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1、9 A OrtAtulatiocu10. A. Watch out!B. Il docMi * I iMtlcr.B. It* s June. 18*.B. No wiy JB. Sounds 护沁B. Never mind.C. Co ahc.dC. h*s9:05 C.That*i ri|l.C. 1 * m oorryr lo hear that.C. Enjoy your trip!外三P:听财话及问思i4择他回答序提何砂的Mttff案.II What docs the boy want to buy?A. A book on hiMory B. An 忙唧血 dtrtionan*.1

2、2.Whaiw docs the coevervatacn probably tak pliu、,?A. At home. B. At school13.How long has the aian wailed for lhe bus?A. For 10 minulcs B. For 20 minutesC A took on Eyliih writing.C At an airportC. For 30 miculea.(定育)英谄试左页(共8頁)14.When ts Earth l)y?A On April. 22 B. Oh Manh. 22-. C. On April. 215 Why

3、 dnln t the boy Heep well last night?A Because he got a headache.B Bccaufc it*a loo noisy outtide.C. Because he 曲cd up late doir his homework.第pm:听长对话内有述出能何祥下列何題的JRftl?案.每段対话读两迫.听第一段对话何答第16和那17小孔16.Who are the two ipeaken?A A tear her arid a Bludcnl B.Tuo fnefuis who have kfxmn far many yean.C Tuo t

4、fudems who mcl for lhe (ini umr.17.Wliere it Jenny from?A.America.听粥US对话冋存6 18定第20小題。IS. hat kind of competitxwi is Tony entering?C A sin(png cocnprlition.C. Some money.A A writing roniprtition. B A uprakmg competition.19.WImI * the fint prire of the competition?A A dream holiday. B A book on travel

5、ling20.WWh of lhe following b THUE Nan IJndi?A Lirxh has won nuiny pnxes in tpeaking coapHibons.B.Ijnda is p)od at tin1 makes profile young C i心代A.One hundml rr the June as an hour of running.B People wry o(ty (*vurAqc 9Height 27 nwortHair 29 t*KMCbtm q Go to ro SoviB 分U.ifi法与債11対话(典20小題;r und five

6、six18. After two yr, physical lmining9 he 财and bodlhier.A. wenkcr B. lonprrC. strongerD thoncr19. Our city ii cleaner than it be.A. is used lo B uammI toC. USCO toD i ucd20 Yu look tmafl today! A. No good.B/Dut-sOICC. What a shame!D. Thank you.(A)萸i*试总第4页(共B页)H 宪形填空(共10小題:毎小Ifi 1分満分10分) 阅渎下面炬文从履文fu&ttffittt的四个迭珂中透出能填入空白处的!* One place that is very important in my life is my grarxliBulhcr * s bouse. She in a mall viila in the south of the countn*. I 歹)there every

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