to do when they grow37.May says,“I want 38 a writer.Im going to write a lot of books.”“Im going

10、 to be a famous 39,” says Joe.“Im going to play basketball in summer40football in autumn.”“Oh,yes,” says May.“I also want to become a famous tennis star.”“That41 good.42I think I am going to be a doctor and a carpenter(木匠).Im going to 43a cabin (木屋) myself,and I can live in it in winter,” says Roy.“

11、I am going to live in a lighthouse (灯塔) by the sea,” says Joe.“Then I can go44 every day.”“I want to own a castle (城堡),” May says in the end.“Tennis stars always 45a lot of money.” be39.A.runnerB.reporterC.playerD.doctor40.A.butB.for

12、C.orD.and41.A.sounds B.sounds like going to sound going to sound like42.A.SoB.AndC.ButD.Because43.A.buildB.buyC.takeD.paint44.A.skatingB.readingC.shoppingD.fishing45.A.spendB.buyC.makeD.pay七、阅读理解(每小题2分,共30分)AJim and Mike are talking about the year 2030.Jim asks,“What will our world be like

13、 in the year 2030?” “I dont know,” says Mike.“What do you think?” “Well,no one knows,but its interesting to guess.” “In the year 2030 everyone will carry a pocket computer(便携式电脑).The computer will give people the answers to all their problems.” “A lot of people will live and work under the sea.Perhaps there will be big towns,factories and farms under the sea,too.” “Robots will do most of the work,so people will have more holidays,per

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