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1、(作表语)I found myself in hospital when I came to myself.我醒来时发现自己躺在医院里。(作宾补)二、介词的位置1、介词通常位于名词或代词前 The sunlight came in through the windows in the roof and lit up the whole room.阳光从天窗穿射入,照亮了整个房间。 This work is beyond my grasp.这件工作非我力所能及。 Shall we rest in the shade beneath these trees? 我们在树下阴凉处休息一下好吗?2、在某

2、些结构中介词可以放在句尾(1)在特殊疑问句中 在特殊疑问句中,介词可以放在句尾,和宾语分开,但依然存在着介宾关系。 Who (m) were you speaking to just now? 你刚才在和谁说话? Which desk did you put the book on? 你把书放在那个桌子上了? Who is she talking with? 她在和谁说话? 注意:介词也可放在句首疑问词之前连同疑问词一起引起疑问句。With whom did you go to the cinema? 你和谁一起去看电影的?Since when have you lived here? 从什么

3、时候你住在这里?(2)在定语从句中 在定语从句中,位于关系代词之前的介词,可以放在句尾,这种情况下关系代词可以省略;也可以放在关系代词前引导定语从句,介词不可放在that之前。The room I live in is quite damp.我住的房子很潮湿。(关系代词which/that省略)= The room in which I live is quite damp. (但不能用in that)He is the man whom you can turn to for help.He is the man to whom you can turn for help.他是你可以求助的人

4、。(3)某些wh-词引导的名词性从句中,关系代词为介词宾语位于句首时,介词后置 Money is what he is badly in need of at present.目前,钱是他最需要的。 I dont know what he looks like.我不知道他长什么样?(4)动词不定式作状语,需要介词同句中的主语构成动宾关系时,介词后置 The room is comfortable to live in.这间房子住起来和舒服。 The lake is safe to swim in.在这个湖里游泳很安全。 The man is hard to deal with.这个人很难对付。

5、(5)动词不定式作定语,需要介词同不定式所修饰的名词构成动宾关系时,介词后置 Its a nice restaurant to eat at.在这家饭馆吃饭真好。 In those days he even had no money to buy food with.那时,他甚至连买饭的钱都没有。3、在某些“(不及物)动词+介词”结构中介词紧跟动词后面 The thief broke into the room.小偷闯入了哪个房间。 He had to look after his sister.他要照看他妹妹。三、介词短语在句中的作用1、介词的宾语(prepositional phrase)

6、 介词后面的名词或相当于名词的词语叫做介词宾语,介词宾语不仅是名词和代词,还可以是其他词类或句子(1)名词 The word write has the same pronunciation as the word right. “write”这个单词与“right”这个词发音一样。 I have lived in Beijing since 1996.自1996年以来我就居住在北京。 The mayor intended to get to the bottom of the matter.市长打算将此事寻根究底。(2)代词Give the book to him. 把这本书给他。Where

7、ver he went, he carried the camera with him.不论他到哪里,他都带着相机。(3)形容词In short, I have done my best. 简而言之,我已经尽力了。His pronunciation is far from perfect.他的发音远不是完美的。(4)副词Its far away from here.离这很远。Since then, he has developed another bad habit.自那以后,它养成了另一种坏习惯。(5)动词的-ing形式 Im looking forward to seeing you th

8、is summer vacation.我盼望今年暑假见到你。I insist on your being there. 我坚持要你在那里。(6)不定式 He had no other choice but to sleep. 除了睡觉他没有别的选择。ve done everything you wanted except make the bed.你要我干的是我全干了,只是没铺床。(7)介词短语 He lived from across the street.他从街对过住。 She pull him out from under the table.她从桌下把他拖出来。 He read til

9、l into the night.他一直读到深夜。(8)数词In nine out of ten he wont come.十之八九他不来。 The students are walking in the garden in twos or threes.学生三三两两的在公园里散步。 It flies at about 900 kilometers a hour.它以每小时900公里的速度飞行。 He left on Monday and returned after three days.他星期一走的,三天后回来的。(9)疑问词+不定式That depends on which method

10、 to take.这取决于采用那种方法。I have informed her of when to start.出发的时间,我已通知他了。(10)wh-词引导的从句I know nothing about it except what I have read in the papers.除了在报上读到的以外,我对这件事一无所知。I have no interest in what he said.我对他的话不感兴趣。 He has done everything except what I asked him to do.他什么都做了,就是没做我让他做的。That depends on wh

11、ether he has his persistence.那要取决于他是否能坚持到底。(11)that引导的从句that引导的从句,除了in that, except that, save that, but that, notwithstanding that外,作其他介词宾语时,必须在介词和that之间架上先行词一般式it。His report is correct except that some details are omitted.除了有些细节未提到之外,他的报导是正确的。Man differs from other animals in that man can think an

12、d speak.任何其他动物的区别在于人能思维能讲话。比较:We may depend on that they will do as they have promised. (误)We may depend on it that they will do as they have promised.(正)我们可以相信他们按他们所许诺的那样去做。2、介词短语的功能(1)作主语From my home to the school is two hours walk.从我家到学校要走两个小时。On purpose or not on purpose is of great difference.故

13、意的和无意的迥然不同。(2)作表语Mr. Smith is from America.史密斯先生是美国人。The stamp is of great value.这枚邮票很珍贵。He looks like his father.他像他爸爸。(3)作宾语Ill give you until tomorrow.我给你限期到明天。A pretty girl appeared from behind the curtain.从帘子后面走出一位美女。She pulled him out from under the bed.她把他从床底下拉出来。(4)定语A friend in need is a fr

14、iend indeed.患难见真知。The man with glasses on there is Mr. John.那边戴眼镜的男人是约翰。(5)状语Because of the warm and sunny weather oranges grow very well here.由于天气暖和,日光充足,这里的桔子生长良好。She sat in the shade under a tree. 她坐在树阴下。(6)补语We regard him as our friend.我们把他看作朋友。They found themselves in a dark wood.他们不觉走入一座黑暗的树林。四、介词的分类1、从构成上分(1)单介词(simple preposition)in, at, from, on, since等,单一介词。(2)复合介词(compound preposition)as for至于, as to关于,至于onto到上面去,w

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