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A Chapter12 单元测试题doc文档格式.docx

1、5. Her grandpa _ August 10, 1950_Shenyang. A. is born in , on B. was born in ,on C, was born on ,in D. was born in ,in6. He _ some photos of his family in his letter just now.A. puts B. enclosed C. encloses D. inside 7. It took _European about _hour to get to the hotel from the airport. A. the, an B

2、. a, a C. an, a D. an, an8. We can see many students _ on the playground.A. to play badminton B. playing the badminton C. to play the badminton D. playing badminton9. How tall is your brother?He is only three feet _.A. tall B. high C. long D. height10. They are keen _ machines.A .in, make B. in maki

3、ng C. on make D. on making11. I hope _come back soon .A. you to B. you are going C. to D. you will to12. I often play _ with my friends.A. piano B. the rugby C. football D. violin13. My father works _ a worker in a factory.A. for B. as C. of D. like4. -_do you read English books? -Twice a day. A. Ho

4、w many B. How much C. How long D. How often 5. Lily usually starts the day_ _breakfast. A. with B. from C. at D. of 三、补全对话练习MOTHER: _? MAY: Its from my new friend. _? MAY : His name is Li Ping. _? He lives in Beijing. 14 years old. _? Oh, he has no brothers or sisters. His hobbies are playing footba

5、ll and camping. _? He walks to school.A. Whats his name?B. How many brothers or sisters does he have?C. How does he go to school?D. What are his hobbies?E. How old is he?F. Who is the letter from?G. Where does he live?H. How are his parents?三、用词的适当形式填空:1. Ann_ (go) to the police station this morning

6、. 2. Look! The students_ (swim) in the river. 3. Li Lei often _ (help) me with my Chinese. 4. Where _ (be) you last night?5. What about _ (play) football now?1. His _ (arrive) made everyone happy.2. Whats her _ (high)?3. We were all _ (great) surprised.4. I _ (be) to my hometown twice.5. My ambition

7、 is _ (travel) around the world.6. Her hobby is _ (cook) family dishes.7. Its too hard. Can you make it a little _ (easy)?8. Never ask about a ladys _ (weigh).9. He made a long _(speak) at the meeting.10. .His birth brought great_(happy) to the family.D)按要求改写句子。(每空一词)(20分)4. What is his favourite su

8、bject? What subject _ he _ _?31.My sister usually does her homework at 7 oclock.(改为否定句) My sister _ _ her homework at 7 oclock.32.We go to the cenima on every Mondays and every Saturdays. (对划线部分提问) _ _ you _ to the cenima ?33.They are actress.(改为单数) _ is _ actress.34.They have got one big house.(对划线

9、部分提问) _ _ big _ have they got?37.Which is your favourite sport?( 改为同义句) Which sport _ you _ _?38.Lucy is 13 years old.Betty is 13 years old,too. (改为同义句) Lucy is _ _ _Betty.3. My sisters hair is long and brown. (改为同义句) My sister _ _ _ hair.4. The boy is my young brother. He is wearing a pair of train

10、ers. (合为一个定语从句)The boy _ _ wearing a pair of trainers is my young brother.VII. 翻译下列句子,每空一词(每小题2分,共10分)1. 这座桥大约150米长。 The bridge is about _ _ _.2. 她们的业余爱好是曲棍球。 Her hobbies _ _ _.3. 汤姆说你可能爱好橄榄球运动。Tom was saying you might _ _ _ rugby. 4. 他的理想是在英国当一名工程师。 His ambition _ _ _ _ engineer in England.5. 我希望你不

11、久随信附一张你的全家福照片。 I hope you _ _ a photo of your family _ your letter. 二、完形填空(共10小题每小题l分;满分l0分)It took Mike a few months to save seven dollarsHe wanted to 40 a model plane,so he went to the shop with the moneyOn the way to the 41 ,Mike saw a little boy crying on the street” 42 are you crying?” Mike asked “Three big boys 43 my four dollars just now,”the boy said”I was on 44 way to buy some exercise books,but now I cant”Mike thought of the 45 dollars in his pocket(口袋)He thought of t

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