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1、 n. 地址 make out the address 认出地址 n. 演讲 deliver an address to . 向.发表演讲 v. 向.讲话5. admit v. 承认 admit sth. / doing sth. / that . v. 允许进入,录取 be admitted to v. 可容纳 The hall admits only hundreds of people.6. adopt vt. 采纳 adopt an idea vt. 收养 adopt a child7. affect vt. 影响,感动 vt. (疾病)侵袭,感染 be affected with h

2、igh fever 发高烧8. against prep. 反对 be against prep. 倚靠 against the wall prep. 以.为背景 The hill looks grey against the blue sky.9. age n. 年龄 be of the same age 同龄 n. 年代,时代 information age 信息时代 n. 很长时间 (常pl.) for ages 多年 v. 变老 We grow up quickly, and our parents age quickly.10. agree v. 同意I couldnt agree

3、more. 我完全同意。(口语交际常考) v. (气候、饮食等)适合 Seafood doesnt agree with me. 我吃不了海鲜。 v. 一致、相符 What he does doesnt agree with what he says. 11. aim n. 目的 Whats your aim? v. 瞄准 aim . at .12. appear vi. 出现 = turn up link v. 显得,好像 It appears that .13. appearance n. 出现 n. 外表 Never judge a man by his appearance. 不要以貌

4、取人。14. appetite n. 胃口 have a good appetite n. 欲望 appetite for 对.的渴望15. application n. 申请 application for 对.的申请 n. 申请书 application form 申请表 n. 应用 application software 应用软件 app store 16. apply v. 申请 apply for a job 求职 v. 适用于 apply to v. 涂抹、敷药17. appreciate v. 感激 appreciate doing I would appreciate it

5、if you . v. 欣赏 appreciate the music / novel v. 意识到 appreciate the danger18. approach v. 临近 Mothers Day is approaching. n. 方法 an approach to .19. area n. 面积 a total area of . 总面积为. n. 区域 parking area 停车区 n. 领域 in the area of . 在.领域20. arm n. 手臂 arm in arm 臂挽臂地with open arms 张开双臂欢迎 n. 武器(pl.) lay down

6、 arms 缴械投降 v. 用武器装备 be armed to the teeth 全副武装21. around prep. 在.周围 around the world 全世界 prep. 大约 I will visit you around 9 oclock. prep. 绕过 around the corner adv. 四处地 go around22. article n. 文章 an article on economy v. 东西,商品 duty-free articles 免税商品 n. 冠词 the Definite Article 定冠词23. ask v. 问,请求 ask

7、the way 问路 ask sb. for advice 征求意见if you ask me, . (口语)依我看.ask for leave 请假 v. 让 ask sb. to do sth. v. 招惹 ask for trouble 自讨苦吃24. attack v. 攻击 attack the opponent 攻击对手 n. 攻击 air attack 空袭 under attack 受到攻击 n. (疾病)发作 heart attack 心脏病发作25. attend v. 出席,参加 attend the class / party v. 照料,看护 attend on /

8、to sb. v. 招待,接待 Are you being attended to?(口语)有人招呼您么? v. 注意,倾听 Attend to me carefully.26. bachelor n. 单身汉 bachelor party 单身舞会 n. 学士 bachelor degree 学士学位27. balance n. 平衡 keep / lose ones balance保持/失去平衡out of balance 失去平衡ecological balance 生态平衡 n. 天平,秤 spring balance 弹簧秤 n. 余额 account balance 账户余额 v.

9、 使平衡 balance oneself28. ball n. 球 ball game 球赛beef ball 牛肉丸hit the ball 成功,做得好 n. 舞会 masked ball = masquerade假面舞会,化妆舞会29. band n. 乐队 rock band 摇滚乐队 n. 带,带状物 elastic band 松紧带 n. 波段 wave band30. bank n. 银行 blood bank 血库bank account 银行账户 n. 河岸 along the bank of river 沿着河岸31. bar n. 酒吧 internet bar 网吧 s

10、nack bar 快餐店 n. 条 chocolate bar 巧克力棒 bar code 条形码 n. 吧台32. bear n. 熊 Teddy bear v. 承受,忍受 =put up with = stand = tolerateI cant bear that. 我受不了了。 v. 产生,生产 bear fruit 结出果实,奏效 v. 承担 bear the cost of. 承担费用bear the responsibility 承担责任33. bill n. 账单 pay the bill n. 钞票 5 dollar bills n. 议案 pass a bill 34.

11、blow v. 刮风,吹 blow away 刮走 v. 爆炸 blow up 爆炸 n. 打击 a heavy blow 沉重的打击35. board cn. 板 chess board 棋盘 notice board 布告板 un. 伙食 board and lodging 食宿 cn. 甲板 on board 上船 n. 董事会 school board 校董事会36. book n. 书本 hand book 手册 guide book 旅行指南 v. 预订 book a ticket 订票37. bow n. 蝴蝶结 tie a bow n. 弓 n. 鞠躬 make a bow v

12、. 鞠躬 bow to sb.38. branch n. 树枝 cut down branches n. 支流 a branch of n. 部门 branch office 分公司39. build v. 建造 build a railway v. 建立 build (up) confidence 树立信心 v. 培养 build interest and enthusiasm for reading 培养阅读兴趣和热情 40. burn v. 燃烧 burn up 烧起来 burn down 焚毁 be burnt to ashes 烧成灰烬 v. 晒黑 v. 点着41. business n. 商业,生意 on business 出差 business permit 营业许可证business card 名片 n. 事物,职责 none of your business 与你无关42. capital n. 首都,省会 capital of China n. 大

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